[01:29:18] [1/3] If questions arise: [01:29:18] [2/3] For those interested to move the TOC to the sidebar in the 2010 vector skin: [01:29:18] [3/3] https://dev.miraheze.org/wiki/Gadget-stickyToc [01:41:40] [1/2] See it working here: [01:41:41] [2/2] https://dev.miraheze.org/wiki/User_talk:Pppery?useskin=vector [02:04:22] Well... ImportDump is now finally automated lol [02:16:17] time for a wiki-fiesta [02:59:32] [1/2] cooking [02:59:32] [2/2] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1006789349498699827/1210420651148714064/fxDEy5k.png?ex=65ea7f13&is=65d80a13&hm=0253074a71f606b50e34e9084bdc7f9e5b690ae80aa777a5b3675f3e2cc9ada5& [03:00:43] now tmr I figure out how to have one script start flask and the bot at the same time [03:03:06] @originalauthority and stay off my terf smh smh [03:03:27] \j [03:44:59] I think I clicked start import a few to many times lol [08:11:23] @cosmicalpha I guess by cache you mean CreateWikiJson. How are changes being propagated to the other servers? CW is just writing to multiple files in `/tmp`, so something else is taking care of propagating changes [08:12:33] memcached is, based on the timestamp in databases.json, and separately the timestamp stored in memcached if they don't equal it supposed to regenerate but it doesn't seen to happen. [08:36:48] I wonder if @orduin has any ideas on this? [08:38:58] @cosmicalpha is this change propagation using memcached undocumented? I couldn't find anything on meta [08:39:29] It wouldn't be documented on Meta, its part of mediawiki core [08:40:21] ObjectCache::getLocalClusterInstance means memcached, as that calls `_LocalClusterCache`, which calls the `$wgObjectCaches[$wgMainCacheType]` [08:40:49] for us that is mcrouter, which is memcached [08:43:28] @bluemoon0332 I did do https://github.com/miraheze/CreateWiki/pull/470 which I might try tomorrow to see if we have some suppressed notices... [21:34:19] @originalauthority https://github.com/pixDeVl/HiveAuthBot [21:34:38] ill make a readme [21:34:39] at [21:34:40] some [21:34:41] point [21:35:01] now how does one remove a branch [21:36:00] it looks good thus far [21:36:06] there we go [21:36:26] in the settings on github you can I think [21:36:31] but usually git branch --delete branch [21:42:45] anyways wheres your code huh [21:43:01] I posted it yesterday!!!!!! Boooo [21:43:55] where!!111 all i see is a private gitlab accoutn [21:44:14] [1/2] gaaaah [21:44:14] [2/2] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1006789349498699827/1210703692752486410/Ww2KvQ6.png?ex=65eb86ae&is=65d911ae&hm=a2b827dd7ee0ecc32fc1a9bd76ab5d622285aa63a2c50ae883181707432ee64c& [21:44:26] god im hot i need a fan jeez [21:44:37] how its winter [21:45:03] https://gitlab.com/telepedia/garda [21:45:12] o [21:45:48] dang imagine having tests [21:46:01] Please have tests [21:46:13] Mine does [21:46:37] uhdwhuepifhw ill get aorund to it at soooome point [21:46:53] (have never written tests and python bot tests are hell) [21:46:59] also [21:47:00] OA [21:47:06] TEXT COMMANDS!?!?!? [21:47:09] really?!?!? [21:47:13] SMh [21:47:40] Text commands so much simpler than slash [21:47:46] I have a slash for /whois tho [21:47:49] they icky [21:48:07] Yeah but registering slash commands everytkme a new one is needed is ANNYOJNG [21:48:14] so requiring the message intent [21:48:22] Are you just trying to be fastest or [21:48:31] What are the rules for your comp [21:48:32] mean while in python [21:48:46] [1/3] ```py [21:48:47] [2/3] @app_commands.command(name="auth") [21:48:47] [3/3] async def auth(self, interaction: discord.Interaction) -> None:``` [21:49:01] well per command [21:49:07] theres more boilerplate for files [21:49:19] but in other libs like pycord its even less code iirc [21:49:33] I have no idea tbh lol [21:49:57] fastest seems like not a great choice considering how easily that can be affect by other factod [21:50:14] Heh true [21:50:53] as a highschooler cant really devote too much time during the week [21:51:29] You are type checking? [21:51:36] i also hate losing so I don't admit it was a competiton at all until I win [21:52:06] ah, the -> None isn't needed, just a typing habit/copied from other part of my code [21:52:13] theres a lot of copy and paste [21:52:27] I normally take the main file from my other bots [21:52:31] I mean I strongly encourage you to type check [21:52:37] It's a really good idea [21:52:47] I'm just amazed to see a high school dev doing it [21:53:19] lol I am starting to work on like proper coding practices [21:53:28] Im purely self taught so my code can be messy [21:53:33] You get like an extra 10 points in your competition from me for having type checked code [21:53:40] But loose 10 for the no testing [21:54:09] I type check because php is notorious for type coercion [21:55:39] Python it is completely optional [21:55:42] aight cause I wanna get more practice using SQLAlchemy time for more code copying i mean reuse! [21:56:01] Like there's not much of a reason other than clean linted, tested code to do it [21:56:07] It won't make Python smarter [21:56:24] It'll just tell you where it's dumb [21:56:33] You can make Python strict type [21:58:21] And since there's no reason a command func should ever return a value(only reason is should return is maybe to error but an exception is better, or sending an error message back, though would still want to return if the code is written that the rest would still run) not much point here either but hey ill take those ten points lol [21:58:35] prob misses the typing on some command so ill fix if i see [21:59:23] There is a point [21:59:50] Saying this returns nothing is a good as saying what it returns [22:00:39] [1/4] CEO of [22:00:40] [2/4] ```php [22:00:40] [3/4] public static function hello(): void {} [22:00:40] [4/4] ``` [22:00:42] [1/2] Oh god, note to self fix my import organization [22:00:42] [2/2] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1006789349498699827/1210707835747307520/bSWoZIh.png?ex=65eb8a89&is=65d91589&hm=99b120041bfe403ccdb647a8e495c5f99b4cd4e8bbebb753bb48f0831022ef9d& [22:00:54] this hurts too look at [22:00:58] And I wrote this shit [22:01:07] 😭 [22:03:16] this is why i never touch python [22:03:19] actual mess of a language [22:03:33] it's named after a snake what do you expect lol [22:03:42] okay well not strictly true [22:03:48] its based off monty python [22:11:23] They are nicer ways than that code [22:11:35] oh def [22:11:46] That doesnt make sense [22:11:49] What Python version are you using? [22:11:51] Im confused what youre saying [22:12:13] That code is not compliant with standards [22:13:19] 3 [22:13:33] this is 3.10 [22:13:56] Does 3.10 still need Optional as a type? You can do other Type | None too [22:14:06] Can't remember what version from though [22:14:11] yeah that works too I think [22:14:24] It does work in recent versions [22:14:30] But not sure how recent [22:14:57] I'm off to sleep [22:15:09] And to have nightmares thanks to @pixldev [22:15:27] Rhinos is off to sleep and im eating dinner [22:15:36] God my sleeping pattern is borked [22:16:04] :thumbsupkitteh: [22:16:13] what can I say except your welcome [22:16:44] It's 22:15 [22:16:58] But tbh I've had shit sleep last few days [22:18:04] Yeah thats early for me [22:18:25] I copied my ORM boilerplate and wondered by syntax highlighting wasnt rendering. then I notice i pasted into database.db [22:18:26] hu] [22:19:11] 11pm would be closer to a weekend sleep for me [22:19:42] I will probably be awake until 4am [22:19:48] And i hate myself [22:20:42] Don't think that'd be possible for me [22:21:49] very slightly better [22:21:50] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1006789349498699827/1210713155710484551/aDEYlE0.png?ex=65eb8f7e&is=65d91a7e&hm=ed66be37a7d2ffb9813c67ae54de7095a79f0b5133da10d19cfa2e02c88864e3& [23:11:33] [1/2] @originalauthority [23:11:33] [2/2] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1006789349498699827/1210725665234485289/327pYTc.png?ex=65eb9b24&is=65d92624&hm=f7e76f4b9f1c7d0ad3d13df5337c765557c0b430150733b3d3442f61bbdf9689& [23:11:53] :pepehypers: [23:13:59] No fair [23:15:08] [1/2] I know the Code of Conduct says to be respectful but uh: [23:15:09] [2/2] You're getting trounced by a highschooler whos code induces nightmares [23:15:12] :Kek: [23:15:21] jk jk [23:20:49] theres a disgusting lack of error handling rn lmao [23:21:00] its like a very thin path [23:21:03] you step off [23:21:05] bye bye [23:23:00] pff, who needs error handling, people just need to stay in line [23:25:19] If you get more 500 errors then late 2023 miraheze aint MY fault [23:25:36] Wowch harhs [23:25:44] Pardon [23:27:49] whats the central user ID again in JSON? trying to figure out which number to save [23:27:54] in case of username change [23:31:24] should verify be 1-1(discord and wiki accounts may only be linked to one of the corospending) [23:32:46] Eh