[12:55:00] [1/2] logged out again [12:55:00] [2/2] indeed when check new wiki [13:25:16] Happens to me too. All the time [13:40:39] maybe that really is the cause behind the logouts [13:41:42] this would explain why I don't see regular users reporting the logouts much, since the people at Discord are way more likely to visit other wikis outisde of Meta + their own wiki [13:42:45] would be cool to get some hard data on this however, but it's not easy to contact regular users [13:48:24] CheckUser for IP and send a letter to their house [13:48:29] (JOKE) [13:49:15] For legal purposes, in case any Wikitide director is reading this, I only said to CheckUser them in Minecraft [13:50:04] In most minecraft plug-ins it’s under the whois command actually [13:50:49] it was a reference to https://knowyourmeme.com/memes/in-minecraft [13:51:17] Yeah lmao [13:51:29] But I am wiki staff on a minecraft server so [13:52:51] https://tenor.com/view/minecraft-frog-walk-gif-14756689292957696492 [13:54:53] Minecraft sure has changed a lot [13:54:57] or are those mods?? [13:55:05] I only ever really played 1.8 [13:55:36] oops, that's just a MC styled-video [13:55:50] Nope [13:55:53] They added frogs [13:56:01] wait so that's real? [13:56:09] https://minecraft.wiki/w/Frog [13:56:22] This is an animation I think [13:56:26] But the mob is real [13:56:31] Lots of werid stuff [13:56:45] https://minecraft.wiki/w/Breeze [13:57:23] https://minecraft.wiki/w/Bogged [13:57:36] Plus the new trial dungeon chambers [13:57:46] The community overall isn’t super happy these days [13:57:55] But the datapack developers though [13:58:05] Are gonna go ham with the new technical changes [13:59:11] fellas lol [14:01:08] Oh right [14:01:10] Tech [14:01:23] mincraft spreads