[15:11:59] sooo the last time i tried installing arch linux did not end well [15:12:06] so im prolly gonna go to ubuntu [17:35:32] good work [17:42:23] Is Mint still maintained? I haven't dabbled in a while [17:43:34] according to https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Linux_Mint seems like it is [17:43:58] Nice. It was a great media center solution [17:44:47] ive never used it tbh [17:44:56] i either used debian or ubuntu [19:57:37] Their forums seem active. [19:57:44] I haven't used Mint in ages [19:59:22] Probably 10 years ago, aside from one test install on a surface pro a while back when another distro's wifi wouldn't work out of the box. [20:01:34] I ran it on one of those little crappy half sized netbooks for a couple of years as a cheap note taker I could leave in my locker at uni [20:02:57] The main thing I noticed back then was the automatic installation of codecs during the mint install, which was nice option back then when they were a big pain in the rear [20:03:27] Was a nice easy feature for personal use [20:05:33] windows 8.1 is pretty good on a surface pro [20:05:36] otherwise it sucks [20:05:43] Hahahahah [20:06:07] I'm trying to remember the 8.1 interface. [20:06:13] I feel like I liked the tiles better [20:06:54] I won't be buying another SP, to be fair, I had some physical constraints and needed something light and compact but with good power. [20:07:09] To haul back and forth all the time. [20:40:23] 8.1 was just no [20:51:38] Mint is well maintained and continues to see releases [20:51:58] I advise it over debian or ubuntu individually for a well-crafted experience especially to those not savvy enough to 'build it themselves' [20:52:11] you need a certain mindset and a degree of experience to make arch viable as a daily driver [20:55:33] Most distros have gotten a LOT more user friendly from the old days of having to do everything command line like 15-20 years ago, at least for personal use. [20:56:06] That was the biggest hurdle for me in my early days [20:57:17] My use is almost exclusively personal/home use, a little bit of site maintenance, and Arduino and R-pi these days. [20:57:22] there are several which are curated to be as friendly as possible [20:57:37] Yeah, Ubuntu and Mint were good for this. [20:57:47] Fedora was my first window into things. [20:57:53] as far as making an ecosystem to truly match what windows offers, I believe it has room to go as linux's great strength is also its weakness; compartmentalized and unlinked things which make for a reduced overall feel [21:03:19] FC 19, Schrodinger's cat was my first foray into pain lol [21:09:43] At least for FC [21:11:16] Oh, no, am, totally wrong about that, was my second go at that one.