[00:48:41] (i just drop them all into MsUpload) [01:31:55] It's 5 [01:32:51] Thanks for confirming! [01:33:18] 10 technical limit on DataDump is what I meant by 10 before btw. [01:33:46] Ahhh makes sense [02:09:27] SimpleBatchUpload can be configured for limit on a per usergroup basis to avoid say mass uploading of unrelated, spam, or policy violations [02:09:54] only downside with the mass upload extensions is lack of ability to license without modification [02:55:24] The default config I gave it was much lower than the default in the extension IIRC. [02:57:09] [02:59:24] The default for everyone is like 1000 but with our config it is 5 for * and user, 25 for autoconfirmed, 50 for confirmed (since that is manually assigned), 250 for sysop, and 500 for bureaucrat. [03:24:58] 250 and 500 seem rather overkill [03:25:18] 1000 is the default [03:25:28] My config based on that [03:26:30] huh, wow. though not surprising since originally there wasn't a limit at all [14:33:21] [1/2] Bumping this https://issue-tracker.miraheze.org/T12141 [14:33:21] [2/2] Small note, I set the value of $wgMaxAnimatedGifArea back to 1.25e7 which unbreaks the thumbnail image, though the problem of .gifs breaking and failing to animate when the value is set higher than 1.25e7 remains [18:10:54] nope, still fails [19:07:49] coderabbit has been mercilessly purged from the mw-config repo https://github.com/miraheze/mw-config/pull/5573 [19:08:53] Coderabbit was an experiment [19:09:00] We'll call it that [19:09:36] it wrote a poem on its death 😂 [19:09:43] [1/6] > In the code, new settings bloom, [19:09:43] [2/6] > Language set, no early room. [19:09:43] [3/6] > Reviews tailored, chat now still, [19:09:44] [4/6] > Configured with a careful quill. [19:09:44] [5/6] > Changes made with thoughtful grace, [19:09:44] [6/6] > Enhancing every user's space. [19:10:12] I tried to make it review the PR to see if it had anything to say about its impending doom [19:10:26] was kind of disappointed with the response [19:10:52] Ye [19:10:57] It's not very intelligent [19:11:03] Not that good at code [19:11:10] It's artificial [19:12:59] it may not be that good at coding, but it does do automatic generation of PR description [19:13:10] which I'd rather have one than none at all [19:13:19] Even that's been garbage on occasion [22:03:11] https://icq.com/desktop/en#windows 👀 [22:03:50] [1/2] Wow, the end of an era 😄 [22:03:50] [2/2] I had an ICQ account in the late 90's 😄 [22:04:05] Didn't know it still existed [22:04:56] And they'll direct you to VK! 😮 [22:06:26] eeeeww [22:06:52] I had no idea mail.ru bought them tho [22:07:00] Me neither [22:19:37] I don't understand why it has a poem feature [22:21:23] fun? [22:27:51] Yeah I suppose lol [23:15:17] no fun allowed [23:17:47] [1/5] https://gitlab.alpinelinux.org/alex23/aports/-/jobs/1397642 [23:17:47] [2/5] ``` [23:17:48] [3/5] add_subdirectory given source "Externals/tinygltf" which is not an existing [23:17:48] [4/5] directory.``` [23:17:48] [5/5] boy, I sure do CMake errors that take forever to find in the logs [23:18:07] /rant off [23:43:05] build passing for amd64 https://gitlab.alpinelinux.org/alex23/aports/-/pipelines/236618 [23:43:14] I'm off to sleep