[01:17:24] We all know it's bad when even I noticed about the time outs [03:39:54] it's enabled by default on all wikis but it doesn't seem to work always, I have to manually add `?action=purge` sometimes [04:06:45] (might be talking out of my ass here but to my understanding) css is cached browser side and the purge extension/action=purge purges the server side cache, which wouldnt update the css, and ctrl+f5 is the way to refresh browser cache [04:20:57] [1/3] That's more or less on point. [04:20:57] [2/3] Purge forces the server to re-parse the page, which is most useful for things like missing/malformed template errors [04:20:58] [3/3] Local cookie purges + ctrl-F5 can fix CSS stuff, but sometimes it's just waiting for upstream CSS changes to propagate through. [04:21:47] Custom CSS changes under personal preferences are usually instant, but sometimes a force-refresh can kick things into gear. [04:22:00] I should note also that my biggest issues have involved template styles, which are affected by purge [04:22:03] Yeah. [04:22:21] so that's why I just have a habit of always purging for any CSS changes [04:22:33] Or sometimes it's just propagation delay and purge looks like its working. 🤷 [04:23:06] monkey brain presses purge button :p [04:23:33] Who doesn't love a good ol' big red button [04:24:02] sometimes none of the purges work and i go take a nap and hope it sorts itself out [04:24:02] Also a valid approach! [04:25:22] One thing I do appreciate with Agent's work on the Stewards-only reset page: They're literally big red buttons [04:25:23] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1006789349498699827/1245956268515000392/image.png?ex=665aa2b3&is=66595133&hm=502b6b98ed42bde4b443ef2e219a82c0075c15f010cbf7c6476fa7937bff8908& [06:24:43] Great! 503 Backend fetch failed with XID as `9110536` [07:16:51] I will open another PR soon, hope to set UploadWizard up and running as wanted [07:20:44] [1/2] phorge css is dead? [07:20:44] [2/2] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1006789349498699827/1246000395562520657/image.png?ex=665acbcb&is=66597a4b&hm=edca6481932d180584ee64a60b4bfe5607e6d96ce8d0ab35420c6130343dade2& [07:21:15] refresh [07:21:21] it loads correctly for me [07:23:26] [1/2] still happens, 502 in phorge-static.wikitide.net i thibk [07:23:26] [2/2] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1006789349498699827/1246001075467845753/image.png?ex=665acc6d&is=66597aed&hm=de1068d12f3dd441a2229777e67dd9bda646e8d883c19861c8add8a02c804b61& [07:23:36] huh [07:24:20] strange [08:04:17] Can anyone here give some help with making a custom hook for UploadWizard? [10:34:50] [1/2] great, lint failed because of undefined config lol [10:34:50] [2/2] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1006789349498699827/1246049242145882122/q.png?ex=665af949&is=6659a7c9&hm=f044d046b80c599d4ee75ec4c0d8469363e06824a8ad47485e9d33cd205af01f& [12:41:46] [1/2] Finally cooked after 9 commits to get a green tick! [12:41:47] [2/2] [13:53:04] Still an issue? [13:55:03] [1/2] still an issue. disabling vpn didn't work. [13:55:03] [2/2] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1006789349498699827/1246099629372604476/image.png?ex=665b2837&is=6659d6b7&hm=9bf8cf9ac6d13627f0199c3cc10634047de667a5c3984214a5b42c9820f7137c& [13:56:03] Hmm [13:56:11] @Infrastructure Specialists [14:04:12] Reviewed [14:04:19] Commented. [14:11:31] its happening in some wikis [14:11:31] i use more rizz [14:11:46] wrong copy and paste [14:11:51] https://polcompball.wiki/wiki/Main_Page [14:24:18] And again [15:12:14] I got new PR. [15:15:47] Link? [15:16:16] [15:17:54] I'm making AI review [15:18:28] BTW, is something happening to the DNS as it been almost a full day it get 50X [15:19:44] DNS issues won't cause a 50X [15:20:10] Unless it's the cloudflare missing DNS page [15:20:16] Which would be unusual [15:21:00] I think it is, using the original MH subdomain still accessable [15:21:35] Full