[01:02:28] hmm could provide a bash script to run to grab those instead of having to fetch since might not bee kept up to date [01:03:36] I can write such a script if provided a list [01:03:45] including repository links to custom extensions [02:34:13] Some are needed for MirahezeMagic because it depends on Echo and AbuseFilter [02:40:38] that makes sense, probably could handle those hard dependencies within the shell script to run. that way just need to update the branch names instead of doing a full on commit of replacement extensions [02:43:03] I may try to get MirahezeMagic changed upstream so that you can enable/disable specific parts but I don't know if the tech team would merge that [03:59:01] @cosmicalpha working on your suggestions, sorry for the dumb question but what does CI mean? Sorry I'm self-taught so I don't know a lot of things. I looked it up and found but idk how that's connected to what you mentioned in the code review [04:27:57] [1/2] > Sorry I'm self-taught [04:27:57] [2/2] I've got fantastic news, so are essentially all of the volunteers, so you're absolutely in good company in that regard [04:30:17] I don't 100% know this with confidence, but my understanding is that CI is github shorthand for Continuous Integration, which is an automation solution for testing potential merges for common errors prior to merge. [04:37:51] Ah ok [04:37:51] Thanks [04:37:52] That's good [05:39:56] <.labster> I keep accidentally security reviewing extensions that look interesting to me, but no one actually requested. Does anyone want a [Cancel] button for VisualEditor? https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Extension:VECancelButton [05:40:43] It sounds useful [05:42:22] how ve doesn't have cancel button ... [05:44:19] <.labster> It used to have one, a long time ago, and then MW engineers saw some metrics that people never clicked it so it was removed as "clutter" [05:45:26] smh [05:57:12] O.o [06:01:26] I love Wikimedia's design team [08:56:44] can I get a 'cancel and never use again' button, I'd probably click tbh [09:37:43] I have never ever used VE. [16:39:24] @cosmicalpha I think there's a bug with cosmos in which if you set the background colour to an invalid hex the styles don't load [16:40:04] i'll file a ticket [16:52:31] I just add ?action=edit to the end of URLs manually most of the time unless I'm on mobile [19:33:48] don't want to alarm anyone but i'm getting an unspecified error when comparing revisions of a GDPR'd user and normal user: https://meta.miraheze.org/wiki/Tech:Volunteers?diff=396102&oldid=298920 [19:34:38] Sigh [19:34:59] @originalauthority can you check logs for the exception? [19:37:26] Urgh [19:37:33] You don't need to be alarmed [19:37:38] It's just that's agin [19:37:40] Again [19:37:52] We discussed it a week or two again [19:38:03] It's got nothing to do with GDPR [19:38:14] It's from compress revisions [19:38:28] Ah [19:38:48] don't recall discussing this at all [19:38:57] We meant various people [19:38:59] In here [19:39:02] Not you [19:39:02] [1/3] normally, would turn on [19:39:03] [2/3] $wgShowDBErrorBacktrace = true; [19:39:03] [3/3] $wgShowExceptionDetails = true; [19:39:04] Sorry [19:39:05] ok [19:39:11] No you won't [19:39:16] Not allowed on production [19:39:41] I'm not sure why anyone would be alarmed by an exception. They happen. [19:40:01] Sees red text that means something don’t work [19:40:02] Panic [19:40:04] Logic [19:40:43] not withstanding the compressed revisions, yes the first thought would be that the GDPR process broke something [19:42:01] unless the logs are capable of writing the full exception message upon a user encountering such an issue, you won't really be able to dig deeper [19:43:57] The logs are yes [19:44:11] They log more than info [19:44:34] I cant access graylog [19:44:41] Why [19:44:41] Really? [19:44:49] You should be able to [19:44:54] Like a situational or permissions [19:45:16] Anyone with bast* and an ldap account with graylog perms should be able too [19:45:16] I know i can, bur they changed the url and now I cand get the proxy to work and i cant be arsed fucking about with it [19:45:21] Oh [19:45:46] alright, I stand corrected [19:46:15] @m3w please see your DM [19:56:39] As a general note, when unsure, it’s best to ask questions rather than assumptions. That often leads to clarity and a building of community, rather than assuming incorrectly. [19:58:06] Also, on tech-related things, the Tech team is generally the voice of authority/knowledge, so it’s also good to keep in mind that if a Tech team member says it’s nothing to be alarmed with and can be troubleshooted, it probably is. 