[15:35:51] anyone know what's going on here? https://meta.miraheze.org/wiki/Special:Diff/387487 [15:36:04] it's happened quite a bit and I'm very unsure if it's correct or not [16:12:38] Probably correcting starting and ending dates of when users were assigned and ended their assignment [16:18:30] Yeah. In your version, The years at the bottom all had .16 behind them. That is been removed. And the 3 users start now behind the 2018 line [16:20:19] [1/3] Current vs. old [16:20:20] [2/3] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1006789349498699827/1228379182233292820/image.png?ex=662bd443&is=66195f43&hm=46aff662db9266e09ff82ba055718f385538441dd338dd289824abcffd4bf880& [16:20:20] [3/3] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1006789349498699827/1228379182485078077/image.png?ex=662bd443&is=66195f43&hm=1340037e61ded1c9adcf8e05eca783917af441ad97a1229a1a71f875d6f0e28a& [16:21:13] Just think that that is not the way to solve it as the dates are now moved [16:21:34] I'll see what I can do [16:23:23] Whow that .XX has always been there :ThinkerMH: [16:29:17] @bluemoon0332 could I ask ya a question about the extension settings and installation process. I wanted to try making a PR for an extension that needs (or very much prefers) a custom namespace and needs database updates(assuming it passes security review ofc) and was wondering if we have docs on those with ManageWiki / examples of that [16:29:48] an extension with database updates and custom namespace you say... [16:30:01] [[phorge:T12039]] [16:30:03] [16:31:38] for the database updates the extension must have 1 or more SQL file(s) we can apply. You'll have to add those to the `sql` key on the `install` key, like https://github.com/miraheze/mw-config/blob/master/ManageWikiExtensions.php#L117 [16:32:16] all files in that key will be applied to the wiki's database when you enable it in ManageWiki [16:32:41] Just noticed MWNamespace.PHP has a namespace key, is that the correct way to establish NSs? [16:34:35] that file is about settings related to namespaces, it is basically a just MWSettings.php with a few extra bells and whistles [16:34:49] the extension should take care of setting up namespaces on it's own iirc [16:35:24] The extension docs seems to imply you need to set up a space yourself and set a setting [16:36:03] Moving the task to review needed [16:37:43] MW meant ManageWiki not mediawiki btw [16:38:01] yeah [16:39:39] Oh btw do you know if there are any blockers on https://github.com/miraheze/mw-config/pull/5533 or if UO just hasn’t gotten to it yet? Just wondering not to be pushy [16:40:02] UO is busy IRL for a few days [16:40:21] I see no problems with it [16:40:21] Like we don’t grind him enough as is, poor guy [16:40:43] We need a senior volunteer appreciation day [16:41:05] _we need to hire OU cough cough_ [16:41:06] Are there any grants we can apply for to get them a little vacation to the Bahamas or smt lol [16:41:25] Is that just a typo of UO? [16:41:31] yep [16:43:24] But fr thou [16:43:38] Make sure he can’t escape 😈 [16:54:52] Oh yeah beta is still borked oof [16:55:42] what do you mean by borked? [16:55:45] it seems to be up [16:59:05] Mirabeta.org? [17:00:16] meta.mirabeta.org [17:00:39] Oh for fuck sake- that makes sense [17:00:50] I didn’t have a subdomain [17:08:03] Original Universe? [19:15:44] Agent: describe the issues you’re having with moonmoon [19:16:00] nice to meet you [19:16:26] * moonmoon waves [19:17:45] so when a gpg key has a passphrase, running the final tally via tally.php fails because gpg wants to ask for the key passphrase but since its being run by a PHP script, it fails to start an interactive session and errors out with "gpg: public key decryption failed: Inappropriate ioctl for device" [19:18:16] It puzzled me for a bit until I removed the passphrase from my test key and was able to unencrypt the results of my test election [19:19:42] did you grab the secret key via gpg --armor --export-secret-keys? [19:19:53] that should export the decryption key without a passphrase [19:20:55] I