url? [15:21:56] [1/2] [15:21:57] [2/2] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1006789349498699827/1246121495600693258/j.png?ex=665b3c94&is=6659eb14&hm=47eba6eb843b793b82ddcd22a68c7ac311e989f83243d30fb17fefdaac9ce122& [15:22:18] For the custom domain? [15:22:23] 502 [15:23:15] Works fine for me [15:23:28] That's not one that goes through cloudflare [15:23:33] I don't think [15:23:50] that's because you're not using cp41 [15:23:57] so it's not going to be DNS related [15:24:06] is cp41 broken? [15:24:10] very much broken [15:24:14] Ok [15:24:17] lmao [15:24:26] just cleared out caches and cookies [15:24:33] Not really DNS at fault then [15:24:43] @bluemoon0332 you can't do much about that can you? [15:24:47] How is it broken [15:25:42] lemme look for cp41... [15:27:26] unfortunately I was not blessed with cache-admins membership, so yeah [15:27:50] it seems to be having trouble connecting to mw* [15:28:44] It's out of disk [15:29:15] now #ItsCP41fault [15:29:51] Is there a task @bluemoon0332 [15:30:03] I don't see any, so no [15:30:23] I create one [15:30:32] interlink pls [15:30:49] I see one [15:31:33] there's https://issue-tracker.miraheze.org/T12172 I guess [15:32:01] and CSS there died [15:32:11] https://issue-tracker.miraheze.org/T12172 [15:33:38] Not sure why nameservers ain't depooled it [15:33:43] They should have [15:34:55] @bluemoon0332 you don't have eventgate either do you? [15:34:59] That's playing up [15:35:09] 😂 [15:35:09] It's time is out of sync [15:35:14] what do you think? [15:35:22] been like that for a while now [15:37:00] hmm, I don't think time has ever been correct on eventgate181 @rhinosf1 [15:37:09] probably just needs rebooting [17:10:40] @songngu.xyz what do you mean by https://issue-tracker.miraheze.org/T12172#243787 [17:30:27] just noticed about the task, don't worry [17:30:42] I will delete that comment soon [19:06:38] @rhinosf1 found the issue [19:06:42] logs are being spammed with [19:06:43] `May 31 02:23:02 cp41 postfix/tlsmgr[1578886]: warning: end-of-input while reading request from tlsmgr socket: Broken pipe` [19:08:57] @reception123 and what is that [19:09:07] why is postfix on cp41 [19:09:11] I've got no idea [19:09:50] @reception123 mark it down in DNS then [19:09:52] Hard [19:10:03] @paladox can I ask a favour and steal braincells again [19:10:12] do I just remove from https://github.com/miraheze/dns/blob/master/config then? [19:10:23] sure [19:11:16] [1/3] is there a way I can stop: [19:11:17] [2/3] `May 31 02:23:09 cp41 postfix/tlsmgr[1578886]: warning: end-of-input while reading request from tlsmgr socket: Broken pipe` [19:11:17] [3/3] spamming logs so I can avoid depooling? [19:11:31] i don't remember ever seeing that [19:11:54] https://unix.stackexchange.com/questions/734607/postfix-log-flooded-with-warning-end-of-input-while-reading-request-from-tlsmgr [19:12:53] do we even need postfix on cp though? [19:13:55] i'm not sure. [19:14:15] but i see memory spikes on cp41. [19:14:23] Kill it and find out [19:15:32] I stopped postfix, removed the logs and things seem fine now [19:16:19] I was kidding but if that worked great [19:18:53] huh, and this was flooding disks? is log rotation not set up properly? [19:19:28] well first of all I find it odd that postfix is doing stuff on a cache proxy server [19:35:35] My wiki finally loaded, nice [19:37:31] still waiting for something to be merged tho [20:24:20] Logrotate is setup for all our managed services [20:24:31] I have no idea why postfix would run on a comp [20:24:44] @reception123 check it stays stopped [20:24:50] Puppet doesn't manage it [20:29:12] To confirm that [20:53:34] ah, so, it's because the service emitting the logs wasn't managed by puppet, therefore wasn't properly being rotated [21:08:13] @ltdk I'm not even sure it should be running in the first place or why it started [21:08:20] but yes [21:08:41] We can only configure logs to be rotated if we know they exist [21:12:29] @reception123 fyi https://issue-tracker.miraheze.org/T12172 was the task [21:33:02] yeah, it is very weird that it was started to begin with