[08:28:18] challenge pass rate is 0.03% for those intrested [08:30:05] (that is just 51 requests) [11:29:47] [1/2] is there where'd i'd go to for help for like [11:29:47] [2/2] creating an infobox? [11:31:56] nvm [11:58:07] @ninepiecesofeight nope, that's for #general or #support [18:56:37] And the record for probably shortest extension security review goes to https://issue-tracker.miraheze.org/T12177 [18:58:22] It hasn't been reviewed [18:59:27] I know I mean that it’s a short extension code wise [18:59:37] Looks like a single hook ish [20:21:48] I believe RemoveRedlinks was shorter