[06:46:25] Yeah UnlinkedWikibase is meant to be a (possibly overly) simple alternative, because Wikibase doesn't (yet?) support federating to clients that aren't linked to the repository. [06:47:11] It seems that the main issue with it is that some people want it to be a drop-in replacement for WikibaseClient, but that's sort of tricky to make work well. [06:47:34] So templates and modules have to be written for it specifically. [09:22:23] [1/7] 1. It would have been nice, if Wikidata could be accessed just as Wikipedia can. Perhaps as special permission to established wiki's and not new ones. Especially for small wiki's who just need current info that changes each year from Inhabitants, GDP, number of issues, number of languages, that kind of a thing. [09:22:23] [2/7] 2. We need to write simpler documentation, as most of our users can't "read" the techy style of documentation that is available on MediaWiki. Heck, we don't even fully understand the Wikibase extensions full workings. [09:22:23] [3/7] 3. Most users who want to copy Wikipedia Templates like `{{coord}}` immediately come in contact with the documentation: `Uses Wikidata` and as they import everything, can't figure out why that gives an error, (Provided that all imported pages are on the right content model), and we then have to explain, "yeah sorry, but we can't pull data from Wikidata, which leaves users disappoint [09:22:24] [4/7] ed. [09:22:24] [5/7] 4. Now I do understand that giving full access to Wikidata would become an enormous strain on Wikidata. So naturally WMF wants to restrict that, but it would be nice to be able to write `{{Wikidata-subject | P6 | q=Q499479}}` which then provides the current mayor of that city. (just an example) [[w:Template:Authority control]] would be another example, useful for wiki's in a certain [09:22:24] [6/7] category. [09:22:25] [7/7] etc. [09:22:25] [11:32:46] https://discord.com/channels/407504499280707585/1237719527735689226 Can some one take a look at tasks that aren't being updated consistently? [14:29:51] Got it, thanks. To clarify it doesn’t require Wikbase Client to function right? It implements all the needed parser hooks to call data itself? [14:48:19] [1/2] Yep, it doesn't have any dependencies. When an item is fetched, a job is added to the job queue and when the job is run it fetches the data and caches it. A common (ha! it's not that widely used) use case is to cache it for a long time, and then run the maintenance script at a lesser frequency to update the data. That way, the user only ever is waiting for the initial one and after t [14:48:20] [2/2] hat it's kept up to date. [15:07:36] Hmmmm. Purging page cache don’t reset it yes? [16:27:52] Not at the moment, but probably it should! [16:28:46] As long as it doesn't fire off a request directly. Because there are issues with using it on e.g. a bit long table of things, where each row needs to query a couple of Wikidata items. Easily becomes super slow. [16:29:08] pub purging should make it lodge jobs for the refreshment [18:12:02] /auth [19:29:11] god when you actually get used to puppet its so good [19:29:24] just bumped from php7.4 to 8.2 with 3 changes in config code [19:29:42] Heh [19:29:49] Puppet is kinda cool ye [19:29:57] When it makes sense and works [19:31:16] it need serious improvement on the error side though [19:50:20] Puppet is on my to do list at work [19:50:31] I'm trying to find better [19:57:20] actually i take it back [19:57:22] its fucking annoying [19:57:25] winding be up badly [20:39:24] that may be due to non wikimedia extensions not updated to php8.2 much less php8.1 [20:39:38] unless configs [20:48:32] @originalauthority puppet has it weirdness. What's it coming up with? [20:49:53] well I explicity told it to install 8.2 in the manifest, which it did on one server, and then on another it installed both 8.2 and 8.3, set php to 8.2, but then wouldn't install the extensions i asked for because the cli was running 8.3 and nginx was running 8.2 [21:37:18] somehow i never realized wikibase dont have a parser function to call data :p [23:36:49] [1/2] we should do this [23:36:49] [2/2] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1006789349498699827/1237911114478518364/image.png?ex=663d5e10&is=663c0c90&hm=fa7bd3101e3ea16c26dafe9fee7a61fae4aa3e0dfa189dea503f9807395b8c9b& [23:36:59] but miraheze [23:39:41] I'm pretty sure that's an external app [23:39:49] its premid [23:40:02] which has a fandom integration that i've enabled [23:44:57] ellie bear moment