[05:35:49] Would this be the correct channel for asking for help with styling a public wiki (CSS etc)? [06:03:58] it's usually #general or #support [13:27:14] Yeah [17:21:18] im bored [17:21:28] time to stumble through making a mw extension [17:21:35] this cant possibly go wrong [17:35:51] by that I of course mean struggle to get a fresh install up [17:38:14] [1/2] that might have been a issuie [17:38:14] [2/2] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1006789349498699827/1222962971563655258/NamWULS.png?ex=66182005&is=6605ab05&hm=ca3ffbb88def15ab33ed8c8df1f6ae63096ed68f5be7b584fddce859e6f2d066& [17:39:49] hey it worked [17:39:55] now to find the extensions dir [18:31:49] [1/2] heh, all these fancy programmers and their IDEs [18:31:49] [2/2] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1006789349498699827/1222976449196200117/image.png?ex=66182c93&is=6605b793&hm=e63b1e3d204d75c4c7215215559792090b77e0081161468950dada8e6300a434& [18:32:06] am I square or is the docs on mw.org for extension devs just confusing [18:32:10] meanwhile here I am coding everything with GNU Nano [18:32:46] it is confusing if you can't guess the class names of what you're looking for [18:32:53] I'm not sure if I should be sorry or scared [18:32:59] what are you looking for? [18:32:59] no no below even that [18:33:02] just building a base [18:33:17] I know theres [[mw:Extension:BoilerPlate]] [18:33:18] [18:33:32] but i dont really wanna just clone that without understanding a bit [18:33:44] I got the extension.json [18:33:53] Learn by playing [18:34:03] Take boilerplate, change something and see what breaks [18:35:24] I am good at breaking things at least [18:36:56] i aint touching the tests or CI stuff thouh :moonch: [18:40:58] @pixldev good, eventually you learn why they break and how to fix them [19:08:03] okay too good i didnt even touch the code and it bork [19:23:41] [1/2] https://mediawiki.org/wiki/Manual:Extension.json/Schema [19:23:41] [2/2] Is a life saver [19:23:48] Still use that to this day 😭 [19:26:11] [1/2] and too this day I cannot touch anything extension related on local mediawiki without seeing this [19:26:12] [2/2] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1006789349498699827/1222990139324760297/08brPH8.png?ex=66183953&is=6605c453&hm=bdd4eef746c6e777c1278cb64f074cdcbec846c5620fea74e63e8e93d1efb7e9& [19:26:14] PTSD is real [19:26:43] what distribution are you running MW on? [19:27:17] you should always edit any MW files as www-data (Debian) to prevent permissions shenanigans [19:28:55] [[mw:cli]] [19:28:57] [19:29:12] added a sym link to the boiler extension [19:29:19] set the group to www-data [19:29:20] I mean linux distribution... [19:29:26] a [19:29:29] ubuntu [19:29:48] though its in a docker container so id need to check what thats running [19:31:22] oh wait [19:31:30] sym links have seperate perms [19:31:41] [1/5] ```pixldev@Ender-nexus:~/git/gerrit/mediawiki/core/extensions$ ls -l [19:31:41] [2/5] total 4 [19:31:41] [3/5] lrwxrwxrwx 1 pixldev pixldev 41 Mar 28 14:52 FirstTest -> /home/pixldev/mwdev/extensions/FirstTest/ [19:31:41] [4/5] -rw-r--r-- 1 pixldev pixldev 1045 Feb 13 13:07 README [19:31:42] [5/5] pixldev@Ender-nexus:~/git/gerrit/mediawiki/core/extensions$``` [19:31:54] hmmm [19:38:35] huh [19:38:55] the rest of the mw core code is owned by me and it worked before [19:39:02] docker confungles me [19:41:25] so inside the mw container the files are owner by 1000 [19:42:46] should I have done a normal install in hindsight? Yes. Will I? No [19:42:53] [Bearerofthecurse](https://cdn.discordapp.com/emojis/1164188084754206731.webp?size=48&quality=lossless&name=Bearerofthecurse) [19:44:46] actually think the error issue isnt even caused by the extension [19:47:07] okay [20:09:50] [1/5] @bluemoon0332 think I found the issue. I set [20:09:50] [2/5] ```php [20:09:51] [3/5] $wgMainCacheType = CACHE_NONE; [20:09:51] [4/5] $wgCacheDirectory = false;``` [20:09:51] [5/5] cause the extension dev page suggested it. thats prob why it was complaining about not being able to write to tmp lang files [20:09:53] yippe [20:10:12] Is sagan4alphawiki on Kafka or normal JobQueue [20:10:21] @bluemoon0332 @cosmicalpha [20:10:33] that was far too tiring for how long it took 😭 [20:42:10] [1/2] progress(took a while to find each ref to the old name and change it) [20:42:10] [2/2] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1006789349498699827/1223009258270887957/ZtrJh9l.png?ex=66184b21&is=6605d621&hm=fb13503a7a3cea0a436070fc14a7d871acbb080bb0f2c554072e4c7de4dff082& [21:05:15] every wiki is on Kafka by now [21:05:35] Can we delete the old JobQueue alert then [21:06:28] MWEs have access to jobchron171, we could probably just remove the jobs from redis manually, not a priority tho [21:07:18] nothing there is being ran by any mw* server anyway [21:10:48] and the whole thing seems to be cosplaying a read only site [21:11:02] internal screaming intensifies [21:11:25] maybe ill try and get it to work not on a day before Im gonna be in another country for a week [21:16:46] sob [21:36:31] oh silly me no it's not showing any new log entries or page creations [21:40:40] and i solved another issue totally unrelated to what Im trying to do to be