[02:43:54] [1/2] a) you need to add a boilerplate (to copy and fill up) on template's or its documentation's pages [02:43:55] [2/2] b) there's no such extension, but you are describing is achievable, just needs a lot of code [09:09:55] [1/2] @bluemoon0332 could you take a look please? [09:09:55] [2/2] https://discord.com/channels/407504499280707585/1245827270472630272 [10:32:06] @reception123 is the backups expert [10:32:26] If it's public it would be on archive.org [10:32:32] If private it depends on the date [10:40:13] [1/3] Private. [10:40:14] [2/3] https://meta.miraheze.org/wiki/Special:ManageWiki/wiki/hyperacusiswiki [10:40:14] [3/3] I don't know the date [10:41:13] [1/2] https://meta.miraheze.org/wiki/Special:ManageWiki/wiki/hyperacusiswikiwiki [10:41:13] [2/2] I believe it was private [10:43:17] https://meta.miraheze.org/wiki/Special:ManageWiki/wiki/hyperacusiswiki this is the correct page it seems [10:43:19] and it's not private [10:43:43] unless that's the wrong wiki with the same name [11:01:05] That's the wrong one indeed [14:19:23] Hey, is anyone familiar with the https://miraheze.org landing page translation system/general layout? One of the people who does translatewiki in Hebrew pointed out an issue where the text don't replace right to left text. [14:43:34] And just to let some one know: they forgot to merge my PR lol [14:45:25] And my laptop was confiscated by my parents so I can't really publish the tech log for my wiki ATM, good day [15:10:57] it needs all the language codes that are rtl in an array, and then check against that array and load the dir as appropriate [15:13:32] Where’s this array? [15:13:40] it doesn't exist atm [15:13:54] LMAO [15:14:03] I'll start it now [15:14:45] I’m talking with a Wikimedia translator who suggested just using the WikiMedia language selector lol anyways I think they also made a task on it [15:15:48] Hallo [15:15:52] I'm the Wikimedia translator 🙂 [15:15:55] Him ^ [15:16:39] The language selector I suggest is https://github.com/wikimedia/jquery.uls . It's independent of MediaWiki. It has functions for getting the direction of a language, among other things. [15:17:04] I also have pointers to other lists of RTL languages. [15:17:49] For example, in the MediaWiki MobileFronted extension, there's src/mobile.languages.structured/rtlLanguages.js . [15:18:50] idk I'm just thinking https://github.com/miraheze/landing/pull/149 [15:19:53] The language selection on that page isn't done with JS so idk [16:06:24] Sorry I am really busy IRL I will when I can though. If it is tested and works though I see no problem with it. SEO rational seems solid for what it does so its a matter of if it works rather than what it does. [16:06:53] I did test it on my local PC so I know it works [16:07:08] But alr that's okay [16:09:10] No worries man [18:30:35] [1/5] is it possible to get weirdgloop's MigrateUserAccount approved to allow easier reclaim of user accounts from another host provider? [18:30:36] [2/5] - uses a token to auto verify via api [18:30:36] [3/5] - per GDPR section 20 for requirements of user data, users are allowed to request a copy of their data and grant consent to have user data remotely transferred to new data controller aka host]. Fandom can't argue this. [18:30:36] [4/5] https://github.com/weirdgloop/mediawiki-extensions-MigrateUserAccount [18:30:37] [5/5] given that Miraheze takes in wikis, wouldn't this be better than manually verifying [18:33:56] Is it CentralAuth compatible [18:34:02] It doesn't seem to be [19:08:19] It is but its a huge headache I just don't think its worth the small benefit of bringing someones preferences over. [19:29:11] Congrats on ops @bluemoon0332 [19:36:08] @fbcpck: see https://issue-tracker.miraheze.org/T12182#243947 [19:36:16] And thank you for the very detailed report [19:36:28] 👍 [19:37:01] thank for keeping the entire thing running too a:Bow: [19:37:54] The amazing detail makes my life very easy [19:54:02] what is a boilerplaye? [20:05:33] [1/3] example [20:05:33] [2/3] [20:05:33] [3/3] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1006789349498699827/1246917642045095986/IMG_20240602_230511.jpg?ex=665e220c&is=665cd08c&hm=4aa72cd064efc5894dd73370bf4e9c0515680ac0f092bdd5199b3b9958f2a517& [20:09:39] I think what they meant is a way to add an entry/row in the infobox with free input instead of predefined named args in the template [20:09:58] yeah, I