[11:08:29] ugochimobi: hi, is there any chance you could help us with testing extensions for 1.39? :) [11:16:24] Hi Reception123: yeah, I was going to test Wikibase few days ago but it seems there is an issue with 1.39 and wikibase which CosmicAlpha promised to fix [11:27:26] ugochimobi: thanks! well other than Wikibase there's *a lot* more extensions to be tested [11:27:26] https://phabricator.miraheze.org/T9745 [11:27:27] [url] ⚓ T9745 Test all extensions for 1.39 | phabricator.miraheze.org [11:27:40] feel free to test any of them. I can also give you sysop access on beta [11:35:15] Reception123: alright, I will check other extensions out asap [11:38:55] ugochimobi: thanks! Let me know if you need any help or permissions with anything but it would be a great help to us if you would! [11:43:42] Reception123: we have a lot of extensions though, lol [11:53:20] ugochimobi: Yep thats why we need your help as there's too many for just SRE to do [11:53:59] Reception123: no problems [11:54:12] So far myself, Universal Omega and MacFan have done quite a few [11:58:45] Reception123: you aware that https://beta.betaheze.org/wiki/Help_center throws Internal error? [11:58:46] [url] Permission error - Betaheze | beta.betaheze.org [12:01:39] ugochimobi: I don't see one [12:01:48] maybe because I'm logged out [12:02:05] yeah, it shows error for me [12:02:09] oh I see, that's interesting [12:02:11] let me look [12:03:32] ugochimobi: it's templatestyles [12:03:45] https://www.irccloud.com/pastebin/RvyOTCd5/ [12:03:52] cc @CosmicAlpha [12:04:05] I'll note that on the task, thanks for spotting that ugochimobi [12:04:45] Reception123: thanks for "troubleshooting" :) [17:18:42] ugochimobi: https://github.com/octfx/mediawiki-extensions-TemplateStylesExtender/pull/9 [17:18:43] [url] Fix support for MediaWiki 1.39+ / css-sanitizer 4.0.0+ by Universal-Omega · Pull Request #9 · octfx/mediawiki-extensions-TemplateStylesExtender · GitHub | github.com [17:25:04] CosmicAlpha: ah, nice