[16:37:59] [1/2] I'm 100% interested in forming part of this new team. [16:37:59] [2/2] I already run a platform similar to Discord & have both the tech experience and an amount of funding to run this. I know people who'd be interested in helping out as well. [16:41:40] It'd honestly be just sad if Miraheze shut down - preventing this is important, so we need to get a team set up. I know people skilled in technical and financial matters, plus I'd consider myself skilled on them as well, and we'd love to form and run this new team. [16:46:09] I've already seen the news post that Miraheze won't be shutting down - thank God - but I'd still like to offer my service in creating a new team, as I care about this community. [17:03:18] wait for things to be finalized [17:30:12] Donations should wait for the new company, but any technical experience could be listed on the wiki page we’ve started, linked here somewhere [17:58:58] https://meta.miraheze.org/wiki/Miraheze_Volunteering_Opportunities [17:59:17] I've filled up the thing a while ago, thank you though! 🙂 [19:02:24] If I'm not qualified enough to take on any of the listed roles, should I post in the talk page or stick to helping here on Discord with things in #support ? [19:02:39] anything helps [19:03:25] that's what I do <:EpicFaceMH:912930767972225095> [19:03:45] CSS support volunteer moment [19:05:38] [1/2] Glad to see the statement that Miraheze is not closing. All the luck to those making decisions at the moment! [19:05:38] [2/2] (That's more of a #general statement but that chat is busy rn) [19:18:03] Amen [20:56:58] i dont see many people who are a fit for SRE [20:59:48] I would support @rhinosf1 if he wanted to return as SRE [21:06:16] RhinosF1 has far too bigger real life issues [21:11:40] @Cocopuff2018 I would also appreciate you not saying what I'd be qualified for without asking me first [21:12:21] I think he did with good intention [21:18:24] Regardless of good intentions it can be rude to implicitly volunteer someone without asking first 🙂 [21:19:33] The chance of me having time before mid September is 0 [22:23:24] i must have missed this (no idea how) - where’s the post / where can I find it? ^^ [22:24:18] https://meta.miraheze.org/wiki/Miraheze_is_Not_Shutting_Down [22:28:56] thank you, this is an amazing relief ^^ [22:29:22] i know there’s still stuff to do, but it feels nice knowing we have a path forward yk, so thank you to everyone whose helped with this ^^