[11:57:56] Yes, it's stalled due to several low severity issues that should ideally be fixed. [12:04:05] can you link the tasks [12:04:16] for the issues [12:25:57] Yeah can you add a note to the ticket as well please. [13:36:39] tomorrow my package arrives!!! [13:37:13] @bluemoon0332 I answered your email like 5 weeks late [14:19:57] Yeah, I will do that when I file the task (which I will do when I am done reviewing the ext for other issues). cc @originalauthority [20:01:30] Does anyone here happen to know what PHP version Fandom use? [20:02:39] 8.0.30 (fpm-fcgi) [20:02:45] https://stoneworksmc.fandom.com/wiki/Special:Version?so=search [20:03:21] Ah, thanks. [20:05:08] Why? [20:23:15] I need to update my own to be able to run their code. [20:23:53] Ah [20:24:04] They have open source code lol? [20:24:50] Yeah but many are unmaintained. [20:27:21] Whoda thunk [23:51:09] I got my usb wifi adapter, that 1 bar is going to 4 ma boys