did, yes [19:20:58] https://wikitech.wikimedia.org/wiki/SecurePoll#Encryption and the Tallying section immediately after go into a bit more details on how that all works [19:21:12] yep, that's what I was following [19:21:54] just to double check something, the wiki you're running this on is using a different gpg keyring than the one you used to generate the encryption key? [19:22:24] o-o [19:23:27] :ThinkerMH: [19:23:28] oh looks like --export-secret-keys will export them in encrypted form (requiring a passphrase), annoying [19:23:58] you'd need to edit the key to remove the passphrase, then re-export it [19:24:13] which is what you did, so that is the correct solution it seems :) [19:24:24] oh, nice [19:24:54] does the key you provided have a passphrase? [19:25:01] that was my primary concern [19:26:22] I can provide it to you either way, providing it to you with a passphrase (and giving the passphrase via a secondary channel) is most secure, since that avoids having sensitive data hanging out in an inbox [19:26:41] at which point you'd import with the passphrase, edit the key to remove the passphrase, and then export again without [19:27:00] alternatively I can provide it to you without a passphrase so it can be used as-is, with the caveat that it's a bit less secure that way [19:27:47] editing the passphrase doesn't change the key itself so there's no issues either way (aka the public key I provided is usable whichever way you decide) [19:29:49] oh, that's good to know [19:31:17] at the end of the election I guess you can provide us with the passphrase and we can edit the key and remove the passphrase [19:31:35] I gave you the public key half, you don't even have the private key yet (encrypted or no) [19:32:33] I'm embarrassed to admit but before yesterday, I had never tinkered with gpg or even really delved into the world of encryption so please excuse my ignorance in these matters [19:33:05] sure, I can give a brief overview [19:33:07] relatable [19:33:38] for election security, it's important that nobody is able to decrypt votes while the election is running, as otherwise it can be used to influence said votes (e.g. by threatening people who don't vote a particular way). This isn't a theoretical concern, it happened during a past Wikimedia board election when a rogue sysadmin provided a tally of the election in progress [19:34:24] so right now, I hold the ability to decrypt votes but I have no access to the votes themselves because I have no access to underlying miraheze infrastructure. And SRE has access to the infra but lacks the means to decrypt. So we're good there [19:35:34] in public key encryption, there's two components: a public key and the private key. The public key is used to encrypt data, and the private key is able to decrypt data encrypted via the associated public key. [19:36:18] in many cryptosystems this also works in the reverse direction: encrypting with the private key allows one to decrypt with the public key. This feature is used for signing [19:37:17] Aren’t public and private keys the same, the only difference being which one you give out? [19:37:27] usually not [19:38:28] If they were identical then anyone with access to the public can decrypt it as well which defeats the point (it turns into symmetrical encryption) [19:39:04] but even without that, in many cryptosystems, the public key is usually much smaller than the private key. It is designed this way so that the public key is easier to transmit to interested parties [19:39:39] I mean they are different corresponding keys but before giving it out either key could be public or private [19:39:49] ah [19:40:47] also in many cryptosystems (maybe all of them? dunno), the public key can be derived from the data stored in the private key [19:41:24] Pixldev: no, I don't believe that's true [19:44:39] 👍 [19:44:41] thanks [19:46:51] Thanks for the overview. I knew the very basics (like public and private keys) but I didn't know the passphrase could be used to without the private key to modify the public key [19:49:41] I think the analogy I was given is a shell/box around the key that can be changed or removed [19:49:42] GPG passphrase is just an encryption layer on top of the private key so that sensitive data never hits the disk [19:49:53] so it's not related to the keying material itself [21:33:14] are we prepping to update to MediaWiki 1.41.1 or 1.42.0 (the latter is expected next month)? [21:44:19] 1.41.1 was upgraded to 5 minutes after it was released [21:44:30] Ahh [21:44:31] It doesn't reflect on Special:Version because the git cache needs to be reset [21:44:47] as for 1.42, yes, we're planning to prepare soon™️ [21:45:03] it was just branched off as beta on Monday or so [21:45:17] Oh got it okay [21:45:19] Was curious [21:45:20] Thanks!! [21:49:59] speedrun [22:19:07] 1.42 is available on test.mirabeta.org if anybody wants to help test extensions [22:19:54] neat [22:20:30] perhaps that could be mentioned on the CN and a relevant informational page constructed for ^ to see if it can wrangle in a few more volunteers than has historically been the case [22:23:04] sure [22:32:53] If I had a technical brain... I would definitively be in for testing. But alas. My brain is not wired like that :*( [22:33:28] Testing isn't hard. It's just seeing an extension works as you remember it should [22:34:13] i.e. a template using ParserFunctions renders normally, DiscussionTools opens up correctly, PortableInfobox shows infoboxes as it should [22:35:08] Hmm [22:35:39] I would like to test the Infoboxes from Dev. then. See if the floating issue is still there [22:36:11] Could I get an invitation please? [22:39:05] ↑ [22:40:27] Send an email to sre@miraheze.org with the username you want and they’ll send you a temp password [22:41:02] You'll need to give us an email with which to create your account [22:41:24] you also could request via https://meta.mirabeta.org/wiki/Special:Contact/requestbetaaccount [22:41:46] err https://meta.miraheze.org/wiki/Special:Contact/requestbetaaccount [22:45:38] Requested [22:45:54] Er... that ping won't work ofcourse 😄 [22:46:25] Well they get pinged kinda [22:58:12] MacFan4000: are they any extensions to prioritize testing? Im asduming our core ones [22:58:16] CW/MW [22:58:43] if so would it be possible to request advanced rights on beta to test stuff from the wiki creator side [23:01:41] wait no wont work since the central wiki isnt on 42 i think [23:04:06] SocialProfile looks kinda wonky visually [23:04:11] idk if thats the new version [23:05:06] whens SP’s CSS from 2003? Looks like I wrote this shit [23:07:40] oh this delete interface is new [23:07:47] is this 42 or an extension? [23:08:57] Hmm I got an exception while attempting to create Rodejongs account [23:09:08] Seems SQL patches aren’t applied [23:09:44] What’s the SQL patch needed for [23:09:52] Also currently bullying Flow [23:10:09] WMF extensions probably dont need tooooo much testing [23:10:26] are we focusing on the ones likely to be borked or used a lot/important [23:10:38] if so could you make a list of the most used extensions [23:12:15] Do we have polices in advanced rights on beta [23:12:54] oooooooo [23:13:01] uh MacFan4000 [23:13:07] I think I found something [23:13:47] [[beta:Portable Infobox test{] [23:13:55] [[beta:Portable Infobox test]] [23:13:56] [23:14:00] sigh [23:14:19] https://test.Mirabeta.org/wiki/Beta:Portable_Infobox_test [23:14:36] @rodejong does this page explode for you as well [23:16:28] @rodejong I’ve now created your account - you should have an email with a temp password [23:17:26] if the email isnt borked again [23:20:08] [1/8] Email worked. But when I wanted to change my pass word I got this: [23:20:08] [2/8] ```[e404a9c26571ea6a9e8a79ea] /wiki/Special:CentralLogin/start?token=16f845b51096ea40cb53539e1afb7925 Wikimedia\Rdbms\DBQueryError: A database query error has occurred. Did you forget to run your application's database schema updater after upgrading or after adding a new extension? [23:20:09] [3/8] Please see https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Special:MyLanguage/Manual:Upgrading