[15:49:03] any ideas on how to solve https://issue-tracker.miraheze.org/T11966 [16:34:50] iic, the wiki needs to be deleted and made again to solve that because all of the IDs are messed up in the database [21:52:51] It possible to make a Interactive map of a game in miraheze? [22:01:05] I think we have image map yes [22:27:10] Yeah imagemap exist, I am using that on my wiki. Though it also depends on what level of interactivite. Imagemap mainly allows you to add links to certain spots on the image, you wont get anything like zooming in/out or adding pins or anything like that with imagemap, not sure if there are other extensions for that purpose though [22:27:51] There’s no zoom? [22:30:13] no, imagemap is just allowing you to specify a region of a map to turn into a link, that is it, nothing else (and even then it is not exactly easy to do, you either have to find the coordinates for the image to define the regions on each map, or setup a seperate gadget to be able to do actual "drawing" of the regions on the map to get the output needed to create it) [22:39:47] {{#display_map: works a treat with pegs [22:50:02] [1/2] I can't [22:50:02] [2/2] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1006789349498699827/1236449789365977268/image.png?ex=66380d19&is=6636bb99&hm=99c5a02dad4e367bb676c76dcdd7ba7a98d345fe969460fef047462b4e84801a&