[19:01:11] Orange_Star: I have same concerns about full automation tbh [19:01:41] it's not like it would make our security stance worse I think [19:01:55] I mean is SRE manually checking the XML for funky stuff [19:02:10] No [19:04:52] No, we never do [19:05:06] XMLs are very large, there's no way someone can manually check that [19:05:29] Do we now if MediaWiki's import script has ever been fuzzed or smth? [19:05:47] No but even if it would be without automation, all SRE does it copy/paste the command and run [19:06:01] I think keeping technical oversight is good [19:06:04] It's a balance [19:06:04] if anything an automated process/bot to check it would be better [19:06:38] you're right [19:06:57] I don't see what oversight is being done with ImportDump right now without automation though? [19:07:05] none basically [19:07:09] no one has ever checked an XML manually and that is simply not practical [19:07:13] which is why automating won't make stuff worse [19:07:22] yeah, that's the idea [19:07:24] so at least there's that, I guess [19:07:30] Orange_Star: I'm testing your first change now 🙂 [19:07:41] let me know if I struck gold [19:07:58] I thought about it and it made sense, but I wasn't sure [19:09:01] Reception123: it's making sure people retain the technical knowledge to know what they are doing and debug mainly when it fails [19:09:22] as far as I can see, it works! [19:09:45] I changed https://test.mirabeta.org to http://test.mirabeta.org and back [19:09:47] I still got it baby!!!! [19:09:55] if logging works too we can inagurate Step 3 of RequestSSL tonight! [19:10:19] this is the tricker part [19:10:52] Orange_Star: sorry for the extra work, mind resolving the conflicts here? https://github.com/Reception123/RequestSSL/pull/5 [19:11:04] yeah, I knew they were gonna happen [19:11:05] one sec [19:12:51] done [19:13:32] thanks! [19:14:03] fixed tabbing just now [19:16:40] oh heh, I realised we don't have a header for the RequestSSL page. If logging works I'll add that quickly and then transfer ownership to MH GitHub [19:17:55] Orange_Star: I'm afraid here we're less lucky [19:17:59] syntax error, unexpected identifier "IContextSource", expecting ")" [19:18:32] oh I think that's just a missing comma? [19:18:37] line number? [19:18:41] most likely btw [19:19:10] yeah that was it [19:19:11] https://github.com/Reception123/RequestSSL/pull/5/files#diff-3e7432481e7477eb56284c9a882986304864e6e6a02ff26a37defa673278f4e2L407 [19:19:45] Ok, now we have a 'real' error too [19:20:09] Call to a member function getUser() on null [19:20:17] that's what I got too when I tried to do logging [19:20:45] it really hates getUser for some reason [19:20:55] https://www.irccloud.com/pastebin/nzkaXfiX/ [19:22:30] but Miraheze\RequestSSL\RequestSSLManager->updateManageWiki(string, RequestContext)? It is passing the requestcontext correctly [19:22:45] ohh [19:22:47] I see [19:23:07] When I solved the merge conflict, I didn't keep the new argument to UpdateManageWiki, oops :P [19:24:44] also added the missing coma [19:26:30] https://www.irccloud.com/pastebin/dHWiokLI/ [19:26:36] ^ Orange_Star new error :( [19:29:54] Isn't the request_target field in the requestssl_requests a string with the database name of the wiki? [19:32:10] can you var_dump whatever this->getTarget() returns in the updateManageWiki function? [19:33:51] yeah, the target is right [19:33:53] https://www.irccloud.com/pastebin/qzOs2Zs8/ [19:35:35] turns out setTarget() expects a Title object...? [19:35:49] I'll see what ManageWiki is doing [19:36:22] https://github.com/miraheze/ManageWiki/blob/a917fcdcd9472afc7f1bd08a886d0f3af0dc9a1a/includes/Specials/SpecialManageWikiDefaultPermissions.php#L223 [19:36:44] I'll be back in ~20 mins to continue testing [19:36:52] Yeah I actually think it maybe isn't being used? [19:37:05] by used I mean shown in the log [19:37:11] I'll try something [19:41:00] right, because the wiki name and setting name are set on ->setParameters later, they're 4 and 5 in https://github.com/miraheze/ManageWiki/blob/master/i18n/en.json#L58 [19:42:13] not really sure what $2 is right now [19:42:33] when you come back, I've added come commits [20:06:04] gotta go, post on the GitHub PR if something went wrong