[00:01:56] Is ok [00:04:15] everytime I confused someone by using my standard internet slang speak i feel like a five year old child in a room of adults lmao [00:04:22] i got it. [05:09:20] All Phabricator import requests have now been processed [05:10:14] (some even dated back to july of this year (apologies for the delays) [06:44:57] Miraheze has a mix of 5 year olds and adults [06:45:25] _wouldn't be surprised if some of our users are actually 5_ [08:33:54] What I am finding more and more is the opposite, weirdly and kinda-sadly? [08:34:15] In that there is an era of internet speak that just doesn't continue to translate today [08:35:52] Weirdly specific example: IIRC apparently just largely doesn't translate to folks who weren't +/- five years on IM being the main form of communication for a second [08:59:00] https://github.com/miraheze/puppet/pull/3485/checks is being done for making run.php main behaviour [09:58:47] https://github.com/miraheze/puppet/pull/3485/files is done [09:59:01] cc @pixldev MacFan4000 [11:00:51] MacFan4000: you can review the change to make run.php default [11:01:31] @orduin: --no-runner will do old way [11:47:34] * RhinosF1 would like to make sure MacFan4000 has seen the PR so they expect the behaviour change [11:47:38] And please report bugs [11:47:53] @pixldev hopefully we have a fixed version of the wrapper soon [11:47:59] Okay [11:48:01] Relay broken [11:48:05] Nope [11:48:07] Just slow [11:56:38] Some reader of the explain it to like i'm 5 wiki? 😄 [11:59:14] @paladox https://github.com/miraheze/puppet/pull/3486/files exists too [12:07:39] @paladox now for https://github.com/miraheze/puppet/pull/3485 [12:07:42] once CI passes [12:08:33] CI passed [12:33:35] 👏 [12:34:01] very cool [12:34:51] do feel free to ask about my insane code [12:35:48] @paladox let me know if they are any bugs [12:36:02] ok [12:36:04] thanks for merging! [12:42:17] [1/2] Very well done! [12:42:18] [2/2] I appreciate all your work [13:33:27] My favorite kind of code [13:54:29] I very slowly make our python tools cleaner everytime i make a new feature [13:54:35] mwscript isn't too bad at moment [13:54:42] deploy tool is still a mess [13:55:04] will probably wait until bookworm before i rewrite deploy tool [13:55:22] _wonders if @paladox has considered debian upgrades_ [13:55:59] I am in capable to write clean code [13:56:09] If it ain’t broke don’t fix it is my philosophy [13:56:28] The few things I have on GitHub are physically painful to look at [13:56:30] clean code makes it harder to break [13:56:50] True [13:57:41] mwscript is 93% code coverage [13:57:56] and static type checked [13:58:05] deploy-mediawiki is awful for untested code [13:59:56] it is only 31% coverage [14:00:23] afaics, there is only 1 bit of mwscript not tested [14:00:59] line 9/10 is going with bookworm [14:01:14] 22/23 is untestable [14:01:27] 125/127 is [14:02:03] 62 -> 63 needs a test [14:03:10] I never got around to learning how to add tests to my code [14:03:42] the puppet repo's mediawiki folder has example python tests [14:03:46] Partially because the majority of my work rn is discord bots which are pretty difficult to test [14:03:56] you can see how mwscript/deploy-mediawiki is tested [14:04:05] logic is testable. [14:04:14] just not the actual connection [14:04:33] Yeah [14:04:37] Should look into it [21:22:27] see dms @orduin [23:35:44] Trying to get a test set up for embeds for Discord is the most annoying thing ever [23:36:24] I'm sorry how the heck do you even set up tests for that [23:36:41] Do you like actually send the embeds then get the results [23:38:18] You have to mock the embed you would get back if successful/error [23:38:42] I rage quit after about 2 hours [23:39:23] guh [23:39:58] I tried both jest and vitest and it wouldn't work smh [23:41:15] testing with stuff like discord bots where the interface is soley through a third party application is a pain