[18:49:00] @bluemoon0332 https://github.com/miraheze/CreateWiki/pull/528 FYI I just ran text replacements and let CI reorder so could've missed some also [20:41:25] [1/2] that reminds me, while working on HitCounters2 I saw that it is not needed to set `$variableCache` on `MediaWiki\Hook\ParserGetVariableValueSwitchHook` since 1.38 (https://github.com/wikimedia/mediawiki/blob/master/includes/parser/Hook/ParserGetVariableValueSwitchHook.php#L29C3-L30C71), which CW still does https://github.com/miraheze/CreateWiki/blob/master/includes/Hooks.php#L10 [20:41:25] [2/2] 6 [20:41:46] there's just a lot to modernize on our extensions isn't there [20:43:56] Oh almost forgot [20:44:27] Yeah there definitely is lol [20:44:38] Also https://github.com/miraheze/CreateWiki/pull/485 [20:44:42] Cough database query syntax [20:44:53] perfect time for me to review that [20:44:55] Finally got it to work [20:45:10] @cosmicalpha can you have a look at meta's revision history corruption from #tech-ops [20:45:16] HC2 has given me some experience with the query builders [20:46:07] https://github.com/miraheze/CreateWiki/pull/485/files#diff-eae0ed68e7a72ff2942f1c6f3cf7bf4cfef53572c68194794b12fc48d0eb7b48R398 @cosmicalpha hmmmm [20:46:13] let's not mmkay? [20:46:48] It is recommended in MW standards to do it like that. [20:46:50] remember upsert breaking wiki requests back when we upgraded to 1.41? [20:47:01] upsert didn't break it [20:47:09] what happened then? [20:47:18] if the unique key was just made an array it would have worked without replacing upsert [20:47:30] 😳 [20:47:50] Does that use UPSERT? [20:47:56] I don't like the upsert syntax but i do like the builder syntax [20:48:04] That would surprise me if it actually does do an UPSERT [20:51:37] I'm pretty sure it does but I only did it like that because it inlines with all upstream standards. And I don't unnecessary code complexity and doing an insert else update just makes it more complicated from code readability then it needs to be. [20:52:31] I saw the screenshot but I don't see the problem [20:52:39] I still don't like upserts but if it's what everyone is doing chances are I'm wrong [20:52:42] Didn't Amir right most of that and they don't like upserts [20:53:06] None of them revisions work and I'm fairly sure they are on the wrong page. [20:53:16] Give moved db1 to tech:db1 [20:53:25] Upserts are wrong [20:53:42] Looking at the mediawiki tests, I'm not convinced it actually does UPSERT [20:53:50] https://gerrit.wikimedia.org/g/mediawiki/core/+/37abdfd88d0330917be459e58908a5f0ec8026b6/tests/phpunit/unit/includes/libs/rdbms/querybuilder/InsertQueryBuilderTest.php [20:54:24] Is that just a portmanteau of Update and insertV [20:55:46] Hmm even ->upsert doesnt seem to actually upsert? or does it? this confused me lol [20:56:12] oh [20:57:08] I'm 99.99% sure that ->upsert() doesn't use the UPSERT mysql verb and does UPDATE or INSERT depending on need. [20:57:15] Because UPSERT is a pile of rubbish [20:57:51] ->upsert is just a MediaWiki version of upsert not actually a DB upsert yeah [20:57:56] that's what all of the db systems supported by MW mean by upsert [20:58:00] [1/3] something isn't right [20:58:00] [2/3] a lot of pages are having broken revisions, even the main page has them [20:58:00] [3/3] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1006789349498699827/1239683083381375076/image.png?ex=6643d057&is=66427ed7&hm=09428e0487bb52ebd9536280f5913a646f931a3205d510b9812d74a79973d610& [20:58:09] they all just have a slightly different way of doing the same thing [21:36:15] [[phab:T12131]] uses Iframes is that an instant sent? [21:36:16] [21:36:17] Deny* [21:36:56] Not necessarily it just needs a CSP review for what it uses [21:37:21] I’ll add that tag as well, should that be before or after the extension review? [21:40:26] Before as if its declined extension review is pointless [21:41:05] Yeah well if the CSP is denied it’s also kinda useless unless they have their own instance [22:28:48] Fun fact I just discovered: you can override the GroupPermissionsLookup service to look groups up directly from the database instead of first caching them into a json file. How marvellous. [23:28:28] anyone have ideas here https://issue-tracker.miraheze.org/T11875 [23:46:24] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1006789349498699827/1239725462868201522/image.png?ex=6643f7cf&is=6642a64f&hm=adc9e26200c3f27e399e9d28124823c5d399547a99e35774845c0f627926662a& [23:46:29] they don't have any shared config for starters [23:46:44] …..doh [23:47:24] > changed the settings "wmgSharedUploadClientDBname" for "nenawikiwiki" (Setting up file repository for both sites to be kb.nena.org.) [23:47:36] they've only ever had one config [23:50:30] I just checked the other wiki and they have configured it the wrong way round [23:54:30] Any chance you could add it to the task? I'm going to end up jumbling the words [23:56:40] https://issue-tracker.miraheze.org/T11875#242965 [23:57:33] thank you