said that's a whole other thing [20:09:59] yeah [20:10:02] exactly like that [20:10:09] ^ [20:10:45] I think that lua is the only way [20:10:47] there's a rather simple way to do this with tables, but kinda completely different template layout (and it has to be table) [20:11:02] [1/2] extension StubUserWikiAuth allows to port over user preferences but can be disabled [20:11:02] [2/2] nothing in the code repository for migrateuseraccount says anything about migrating preferences, 0 results returned in a search of repository [20:11:16] Maybe some sort of template chaining with template inside other templates ? [20:11:17] you can go w/ table but that's parser function nightmare lol [20:11:33] Lua is more convenient but it's yeah, Lua [20:11:40] I code in lua [20:11:48] [1/9] ``` [20:11:48] [2/9] [20:11:49] [3/9] {{SomeTableRowTemplate|Label|Value}} [20:11:49] [4/9] /table [20:11:49] [5/9] ``` [20:11:50] [6/9] Where template outputs: [20:11:50] [7/9] ``` [20:11:50] [8/9]
Label/tdValue/td/tr [20:11:50] [9/9] ``` [20:11:51] but there are many different versions of it [20:11:54] I think Ro will tell for sure if there's simpler version of WP's Template:Infobox on our dev wiki [20:11:56] is pretty simple, but not sure if it works for your use case [20:12:06] Well if you know lua it will be easier [20:12:14] let me try [20:12:14] Wikipedia uses Template:Infobox as basis for all the rest infoboxes [20:13:23] it doesn't work [20:13:28] it just assumes it is a template [20:13:31] with the {{}}s [20:13:43] well I know it does because it's a pattern I do regularly lol [20:13:50] just dont know if it works for your infobox use case [20:13:58] Ye you need to create the templateb [20:14:06] oh. [20:14:21] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1006789349498699827/1246919859758170224/image.png?ex=665e241d&is=665cd29d&hm=f63496ddc07f876d7e9694a043fa3fb8c2b53f850fadf072412c33634ee02fb1& [20:14:27] yep you need to define the `Template:SomeTableRowTemplate` [20:14:28] (predefinição is template) [20:14:32] oh [20:14:46] which should just be `
{{{1|}}}/td{{{2|}}}/td/tr` [20:15:30] if you know Lua it's probably better to check [[w:Template:Infobox]] [20:15:31] [20:15:33] but again, it means your infobox is a wikitable, not sure if that is okay for your use case :blobneutral: [20:15:41] ohh [20:15:47] yeah that's way better [20:15:52] its getting better i guess [20:15:57] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1006789349498699827/1246920262721732741/image.png?ex=665e247d&is=665cd2fd&hm=9d3b86050b50db2008c6289ef808d3dd0a22c9c6bb61ce0f32a426db2ed4bfc2& [20:16:05] wikitable + parser function = nightmare code [20:16:24] me, who made HTML table infoboxes lol [20:16:46] Lua code is written on Module: pages [20:20:50] alr nvm [20:20:55] took a look at it [20:30:59] Had an idea to make a quick script to look through local settings at the custom settings and fetch each wiki based on database name and flag all the ones fhat have been deleted so we can remove them and the bloat from the file [20:31:05] thoughts? [20:37:13] thanks [20:38:45] Seems I'll be doing some reading on the more infra-related docs now that I have access to everything [20:40:23] @bluemoon0332 just ask questions if you need it [20:40:32] You'll do fine [20:40:46] I'm good at making it up at stupid o'clock [20:41:18] I've woke up to many different failures [21:15:51] [1/2] I hate that I have to bother you guys each 20 mins with a new question but really quick, how to reference with css a specific element in an infobox? just images won't work because the infobox has other images [21:15:52] [2/2] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1006789349498699827/1246935337834385509/image.png?ex=665e3287&is=665ce107&hm=153e39e17e5e3027f2b25f9721a599ec4797699f526bbed5931cba8d8ac7448e& [21:16:07] class doesn't work [21:16:18] it fucked up the infobox [21:18:02] are you asking about flag/coat sort of thing? [21:18:06] no [21:18:16] whole different thing [21:18:53] I mean if there was a way to reference only elements on the infobox ml with the source "coordenadas" [21:19:54] [1/2] I'm going to sleep but my guess is navigation tag [21:19:54] [2/2] just needs some deep look [21:20:18] k [21:20:24] gn [21:21:02] [1/3] check [21:21:02] [2/3] [21:21:02] [3/3] [21:22:41] k [21:22:55] [1/3] actually hey [21:22:55] [2/3] [21:22:55] [3/3] maybe this [21:23:51] thx it works