[00:36:39] [1/2] What is causing this error? I looked up the error and couldn't find anythin [00:36:39] [2/2] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1006789349498699827/1236476620630659163/image.png?ex=66382616&is=6636d496&hm=5fc17eda113d2110c732ccda810d8eb1191c766860ed4a81c8647208fc22bb0c& [00:36:55] [1/32] Here is the file I'm trying to run the command on: [00:36:55] [2/32] ```json [00:36:55] [3/32] [ [00:36:55] [4/32] { [00:36:56] [5/32] "name": "posts", [00:36:56] [6/32] "columns": [ [00:36:56] [7/32] { [00:36:57] [8/32] "name": "post_id", [00:36:57] [9/32] "comment": "Unique ID to identify each post", [00:36:57] [10/32] "type": "bigint", [00:36:58] [11/32] "options": { "unsigned": true, "notnull": true, "autoincrement": true } [00:36:58] [12/32] }, [00:36:59] [13/32] { [00:36:59] [14/32] "name": "poster_id", [00:37:00] [15/32] "comment": "User ID of the post author", [00:37:00] [16/32] "type": "integer", [00:37:01] [17/32] "options": { "unsigned": true, "notnull": false } [00:37:01] [18/32] }, [00:37:02] [19/32] { [00:37:02] [20/32] "name": "post_content", [00:37:03] [21/32] "comment": "The content of the post", [00:37:03] [22/32] "type": "text", [00:37:04] [23/32] "options": { "notnull": true } [00:37:04] [24/32] } [00:37:05] [25/32] ], [00:37:05] [26/32] "indexes": [ [00:37:06] [27/32] { "name": "post_id", "columns": [ "post_id" ], "unique": true } [00:37:06] [28/32] ], [00:37:07] [29/32] "pk": [ "post_id" ] [00:37:07] [30/32] } [00:37:08] [31/32] ] [00:37:08] [32/32] ``` [00:38:59] curious, why not use discussiontools? [00:39:28] I am creating a clone of Fandom's Discussions [00:39:39] not sure the generateschema works on json files [00:39:39] As well as the message wall [00:40:11] hmm speaking of that, I was able to sort of yank out userboards from socialprofile. any interest to build on that or start over? [00:40:27] https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Manual:Schema_changes#Automatically_generated seems like it shoould [00:40:59] I would be interested in remaking userboards in SocialProfile to be more modern and useful yea, preferably so you can actually reply to user board messages instead of just that weird someone messages you and then you message them back [00:41:18] you added an extra parameter I think [00:41:33] ie the sql file [00:42:09] Also I think it'd be good to separate the private user board function and public user board function because they just have different purposes [00:42:12] let me chcek [00:42:26] It's not an SQL file, it's just the folder the SQL file goes in [00:42:36] [1/2] see here [00:42:36] [2/2] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1006789349498699827/1236478118609555556/image.png?ex=6638277c&is=6636d5fc&hm=9aad7810c0d5c30165aa3288986eb042ab15de59d80163af343d341ea81d25d4& [00:43:54] think I nuked the private feature cause it wasn't done properly [00:44:11] alr [00:44:28] have you ran composer install? [00:44:30] well from experience, those manuals are not always up to date [00:44:32] sounds fine, I will probably look into some kind of private messaging implementation that is completely separate [00:44:44] nope, what do i need to have in composer [00:44:48] nvm i see [00:45:34] I ran composer install just now and still have the strange issue [00:45:53] You ran it in root install path and in vendor? [00:46:20] oh no i didnt [00:46:22] ill go do trhat [00:46:51] Without --no-dev (as it needs dev stuff) also [00:47:22] I ran `composer install` in /var/www/html (root mw install), /var/www/html/vendor, and /var/www/html/extensions/Discussions and it seems to still have the issue [00:47:35] I'm 99% sure if composer is ran correctly it would fix the issue [00:47:58] is what it needs so if that isn't installed composer isn't running correctly [00:49:14] alr ill look into that in a sec [00:50:06] try composer update [00:50:40] in /var/www/html [00:53:52] kk [01:17:00] Did it work @koreirose [01:54:43] dont think so but ill check again later [02:09:44] okay [02:18:36] [1/2] did not work [02:18:37] [2/2] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1006789349498699827/1236502279041843250/image.png?ex=66383dfc&is=6636ec7c&hm=371b103107c56066a2dda3435f7f81c1d2ae95f0e226d90b31f99cda97dc60b9& [02:26:03] Then yeah composer is not running properly or not installing proper packages. [02:30:53] alr [05:37:12] [1/17] @pixldev here's my list of generic templates that I intend to craft, please let me know if you have any additional in mind [05:37:13] [2/17] responsive wikitext tables with sticky header [05:37:13] [3/17] navtab [05:37:13] [4/17] panel section scroll with left/right arrows [05:37:13] [5/17] responsive index listing & entry with sticky header [05:37:14] [6/17] responsive episode template with sticky header [05:37:14] [7/17] infoboxes: Character/Creature, Family, Film, TV, Shorts, Locations, Episode [05:37:14] [8/17] - 2 layer nested tabs [05:37:15] [9/17] - auto hide rows if blank [05:37:15] [10/17] - need to hide entire tab if empty [05:37:15] [11/17] - tabs with collapsible sections and hide empty sections if rows are empty [05:37:16] [12/17] - embed tabbed gallery [05:37:16] [13/17] - per section themes [05:37:17] [14/17] - multi image display [primary top image, secondary bottom images] [05:37:17] [15/17] - previous and next links [05:37:18] [16/17] - location navigation chart [4 directional] [05:37:18] [17/17] - mini embed table [08:33:09] [1/2] working as intended ™️ [08:33:09] [2/2] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1006789349498699827/1236596536620875840/image.png?ex=663895c5&is=66374445&hm=a60a59d01f8b71cbcd6971ef93e341827a2f77fe32a3df88b2fb32a6a6823c32& [08:33:33] seems RequestWikiQueue might have broke somewhere on 1.42 [09:25:24] Morning @bluemoon0332 [09:26:25] Morning everyone 🙂 [09:31:37] Hey @rodejong [14:44:12] hi [14:56:29] Along those lines, the wiki I created 2 hours ago at https://guerriersdelamontagne.miraheze.org/wiki/Main_Page did not populate the boiler plate on the main page. Its language is FR, though 2 EN wikis I created around same time (2-ish hours ago) did populate the boiler plate. At least they all attached requesters to their wikis. [15:06:53] that's unfortunately kind of expected behavior a bit last I remember [15:07:06] the main page script can sometimes fail just because [15:27:23] I will probably fix composer later today [20:40:54] as long as the rights assigned, that's the big one that worries me sometimes [21:46:58] @cosmicalpha why is ComLia an entry level position btw [21:47:11] also are we gonna replace software development with shell? [21:52:04] What do you mean here? [21:52:36] Can answer this later after I get some sleep [21:54:01] go eep 💤 [21:55:19] We mentioned before replacing the CL can’t be SWE with can’t have shell access since just being a software dev seems a bit much [21:55:37] idk if we gonna consider that or say eh eventually™️ [22:30:32] As it's French, the Main page is Accueil https://guerriersdelamontagne.miraheze.org/wiki/Accueil