[04:36:06] Update: Visiting my wiki now don't allow me to login without go directly to `Special:UserLogin` [04:36:32] [1/2] And the reference button is gone too [04:36:32] [2/2] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1006789349498699827/1247046236662534186/image.png?ex=665e99cf&is=665d484f&hm=004ce9ec3209b2b4127d801631514d80a19a5e47085ca92e79b393362777fc86& [04:38:01] Is the skin upgraded recently? [04:52:07] it was [05:27:18] Class/id [19:27:39] [1/2] interesting [19:27:39] [2/2] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1006789349498699827/1247270494906875924/Epi50mg.png?ex=665f6aab&is=665e192b&hm=a9c15d7c8a0cbe707cd32dd92f01adb986b19ca64f9bee5d874f80067c6768b2& [19:28:00] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1006789349498699827/1247270581620052090/ZF2WQn3.png?ex=665f6abf&is=665e193f&hm=f9f04af77deaf1833efc85e61ee77690b76d2f33d4f7db0c01b73f96765faf6b& [20:08:24] Interesting [20:10:28] nitro is WOKE [20:27:20] experiments [22:06:30] can someone explain the CreateWiki approval score thing on old requests plz? [22:10:34] early attempts at AI grading of approvability based on request text [22:11:06] Don't know specifics, but it's stashed away somewhere in the repos [22:11:41] What I do recall hearing is that it overselected for length + some cruddy older approval standards, so weird stuff would be rated near 1 and other lengthy well-formed stuff would be close to 0 [22:12:17] The intent was that like, anything over .95 would be auto-approved. [22:45:11] sounds exploitable [22:45:28] Likely [22:50:08] I'm not much for automation or AI. I rather have that "feeling" of what the requestor really wants