[00:20:02] Ah I think I know... [00:22:08] Try the latest patch [00:52:19] Bumping this https://issue-tracker.miraheze.org/T12141 [03:42:51] I'll try looking at it soon but I don't think I can solve it atm [04:14:28] Not a member of tech, but as an outside observer this seems like a fairly low priority issue that might be more efficient to work around vs prodding for a resolution... [04:23:46] That was also my impression [09:31:51] yeah, if you're trying to push animated GIFs past a certain point you're probably better just using videos [09:47:49] This behavior is normally what should be expected, however these *-desc messages that normally should only exist if the extension is loaded exist on all wikis due to how we handle i18n. [09:54:52] You can run the same script we do to have the same effect [10:04:11] [1/5] https://github.com/miraheze/puppet/blob/e91097ab731ae71815f4f095df6fa78140e49936/modules/mediawiki/files/bin/mwdeploy.py#L567C2-L569C1 Basically, whenver we make i18n upgrades we run 1 maint script from our MirahezeMagic extension. [10:04:11] [2/5] The script is mergeMessageFileList (https://github.com/miraheze/MirahezeMagic/blob/ff436bb023cf390c0181f11c5f30002e93d57f26/maintenance/mergeMessageFileList.php). This script merges "$wgExtensionMessagesFiles and $wgMessagesDirs from various extensions to produce a single file listing all message files and dirs." https://github.com/miraheze/MirahezeMagic/blob/ff436bb023cf390c018 [10:04:12] [3/5] 1f11c5f30002e93d57f26/maintenance/mergeMessageFileList.php#L60C27-L61C85 [10:04:12] [4/5] The file generated by this basically has a list of all i18n files and defines https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Manual:$wgExtensionMessagesFiles and https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Manual:$wgMessagesDirs. [10:04:12] [5/5] Then it runs through core's https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Manual:RebuildLocalisationCache.php, which ends up using the vars defined in these files thanks to them being included in https://github.com/miraheze/mw-config/blob/a0308ca8c8b7a2472e50d7af1e741920befebc11/LocalSettings.php#L6690C1-L6696C2 [10:05:31] this ends up in the cache including messages from all the extensions independently of whether or not they are loaded on any given wiki, which leads to what you see on Miraheze's ManageWiki install [10:16:32] Thanks! [14:44:48] [1/2] That's fair I just think it's strange because other Miraheze wikis are able to push .gifs well past the 1.25e7 limit whereas on mine they break the instant they go above it, so I'm somewhat worried there's some kind of bigger underlying issue behind that [14:44:49] [2/2] Either way I'll try and implement some workaround measures for now [14:46:59] example of such wiki? [19:00:30] citation needed? [19:09:27] ig so [19:09:43] damn, have to go sleep now [19:10:02] hope that my PR is merged before I wake up [19:42:10] I don't know if I'm in the right place for this but I have a question regarding creating other-language versions of a wiki. Do I need to request a whole new separate wiki or is there an option to just add another language? [19:43:31] there's [[mw:Extension:Translate]], you can check Miraheze Meta Wiki as example of how it works [19:43:31] [19:45:04] Thanks [19:45:41] [1/2] but you can also request a separate wiki which can be tied w/ original via interwiki links, that's pretty much how wikipedia and fandom wikis work [19:45:41] [2/2] third option would be a manually creating different lang version on a wiki, w/o Translate, a more tedious rout [19:46:07] *different lang pages on a single wiki [19:49:19] Which do you think is better, the extension or a separate wiki [19:52:44] I don't know, honestly, I personally think the extension is clunky but separate wiki is additional work (I used to admin RU and ENG wikis on Fandom at the same time) [19:53:06] Alright, thank you [20:04:39] bumping this so hopefully citizen can be updated soon [20:16:23] [1/2] in general, separate wikis are only viable if you have a large community willing to maintain the separate-language versions. especially since there's no builtin way to automatically make the interwiki stuff on MH/WT right now, you'd have to manually request a new wiki for every new language. for small or even medium sized communities I'd probably recommend just using the translate exten [20:16:23] [2/2] sion, however clunky it is [20:19:33] yeah, well said [22:00:44] [1/2] Can someone tell me if this Wikitide wiki still is available as backup? [22:00:45] [2/2] https://discord.com/channels/407504499280707585/1245827270472630272 [22:01:06] @reception123? [22:21:16] does someone know how to edit the style of an infobox? [22:21:24] on vector [22:21:40] I want to make the infobox 300px wide and center the title [22:21:41] https://parahyba.miraheze.org/wiki/Predefini%C3%A7%C3%A3o:Pessoa [22:22:27] [1/2] https://parahyba.miraheze.org/wiki/MediaWiki:Common.css [22:22:28] [2/2] I tried some stuff [22:27:02] also I tried putting it directly into the template [22:27:04] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1006789349498699827/1245866093847904407/image.png?ex=665a4eb7&is=6658fd37&hm=5c7e42c5d79ae2726ab2cecc8f5b5b81b3baed59fd06c800000250029feed359& [22:27:19] it says style isn't supported on the infobox tag [22:27:31] nor the title [22:27:46] as it is xml [22:32:25] it's not just that it's a custom tag, but that the infobox tag specifically doesn't support it. you can use templatestyles or the CSS you were modifying to affect it though-- do you know how to use the HTML inspector in your browser? [22:32:37] that is best for checking what CSS classes you need to change [22:33:37] [1/5] I did that when I put [22:33:37] [2/5] `.portable-infobox { [22:33:37] [3/5] width: 320px; [22:33:38] [4/5] }` [22:33:38] [5/5] into common.css [22:34:02] right, did you use the inspector to check that it was being used? [22:34:06] yes [22:34:15] and it wasn't working? [22:34:34] no [22:34:34] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1006789349498699827/1245867981532172298/image.png?ex=665a5079&is=6658fef9&hm=16d5fbf6648457191e3e9c1798da2c4174f70cf3e3121a00fb4f82c44e083434& [22:35:04] that says it's 320px wide though [22:35:23] wait what [22:35:24] uh [22:35:26] one second [22:35:51] the size on hover says 320x1445.55, which is 320 wide :p [22:35:56] oh. [22:36:03] I just now checked [22:36:08] sorry for wasting your time [22:36:22] nah, you learned something, so it wasn't pointless [22:36:35] sometimes you have to refresh or purge the cache for a page to get CSS to work [22:39:26] thx [22:40:00] if your wiki doesn't have a button for purge cache, adding `?action=purge` to the URL should do it [22:40:34] firefox does [22:42:38] ah, the button is [[mw:Extension:Purge]] [22:42:39]