[07:31:03] hmm, salt seems to not like any of the escaping [19:21:14] [1/3] posting here [19:21:14] [2/3] we are having issues w/ PortableInfobox, at least since August [19:21:15] [3/3] after XML dump import, and now apparently after creating one in visual builder, infobox simply doesn't work showing raw code [19:22:04] it requires a kick w/ either a dummy or a proper edit, purge doesn't work [19:24:01] shall I make a phab task for that? [19:39:41] Yes. [20:50:41] @rhinosf1 With some modification it mostly works! had to take out automatic dbcluster for now and do it with an option as salt was being very pesky about escaping [20:52:41] @reception123 we should work out what salt likes [20:52:48] Do you want a final review at some point [20:52:57] Sure, I'll publish the changes shortly [20:53:10] I've tried many things with salt and it just wouldn't budge on that escape [20:53:18] so I'd still like to try to figure that out [20:53:19] Unlikely I'll get to it before Friday [20:53:24] but it even rejected Void's idea [20:53:57] that's no problem, I'll just use the slightly modified version for now to make sure it's working fine [20:54:03] 🙂 [20:54:06] and try to find a way to fix escaping [20:54:16] You tested skip & abort too? [20:54:25] yep, I had to abort many times [20:54:30] Heh [20:54:36] actually I think it's MySql that doesn't like escaping not swift [20:54:40] Does skip work? [20:55:00] skip I didn't try actually as I mostly had to abort and start again [20:55:17] You could just skip to the end [20:55:19] I think it's the one that doesn't get what \' and '\ is so not sure what to do there [20:55:25] Skip will work like the command passed [20:55:36] We should probably add a !log too [20:55:41] Okay [20:55:51] Maybe we need to test the mysql bit then [20:56:00] And work from there what to put in salt [20:56:35] yeah [20:56:53] also fun fact but swift is so slow that it's been a day and swift delete on one wiki from the deletion script is still running [20:57:34] Urgh [20:57:40] I hate servers [20:57:49] But you sure that's not just locked up [20:58:11] not sure how I'd find out [20:58:14] it shows up in htop as running [20:58:19] and it's probably 20GB worth of images [20:58:28] so it wouldn't be an incredible surprise if it's just running [20:59:26] @cosmicalpha ? [20:59:45] whats up? [21:01:29] @cosmicalpha how do you tell if Swift delete is normally ed or stuck? [21:07:07] Well I wouldn't be surprised if it is giving a problem seeing as how slow the HDDs can be also... but will give it a little and see if it is still running... [21:10:23] It seems Swift errors are causing high error rate on cp causing things to randomly depool and bringing some instability... [21:10:29] @reception123 [21:18:13] Hmm, do you think deletion should be stopped after the current wiki then? My idea was to have less swift files to migrate so we don't have to have a full month of swift migration [21:26:53] We need to finish deleting IMO [21:27:41] Paladox added the throttle options to the script so I'll continue it with that [21:28:09] Sounds good [21:41:14] If swift fails to delete an image you can try copying the file in place. If not, I'll re-run the regeneration scripts, but there's not true guarantee that they'll get everything. [21:47:46] Rebuild script running again on all object servers [21:51:53] well, on a positive note, CreateWiki seems to be working fine today 🤞 [21:53:06] Im half convince its run by a raccoon toddler who rolls a d20 every day on if it wanna cooperate