[02:11:57] anyone ever asks why i hate lua, ill just link to https://stackoverflow.com/questions/4105012/convert-a-string-date-to-a-timestamp [04:48:37] I mean, honestly, that's more incredible that it's that short with very little standard library help [04:48:47] but I do have my own fair share of issues with lua [07:24:40] [1/2] Is anyone ready to upgrade Citizen skin yet? [07:24:40] [2/2] It's been 2 and a half months since the last version installed [07:30:38] can confirm at least one bug pestering current mira version of citizen [07:32:57] [1/2] hold: 2.15 incoming: [07:32:57] [2/2] [08:13:58] @MediaWiki Specialists [09:07:15] The wiki's are loading slow. Are we under DDOS again? [09:07:44] I even had a 502 again [09:07:48] it's been slow for a while now [10:17:19] Not a DDoS by request volume at least [10:25:53] Some wikipages take 10 seconds before they're done loading [12:10:10] I made phab task [13:17:18] Very slow, bad gateway yesterday which I understand they fixed, but pages take awhile to load. [13:22:34] We are aware [13:25:40] any updates? [13:26:03] Nope [13:45:36] junior MWE when- [13:45:58] How would that even work [13:46:16] Closest would be software engineers/test shell [13:49:02] I would go with that as I learn more :D [13:50:05] I would have already requested test shell ngl since I don’t have a local CW env to develop on although it’s not so needed now with waki’s docker and the such [13:51:00] my laptop ain't strong enough for that and there are an upcoming credit card bill to pay so meh [13:52:04] If it’s wasn’t for this little thing called age of being able to sign a Non disclosure agreement [13:52:24] Oh I can sign that with an electric signature lol [13:52:57] Yeah I know WMF uses legal pad on Phorge [13:53:15] Us I dont know NA manages all the signatures [13:53:27] He’s the one with the ultimate knowledge [13:54:01] We use focusing [13:54:05] Focusing [13:54:09] DocuSign [13:54:13] Curse spell check [13:54:24] And actually WMF Legal don't use legal pad [13:54:29] Not for the full NDAs [13:54:37] Really? [13:54:43] Yep [13:54:54] WMF legal don't like legal pad [13:55:06] Shocking [13:55:14] I thought for volunteers they use it [13:55:18] Nope [13:55:39] Legal pad isn't used for the technical side at all now [13:55:52] CU/OS/Steward/OTRS still do [13:56:39] Huh [13:56:42] Oh [13:56:44] Yes [13:56:49] So it is used [13:56:53] Yes [13:56:59] For now [13:57:13] Does WMFL just not care about Functionaries? [13:57:37] The WMF does what it likes [14:02:16] https://tenor.com/view/wikipedia-spins-cool-kill-egg-gif-27207444 [14:02:29] Thank god that DocuSign can be used in Vietnam lol, though if I ever have to sign that then I still going to use another provider- [15:41:00] Bumping this https://issue-tracker.miraheze.org/T12141 [16:53:12] It is automatic PR generated by release-please, you can ignore it. [17:55:17] So anything until the pre determined release date will be recorded in the change log? [17:55:25] So anything until the pre determined release date will be recorded in the change log? [17:56:29] There isn't a pre-determined release date, I will tag the release when the commits stack up significantly enough or when there are critical fixes [17:57:24] Interesting. Looking to see the new version here sts [22:47:27] [1/2] Can someone pinpoint where the specific license is stored? [22:47:27] [2/2] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1006789349498699827/1244784061164032092/image.png?ex=66565eff&is=66550d7f&hm=aa4c9c8982184b35b9d6551ce2d1029b9f2581e4454a63236755925bbdda952f& [22:47:38] I am blank. [22:57:22] MediaWiki:Licenses iirc [22:57:32] but also in Special:ManageWiki/settings [23:21:03] Please change it in Special:ManageWiki/settings as this will automatically change the icon. [23:31:27] Ah yeah. Found it [23:31:55] [1/12] Special:ManageWiki/settings#mw-section-editing [23:31:55] [2/12] 📄 All Rights Reserved [23:31:56] [3/12] 📄 Creative Commons BY 4.0 [23:31:56] [4/12] 📄 Creative Commons BY-NC 4.0 [23:31:56] [5/12] 📄 Creative Commons BY-ND 4.0 [23:31:57] [6/12] 📄 Creative Commons BY-SA 4.0 [23:31:57] [7/12] 📄 Creative Commons BY-SA-NC 4.0 [23:31:57] [8/12] 📄 Creative Commons BY-NC-ND 4.0 [23:31:57] [9/12] 📄 Public Domain [23:31:58] [10/12] 📄 GNU General Public V3 [23:31:58] [11/12] 📄 GNU Free Document License 1.3 [23:31:59] [12/12] 📄 No license provided [23:33:28] yep