[01:29:00] [1/2] Could the Code Rabbit reply be collapsed here? [01:29:01] [2/2] https://github.com/miraheze/mw-config/pull/5566#issuecomment-2119379257 [01:29:45] Click the three dots on its reply -> hide -> off topic [01:31:50] Similarly please collapse its reply here https://github.com/miraheze/MirahezeMagic/pull/491#pullrequestreview-2067304874 [01:31:55] And probably on all my pull requests [01:32:13] except for the ones where it gave useful things which was like 2-3 of its ~10 comments [01:38:36] @pixed [01:40:35] [1/3] @pixldev [01:40:35] [2/3] [01:40:35] [3/3] Add `ENT_QUOTES` and `UTF-8`, see [01:42:51] eh? [01:43:03] provides better protection for certain edge cases [01:43:35] UTC-8 is a string? [01:43:47] I said UTF-8 not UTC-8 [01:43:50] Look at the documentation I linked [01:44:09] yea yea thats what i meant its late im tired [01:44:30] ok lol [01:50:02] [1/2] Also I renamed the repo to something more meaningful [01:50:03] [2/2] https://github.com/colleirose/preconfigured-createwiki-install [01:50:32] i was so confused of the old name [01:50:42] It was the name of my local mw install folder [01:50:50] I pressed "publish to GitHub" in VSCodium [01:51:01] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1006789349498699827/1242293543175716864/image.png?ex=664d4f85&is=664bfe05&hm=9c16f254a5645129543cea1bed06ef6d16ae714c0fae2c74df0a3d8f19535f95& [05:14:45] @cosmicalpha hope I'm not bothering you or anything but could you re-review https://github.com/miraheze/MirahezeMagic/pull/491 ? Thanks [05:19:48] which namespaces? [05:20:47] and would it be like, togglable (it's kinda already is w/ namespace settings) [05:22:06] Listed in the code [05:22:36] No but if you want I could go change it to remove the namespace part and then make some change to ManageWiki to make some namespaces default to nofollow noindex [05:25:04] I personally think this would be better, but other tech folks might add something on that [05:25:44] Alright I will probably do that if I have the time [05:25:54] [1/2] Namespaces [05:25:54] [2/2] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1006789349498699827/1242347616050872371/Screenshot_20240520-222518.png?ex=664d81e1&is=664c3061&hm=5dfb20adf0aa33084a897770a18879bade70b438f4693acfbdda53b13655ddbf& [05:28:16] I would add just Template too [05:30:52] I thought about that but I thought some wikis like devwiki might want templates indexed and that's what led to me thinking of changing the defaults in ManageWiki [05:37:24] [1/2] then it can be changed in namespace setting [05:37:25] [2/2] some wikis would like talk pages to get indexed, like rare some things/solutions appear only on mediawiki.org talk pages [06:15:38] I can in this evening. [16:51:10] Thanks [16:51:28] Good point [19:18:45] still not resolved [19:18:53] idk what to do [19:19:07] is it from my side or from mira [19:21:23] anyone? [19:28:49] if you link I can try to download ans see if it reproduces [19:29:30] found it [19:32:59] can corroborate that the download flatly fails just past the 1gb mark [19:33:36] cc @MediaWiki Specialists; was able to reproduce this issue on devilman.miraheze.org (though it's a private wiki) [19:34:49] could be interesting to test on a more public/visible wiki like meta if needed/desired [19:35:16] I assume meta at least would be able to come up with a similar size, commons came to mind but that would be very large and it's not technically my domain [19:37:38] I unprivated it for a try and still same thing [19:49:17] is it me or is https://issue-tracker.miraheze.org/ showing raw text only? [19:49:34] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1006789349498699827/1242564968570814617/image.png?ex=664e4c4e&is=664cface&hm=20d5251f54c1a6369d57585de7ca22c55c0e42bee0eb2874ea196f9674202729& [19:50:13] Refresh [19:50:22] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1006789349498699827/1242565168185999381/image.png?ex=664e4c7d&is=664cfafd&hm=dff8365e3882e831e32445379d7e46247fa30b6f82ca86f09343e60d65b6c510& [19:50:52] yeh it's normal for me [19:51:13] I get it sometimes and just refresh [19:51:15] That's interesting. Guess it's time to clear cache [19:51:39] Hmm it might be because I accidentally went to "https://issue-tracker.wikitide.com/" first so now cache hates me [19:52:25] Lol [20:00:27] cc @orduin after making some inquiries for ^ going down a bit [20:02:09] Should that just redirect [20:05:28] Not currently it don’t [20:06:16] Should it though? [20:06:29] Read: a job for me in the morning? [20:12:57] seems like something that should