[05:10:52] [1/2] might just be me but although on my own wiki, citizen's preferences menu works normally, on meta it doesn't for some reason [05:10:52] [2/2] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1006789349498699827/1247779653351903303/image.png?ex=666144db&is=665ff35b&hm=8218a7cbd03eb0db6b90c32b37d8e0d418dde1e3d9ba87b89c839a75548e9994& [05:35:26] It seems that the root cause might be localization cache. For each settings inside the preferences menu, Citizen checks for the existence of the message key first [06:32:32] Still looking for someone to merge my PRs, even after reinstalling my OS back to Windows... [07:19:31] Ew W*ndows [07:20:32] i use w*ndows πŸ˜” [16:57:13] Test [17:11:17] [1/2] what exactly happened here? [17:11:18] [2/2] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1006789349498699827/1247960952523984958/Screenshot_20240605-131027_Firefox.png?ex=6661edb5&is=66609c35&hm=316b61be076e2c160b3143751a5c96fecc8a1bb75f886dd28563d186b588147d& [17:11:51] that I'm a little dummy [17:16:16] @ltdk basically, I'm trying to install ntpd but I made a mistake that led to puppet complaining of redeclaring classes [17:16:51] oh, is there no test in CI? or did the test not catch the issue? [17:17:13] there is and there also isn't [17:17:22] fair [17:17:32] the CI in the puppet repo checks for typos and there's a very basic lint [17:17:34] testing deployments is hard, I just figured there'd be something [17:17:44] it doesn't check that it is valid code tho, which led to this [17:17:49] ...oh [17:18:02] does puppet not have tools for that? [17:18:04] Puppet CI isn't very good [17:18:12] We could probably setup PCC [17:18:21] But PCC is a nightmare [17:18:37] I think that at least checking for syntactic validity would be a good idea [17:18:41] no idea what PCC is [17:19:03] https://wikitech.wikimedia.org/wiki/Help:Puppet-compiler [17:19:26] Puppet Catalog Compiler [17:19:27] [1/2] uh and once that done can someone help me merge both of my PRs? a:PeepoSadRain: [17:19:27] [2/2] I can't publish the technical log without them ready [17:23:39] It does check for syntax but it doesn't check logic [17:24:22] like mentioned, I'm assuming that PCC should cover most of the bases besides something being configured incorrectly [17:24:32] at least to the point you should be able to easily revert it? [17:24:36] @ltdk PCC will check everything [17:24:45] PCC complies it as if you are on the host [17:25:07] Beyond not having the actual secrets [17:25:22] right, but I imagine there is still logic beyond what puppet needs [17:25:32] like mediawiki configs actually doing what you want [17:25:38] Nope [17:25:58] Not in the puppet repo [17:26:11] Puppet is config management for host level stuff [17:26:38] PCC will tell you if it's managing it as expected [17:26:53] fair, I'm just sure there are examples where puppet is managing correctly, but the end result isn't correct [17:27:02] but in those cases at least a revert should fix properly [17:27:50] https://puppet-compiler.wmflabs.org/output/1038845/3614/ is an example [17:28:28] PCC wouldn't tell you if your application config is correct. It will tell you if puppet is going to write what you want. [17:28:35] It would have prevented this issue [17:28:45] Puppet CI is hard [17:32:25] @rhinosf1 are there any install docs for PCC by any chance? [17:32:43] Probably not [17:33:09] Ask Joe [17:33:28] who's Joe? [17:35:35] A guy in Wikimedia's SRE team [17:35:49] They'll be in #wikimedia-sre [17:36:07] I would just pop in that channel and ask tbh [17:36:10] would you believe if I seriously believed you were gonna say "Joe Mama"? [17:36:21] Yes [17:36:49] https://phabricator.wikimedia.org/p/Joe/ [17:37:00] I think he knows stuff about PCC [17:37:46] 16:10:01 <_joe_> jhathaway: the puppet compiler is a typical case of organic growth out of a small program I wrote for a specific purpose, it has never been developed as a proper software with a roadmap, and it shows πŸ™‚ [17:37:54] That's from the other day [19:36:35] Can someone help me change my server name? [19:37:57] server? [19:38:41] pokemon.miraheze.org [19:39:12] you want to change URL/title of the wiki? [19:39:42] Yeah because it's too similar to pokemonwiki.info [19:46:56] You'll need to file a ticket on our [[Phorge]] instance for a URL change [19:46:57] [20:07:59] [1/2] login with mediawiki does not seem pleased with me [20:07:59] [2/2] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1006789349498699827/1248005418530115634/image.png?ex=6662171e&is=6660c59e&hm=99ca034408032cee6d300fe72ee3ddbfaf3a92c081785c408d7fd0dbc2274961& [20:08:08] lmao [20:08:16] the server got hit with the CF captcha [20:08:33] So pissed it don’t even know what to say [20:10:37] I just realized that, amazing [20:19:11] Let me look into that [20:21:37] Bugger [20:25:45] @bluemoon0332 what's wrong with https://github.com/miraheze/phorge-extensions/blob/master/src/oauth/PhutilMediaWikiAuthAdapter.php#L138 [20:26:31] rolling your own crypto πŸ’€ [20:27:03] other than that I don't really know [20:27:14] Hm? [20:28:19] that file has it's own implementation of what I think it is a constant-time comparison and is also using hash_hmac directly [20:29:27] IMO it should use some kind of OAuth library for this [20:31:57] @rhinosf1 what's making you suspicious of that file? [20:32:13] Wrong request [20:32:17] It's https://we.phorge.it/source/phorge/browse/master/src/applications/auth/adapter/PhutilOAuth1AuthAdapter.php;cb934602c2e8c7da4b1c15793fe2511fe47c108d$102?as=source&blame=off [20:32:42] That doesn't set a UA [20:32:45] Bad phab! [20:33:01] but we set one don't we? [20:33:47] https://github.com/miraheze/phorge-extensions/blob/master/src/oauth/PhutilMediaWikiAuthAdapter.php#L138 not a particularly nice one tho [20:34:00] We do [20:34:01] there's one for querying userinfo at least [20:34:08] It's a different request though [20:34:20] The bad one is https://we.phorge.it/source/phorge/browse/master/src/applications/auth/adapter/PhutilOAuth1AuthAdapter.php;cb934602c2e8c7da4b1c15793fe2511fe47c108d$102?as=source&blame=off [20:34:36] @raidarr now? [20:36:05] yay [20:36:17] Good! [20:38:06] But dumb phab [20:38:17] not much we can do then [20:38:34] other than maybe submit a patch or create an issue at phorge [20:39:49] Yes we should upstream that [20:39:54] Cause it's horrible [20:40:06] And also our own software should comply with our own policy [20:40:23] That upsets me [20:40:38] But then also we should exempt our own servers from the WAF [20:40:52] think I found another weird thing [20:41:33] Hopefully not one I broke [20:41:40] https://meta.miraheze.org/wiki/Special:ManageWiki/core/pokemonwiki has no custom domain, but pokemon.miraheze.org shoves itself into https://pokemonwiki.info/ which sounds like The CloudFlare Strikes Back tbh [20:42:06] I blame @bluemoon0332 [20:42:13] why 😒 ? [20:42:23] You've touched ManageWiki [20:43:05] Rhinos used Deflect! [20:45:03] that's a pretty funny behavior there [20:45:03] It’s not very effective! [20:45:20] Also why did I almost accidentally call you Pharos [20:45:41] indeed [20:45:56] someone's been shooting around talk page messages particularly a rather opaque one to me but that seems to be what he's on about [20:54:18] @bluemoon0332 https://we.phorge.it/T15848 [20:59:08] I don't see the x-served-by header in any of the requests to pokemon.miraheze.org, even when I tried inserting garbage as a GET parameter to prevent CF from serving me the cached redirect [21:00:38] @bluemoon0332 what's the cache header [21:02:55] [1/4] cached redirect when accessing pokemon.miraheze.org: [21:02:56] [2/4] `cf-ray: 88f31833fde186ba-MAD` [21:02:56] [3/4] uncached redirect: [21:02:56] [4/4] `cf-ray: 88f31a869e1386ba-MAD` [21:03:42] `cache-control: max-age=5` for all the recirects [21:07:06] Hmm [21:08:45] @bluemoon0332 try again in 30s [21:11:38] same results, but uncached [21:13:28] Then it's not a cloudflare issue [21:13:46] https://github.com/miraheze/ssl/blob/master/redirects.yaml#L335 I think I found the culprit [21:14:07] it seems these redirects are hit before MediaWiki is ran [21:14:11] That'll do it [21:14:15] Yes they are [21:20:30] https://github.com/miraheze/ssl/pull/780 [22:22:17] [1/2] Can someone address this?: [22:22:18] [2/2] https://meta.miraheze.org/wiki/Talk:Moving_a_wiki_to_Miraheze#Importing_from_an_old_MediaWiki [22:22:37] `I have a dump from a Wiki which uses MediaWiki 1.36.1. Should I expect that to cause problems if I try to move it to Miraheze?` [22:26:53] oh bot [22:26:57] uh [22:27:02] look on mw.orh [22:27:07] busy rn [23:19:25] I wouldn't think so because xml is xml [23:35:28] true [23:35:48] _theoretically_ [23:35:57] try and import it and find out I guess [23:36:32] but 1.36 is between 2 lts versions so I don't think it should be an issue [23:47:28] Only one way to find out [23:47:32] For science!