and https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Special:MyLanguage/Manual:How_to_debug for more information. [23:20:09] [4/8] Error 1054: Unknown column 'user_is_temp' in 'field list' [23:20:09] [5/8] Function: MediaWiki\User\User::addToDatabase [23:20:10] [6/8] Query: INSERT IGNORE INTO `user` (user_name,user_password,user_newpassword,user_email,user_email_authenticated,user_real_name,user_token,user_registration,user_editcount,user_touched,user_is_temp) VALUES ('Rodejong','','','',NULL,'','fb41da6f5ba5b2861a763e7da02f3506','20240412231737',0,'20240412231737',0) [23:20:10] [7/8] Backtrace: [23:20:10] [8/8] ``` [23:20:18] [1/16] ```from /srv/mediawiki/1.42/includes/libs/rdbms/database/Database.php(1203) [23:20:19] [2/16] #0 /srv/mediawiki/1.42/includes/libs/rdbms/database/Database.php(1187): Wikimedia\Rdbms\Database->getQueryException(string, integer, string, string) [23:20:19] [3/16] #1 /srv/mediawiki/1.42/includes/libs/rdbms/database/Database.php(1161): Wikimedia\Rdbms\Database->getQueryExceptionAndLog(string, integer, string, string) [23:20:19] [4/16] #2 /srv/mediawiki/1.42/includes/libs/rdbms/database/Database.php(652): Wikimedia\Rdbms\Database->reportQueryError(string, integer, string, string, boolean) [23:20:20] [5/16] #3 /srv/mediawiki/1.42/includes/libs/rdbms/database/Database.php(1481): Wikimedia\Rdbms\Database->query(Wikimedia\Rdbms\Query, string) [23:20:20] [6/16] #4 /srv/mediawiki/1.42/includes/libs/rdbms/querybuilder/InsertQueryBuilder.php(343): Wikimedia\Rdbms\Database->insert(string, array, string, array) [23:20:20] [7/16] #5 /srv/mediawiki/1.42/includes/user/User.php(2721): Wikimedia\Rdbms\InsertQueryBuilder->execute() [23:20:20] [8/16] #6 /srv/mediawiki/1.42/includes/libs/rdbms/database/Database.php(2300): MediaWiki\User\User->MediaWiki\User\{closure}(Wikimedia\Rdbms\DatabaseMySQL, string) [23:20:21] [9/16] #7 /srv/mediawiki/1.42/includes/libs/rdbms/database/DBConnRef.php(119): Wikimedia\Rdbms\Database->doAtomicSection(string, Closure) [23:20:21] [10/16] #8 /srv/mediawiki/1.42/includes/libs/rdbms/database/DBConnRef.php(672): Wikimedia\Rdbms\DBConnRef->__call(string, array) [23:20:21] [11/16] #9 /srv/mediawiki/1.42/includes/user/User.php(2703): Wikimedia\Rdbms\DBConnRef->doAtomicSection(string, Closure) [23:20:22] [12/16] #10 /srv/mediawiki/1.42/includes/auth/AuthManager.php(1927): MediaWiki\User\User->addToDatabase() [23:20:22] [13/16] #11 /srv/mediawiki/1.42/includes/Setup.php(582): MediaWiki\Auth\AuthManager->autoCreateUser(MediaWiki\User\User, string, boolean) [23:20:23] [14/16] #12 /srv/mediawiki/1.42/includes/WebStart.php(85): require_once(string) [23:20:23] [15/16] #13 /srv/mediawiki/config/initialise/entrypoints/index.php(12): require(string) [23:20:24] [16/16] #14 {main}``` [23:20:29] dies [23:22:36] ```Auto-creation of a local account failed: Automatic account creation temporarily disabled due to prior errors.``` [23:25:47] Error 1060: Duplicate column name 'user_is_temp' [23:25:47] Function: MwSql::execute [23:26:01] Tried to run a patch and got that [23:26:26] Unfortunately it isn’t sobering I really want to try and deal with from my phone [23:26:34] something* [23:28:09] Well, I'll see tomorrow. No worries [23:28:19] I'll see that mail coming tomorrow [23:28:44] It's 1:28 am anyway, so need to get to bed soon [23:28:54] You just take your time [23:38:06] could someone with an unprivileged account on beta try editing “Amongus”(im so creative(the gen z brainrot is real)) [23:41:41] @rodejong try now, I may have fixed it [23:46:05] No active login attempt is in progress for your session. [23:46:37] That happens, can sometimes take a couple of try’s [23:47:52] Was my account created and should I login with the revised password, or should I login with the temporary code, or should I try and request one? [23:48:42] Added some stuff to the task MacFan4000 [23:51:44] I got the same internal error page [23:52:01] I would use the temp password from the email [23:53:27] Also are you on test.mirabeta.org? Or on meta.mirabeta.org?