🙂 [20:24:18] [1/2] ANNOUNCEMENT [20:24:19] [2/2] On MediaWiki Discord [20:24:22] [1/18] https://lists.wikimedia.org/hyperkitty/list/wikitech-l@lists.wikimedia.org/thread/PXZOA3VBWOAPXUQWQL64MWIOJF2RZHQJ/ [20:24:22] [2/18] Mateus Santos @ 20 May 2024 3:49 p.m. [20:24:22] [3/18] I'm pleased to announce the immediate availability of MediaWiki 1.42.0-rc.0, the first release candidate for 1.42.0. Download links are at the end of the e-mail. The tag has been signed and pushed to Git. [20:24:23] [4/18] This is not a final release, and should not be used for production websites. Known issues are tracked in Phabricator on the release workboard [1]. As with every release of MediaWiki, a large number of changes have landed in the six months of development (over 2000 commits since 1.41.0 was cut), and you should read over the preliminary release notes as part of assuring yourself of ar [20:24:23] [5/18] eas that may have issues with your configuration, your skins, and/or your extensions. [20:24:23] [6/18] As always, please try out the release candidate in a test environment and do report any issues that you discover. Please use the #MW-1.42-Release [2] tag in Phabricator when reporting issues specific to this release, to make sure that we find them as quickly as possible. [20:24:24] [7/18] It is expected that MediaWiki 1.42 will become final next month. This date may slip if blockers are identified. [20:24:24] [8/18] Preliminary release notes: [20:24:24] [9/18] https://gerrit.wikimedia.org/g/mediawiki/core/+/REL1_42/RELEASE-NOTES-1.42 [20:24:25] [10/18] Open Bugs: [20:24:25] [11/18] [1] https://phabricator.wikimedia.org/tag/mw-1.42-release/ [20:24:26] [12/18] Bug report form: [20:24:26] [13/18] [2] https://phabricator.wikimedia.org/maniphest/task/edit/form/1/?tags=MW-1.42-Release [20:24:27] [14/18] [...] [20:24:27] [15/18] -- [20:24:28] [16/18] Mateus Santos [20:24:28] [17/18] Wikimedia Foundation [20:24:29] [18/18] [Truncated due to discord limits. hyperkitty link has full details.] [20:25:30] ♦ ♦ One step Closer ♦ ♦ [20:26:05] Who are we letting do the release [20:26:19] Who broke James and Reedy [20:38:21] What did you set it to? I tried a 7 digit hex and nothing broke [20:40:03] Maybe digits outside the typical 16 hexdex [20:50:55] Well the configs are designed to also support more than just hex, if also supports raw color names IE blue and rgb also. [20:56:28] fellas, while you are online [20:57:12] I can't download file dump from Special:DataDump, the download halts when reaching 1Gb [20:57:26] tried different browsers, w/ and w/o vpn [21:00:25] the wiki is devilman.miraheze.org, it's private (failed fork) [21:19:26] #001433ff [21:19:32] oh maybe it was 8 digits [21:29:06] [1/29] ahh.. [21:29:07] [2/29] ``` [21:29:07] [3/29] Less_Exception_Compiler: error evaluating function `mix` The first argument to mix must be a color (did you forgot commas?) index: 266 [21:29:07] [4/29] Backtrace: [21:29:07] [5/29] from /srv/mediawiki/1.41/vendor/wikimedia/less.php/lib/Less/Tree/Call.php(89) [21:29:08] [6/29] #0 /srv/mediawiki/1.41/vendor/wikimedia/less.php/lib/Less/Tree/Expression.php(46): Less_Tree_Call->compile(Less_Environment) [21:29:08] [7/29] #1 /srv/mediawiki/1.41/vendor/wikimedia/less.php/lib/Less/Tree/Value.php(25): Less_Tree_Expression->compile(Less_Environment) [21:29:08] [8/29] #2 /srv/mediawiki/1.41/vendor/wikimedia/less.php/lib/Less/Tree/Rule.php(83): Less_Tree_Value->compile(Less_Environment) [21:29:09] [9/29] #3 /srv/mediawiki/1.41/vendor/wikimedia/less.php/lib/Less/Tree/Ruleset.php(95): Less_Tree_Rule->compile(Less_Environment) [21:29:09] [10/29] #4 /srv/mediawiki/1.41/vendor/wikimedia/less.php/lib/Less/Tree/Ruleset.php(95): Less_Tree_Ruleset->compile(Less_Environment) [21:29:09] [11/29] #5 /srv/mediawiki/1.41/vendor/wikimedia/less.php/lib/Less/Tree/Ruleset.php(95): Less_Tree_Ruleset->compile(Less_Environment) [21:29:10] [12/29] #6 /srv/mediawiki/1.41/vendor/wikimedia/less.php/lib/Less/Parser.php(181): Less_Tree_Ruleset->compile(Less_Environment) [21:29:10] [13/29] #7 /srv/mediawiki/1.41/includes/ResourceLoader/FileModule.php(1130): Less_Parser->getCss() [21:29:11] [14/29] #8 /srv/mediawiki/1.41/includes/ResourceLoader/FileModule.php(1013): MediaWiki\ResourceLoader\FileModule->compileLessString(string, string, MediaWiki\ResourceLoader\Context) [21:29:11] [15/29] #9 /srv/mediawiki/1.41/includes/ResourceLoader/FileModule.php(989): MediaWiki\ResourceLoader\FileModule->processStyle(string, string, string, MediaWiki\ResourceLoader\Context) [21:29:12] [16/29] #10 /srv/mediawiki/1.41/includes/ResourceLoader/FileModule.php(967): MediaWiki\ResourceLoader\FileModule->readStyleFile(string, MediaWiki\ResourceLoader\Context) [21:29:12] [17/29] #11 /srv/mediawiki/1.41/includes/ResourceLoader/FileModule.php(405): MediaWiki\ResourceLoader\FileModule->readStyleFiles(array, MediaWiki\ResourceLoader\Context) [21:29:13] [18/29] #12 /srv/mediawiki/1.41/includes/ResourceLoader/SkinModule.php(472): MediaWiki\ResourceLoader\FileModule->getStyles(MediaWiki\ResourceLoader\Context) [21:29:13] [19/29] #13 /srv/mediawiki/1.41/includes/ResourceLoader/Module.php(860): MediaWiki\ResourceLoader\SkinModule->getStyles(MediaWiki\ResourceLoader\Context) [21:29:14] [20/29] #14 /srv/mediawiki/1.41/includes/ResourceLoader/Module.php(819): MediaWiki\ResourceLoader\Module->buildContent(MediaWiki\ResourceLoader\Context) [21:29:14] [21/29] #15 /srv/mediawiki/1.41/includes/ResourceLoader/ResourceLoader.php(1258): MediaWiki\ResourceLoader\Module->getModuleContent(MediaWiki\ResourceLoader\Context) [21:29:15] [22/29] #16 /srv/mediawiki/1.41/includes/ResourceLoader/ResourceLoader.php(1178): MediaWiki\ResourceLoader\ResourceLoader->addOneModuleResponse(MediaWiki\ResourceLoader\Context, Wikimedia\Minify\IdentityMinifierState, string, MediaWiki\Skins\Cosmos\CosmosResourceLoaderModule, array) [21:29:15] [23/29] #17 /srv/mediawiki/1.41/includes/ResourceLoader/ResourceLoader.php(1111): MediaWiki\ResourceLoader\ResourceLoader->getOneModuleResponse(MediaWiki\ResourceLoader\Context, string, MediaWiki\Skins\Cosmos\CosmosResourceLoaderModule) [21:29:16] [24/29] #18 /srv/mediawiki/1.41/includes/ResourceLoader/ResourceLoader.php(826): MediaWiki\ResourceLoader\ResourceLoader->makeModuleResponse(MediaWiki\ResourceLoader\Context, array, array) [21:29:16] [25/29] #19 /srv/mediawiki/1.41/load.php(53): MediaWiki\ResourceLoader\ResourceLoader->respond(MediaWiki\ResourceLoader\Context) [21:29:17] [26/29] #20 /srv/mediawiki/1.41/load.php(39): wfLoadMain() [21:29:17] [27/29] #21 /srv/mediawiki/config/initialise/entrypoints/load.php(3): require(string) [21:29:18] [28/29] #22 {main} [21:29:18] [29/29] ``` [21:35:41] [1/3] @originalauthority lol I don't understand what I did in Cosmos... [21:35:41] [2/3] [21:35:41] [3/3] so... I set a validated colorName variable but I don't ever use it I hate when I don't understand my own code lol... [21:42:31] Surely this issue would be hitting the else statement, though? [21:44:38] @cosmicalpha question - why could we not just have renamed sre to tech [21:44:41] and not techteam [21:44:44] it’s so much less clean [21:45:42] Because that can mean a lot of things. Not quite clear what it is. [21:46:12] Yeah I just posted the wrong line lol [21:46:54] I guess…. [21:47:20] so all of the calls have to be switched from “sre” to “techteam” right [21:47:26] in gadgets and such [21:47:56] oh wait 8 digits are expected to cause issues since 8 digit hexes exist... I forgot [21:48:02] should have been `l33th@ck3r` [21:48:10] 8 digit hexes are like RGBA [21:50:24] yes