[01:15:59] https://github.com/miraheze/MirahezeMagic/pull/489 [01:16:01] submitted [04:38:01] @pixldev thanks a ton for doing some 1.42 testing... [05:19:10] [1/9] Any idea why the ResourceLoader code doesn't load when written like this? [05:19:10] [2/9] https://github.com/miraheze/YouTube/compare/master...koreirozzu:YouTube:master [05:19:10] [3/9] Already checked the following: [05:19:11] [4/9] Adding alert(1) to the JS, adding *{color:red} to the CSS, etc. to see if they'd produce results (nothing happened with these) [05:19:11] [5/9] ?action=purge, clearing browser cache, etc. (nothing happened) [05:19:11] [6/9] Checked file permissions for everything the extension loads (permissions are all fine) [05:19:11] [7/9] Made the JS and CSS code run inline (works fine when ran inline but I'd prefer that it's not inlined considering how much code there is) [05:19:12] [8/9] Checked if the extension is showing up on Special:Version, ran `echo "a"` in the extension, etc. (all working fine) [05:19:12] [9/9] I was able to get ResourceLoader to work just fine in the past when it was used for RemoveRedlinks, the only thing I can think of that's changed is that i'm testing this on Ubuntu instead of Windows now but I don't know why that'd make it stop working [07:59:52] I did some testing too. Can I get a thanks?? [14:51:03] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1006789349498699827/1229443880403996793/image.png?ex=662fb3d7&is=661d3ed7&hm=ba4c84ff53f26c30d34834ce861258e43f97197dd66cf2af40cd5b38d9f470e1& [14:51:12] have we ever seen a load of almost 1000? [14:51:18] that's insane [14:51:37] I'm surprised that server didn't lock up or kernel panic [15:25:06] Ofc. If my best ability in tech is to break shot may as well use it [15:25:14] Thank you too Ro:) [15:30:40] Probably on mwtask [15:48:35] I'm seeing jobs as old as April 3rd still in the queue [17:00:56] Hey thanks, sorry [17:01:38] I'm aware that's why jobs that need ran timely should be added to redis config for now until I fix the connection speed [17:05:41] Thanks CA. You’re the best :Partyheze: