[00:50:54] [1/2] Can anyone take a look at this please: [00:50:55] [2/2] https://discord.com/channels/407504499280707585/1233125904822308864 [00:51:26] He's been waiting for help since 9 may [00:51:50] Just did [00:52:07] appreciate the reminder [01:04:10] Void: a friend we can rely on [09:33:08] FYI : 502 errors all round [09:43:26] time for a ping I guess [09:43:57] it's been ~25 min [09:44:06] just 502 w/o any info [09:45:15] ok, tech team isn't pingable [09:45:21] lol [09:51:00] They're called @Infrastructure Specialists now [10:56:26] not really sure what happened [10:56:39] all I can say is that cloud15 rebooted but VMs remained stopped for some reason [10:56:47] so I had to start them all individually [13:37:18] Are global renames stuck? [13:37:26] https://meta.miraheze.org/wiki/Special:GlobalRenameProgress/Ora has been in progress since 18th [13:37:53] seems like it failed on one wiki and wasn't resilient enough to continue/try again [15:06:20] @originalauthority if it has been stuck for more than a day then you can run a script to fix it [15:06:55] It probably won't move [15:07:41] It will retry a few times [15:07:46] But it doesn't take a week [16:28:22] MacFan4000 unblocked it