able to do it at all [21:41:01] is this how it is with mediawiki in general or just me [21:41:30] (fixed by murdering mwcli's mysql-replica container if you were wondering) [21:42:01] mysql-replica, on a dev environment? [21:42:10] y u p [21:42:13] what did you even setup? [21:42:19] [[mw:cli]] [21:42:20] [21:42:24] much to my own dismay [21:42:35] As I am very much learning [21:42:44] 🫠 [21:43:35] fix was simple once I actually looked in the master database table and saw the log entries [21:44:06] [1/2] oh also comes withh all this bullshit i mean jazz [21:44:07] [2/2] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1006789349498699827/1223024847001620550/HXcpuiQ.png?ex=661859a6&is=6605e4a6&hm=976a4f2c46b64c41ddf4d8520e9c4d3670b8d36b9a192e551630d572a46c9532& [21:44:21] wow [21:44:24] https://tenor.com/view/seal-spin-spinning-spinning-seal-animal-spin-gif-17879679 [21:44:33] and I wonder why shit dont work [21:44:34] kind of overkill for an env for your first extension [21:44:42] true [21:44:59] But the first dev env I set up manually on a VM um [21:45:02] is out of commission [21:45:06] which taught me a lesson [21:45:57] this idiot needs an environment thats recreateable or he will go insane [21:46:10] could I have remade a simple VM env and taken a snapshot? [21:46:13] most likely [21:46:14] kind of surprised Kafka isn't there [21:46:17] did I? n o [21:46:40] kinda a recurring theme here [21:46:50] given how there's stuff like Keycloak which MW doesn't support natively anyway [21:46:51] prob wont cause any more issues [21:47:29] huh [21:47:42] the cli do provide a good amount of info on keycloak at least [21:47:50] how useful no its not [21:49:11] moral of today dev work is gonna be the end of my therapist anyways im gonna try to uh [21:49:16] make smt now ig [21:49:42] my long term goal if I can get there is a simple version of fandoms theme designer [21:50:00] ie applying rules for stuff that work on all skins (hopfully) like link color [21:50:39] so messing with form special pages or color selectors or the resource loader at some point [21:50:51] no idea how but we'll figure it out ™️ [21:53:33] @pixldev you need a rubber duck [21:53:50] uh [21:53:52] dont got one [21:53:53] oh! [21:53:54] brb [21:54:19] @pixldev or something you can throw at Computer / Wall [21:54:26] even better [21:54:28] Ducks are common though [21:55:44] [1/2] What about him [21:55:47] [2/2] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1006789349498699827/1223027773501608026/IMG_3115.jpg?ex=66185c5f&is=6605e75f&hm=4926d6d721f6ce43b0fbe9f6ce73e0fec35fb481e4849569c8550aba6426d563& [21:55:55] Very throwable and drop lockable [21:56:17] Had to retake the photo to not dox myself lol [21:56:34] Yes! You can also try and explain your problem to the pig, pig may help you fix computers. [21:56:40] It genuinely works [21:58:35] ive heard about the duck thing before never tried. gonna be heading to the UK for spring break tmr but when I get back to my desktop and deving i will try it [21:58:47] also he doubles as emotional support [21:58:52] What you doing over here [21:58:53] very squishable [21:59:03] traveling/tourism [21:59:05] And where in the UK [21:59:13] London [21:59:22] London's cool [21:59:32] I'm 90 minutes from London on a train [22:00:56] This is my second time heading to Europe I think, normally travel down South to visit family. but yea should be fun [22:01:39] I love London [22:01:46] Went twice this month [22:01:51] was surprised to hear the Harry Potter Musical is 2 hours longer over there then the US. Prob cause they know now American would sit through all that [22:01:57] Once with work and once with family [22:02:39] I rarely leave my little suburb town lol. I do go to NYC sometimes [22:02:52] i dont recall the exact distance [22:03:46] and not as often [22:04:40] but ye England should be fun. [22:19:56] Thats what is odd, that wiki and one other still are creating entries on redis and I can not figure out why, as there is nothing connecting redis jobqueue and MediaWiki anymore... [22:21:30] I don't see anything being submitted. Just a non zero but stable number of jobs. [22:21:38] It's not rising [22:21:44] From grafana [22:21:49] I cleared it again and they came back [22:22:16] Also FYI we have now had 200,000 jobs ran (successfully) on Kafka since yesterday now also so it is getting better now... [22:23:00] @cosmicalpha are you sure paladox didn't turn on persistence for redis [22:23:23] Cause if it was submissions, it would grow [22:23:26] Not stay stable [22:23:35] I'm not sure [22:23:39] The graphs have been stuck for over a day [22:23:53] @cosmicalpha I say kill the jobs with fire [22:24:08] Or maybe just shutdown jobchron for a day if it's no longer in use [22:24:15] And see if anything blows up [22:24:32] Yeah I'll do that. I didn't want to delete yet just incase but I can shut down [22:25:01] Done [22:25:58] See what goes bang [22:30:48] i forgot PHP has semi colens, oh boy [22:58:36] Booooo [22:59:39] Yes, proper programming languages tend to require those 😉 [22:59:55] Which is why python doesn't. [23:00:46] stfu corporate pfp man 😤 [23:47:04] Are aliases required for special pages? [23:47:20] mw currently yelling at me bout that