[01:37:26] uh [01:37:42] I just found I lost my TOTP token for one of my bot account. [01:39:52] I am still in control of the email of that account and I have the password. [01:39:58] It is possible to get a reset? [03:07:28] @MediaWiki Specialists ^ [07:23:23] @xtexxxx is there a clear link between you and the bot account and does your own account have 2FA? [07:30:14] https://mypedia.miraheze.org/wiki/利用者:Ndbtk000 [07:33:47] both has 2FA (but I found I only saved the token for my primary account). but there seems to be no clear link. maybe the email address? the original wiki where I created the bot was deleted due to inactive. [07:37:41] if the link between you and your bot isn't beyond reasonable doubt, SRE would be unlikely to unlock it. Maybe if you have a bot password you could make it edit and say it is linked to you. [08:05:14] Is the backup of the scpsharpwiki or xtexvnetwiki (which were closed in July last year) still anywhere? [08:08:21] were they public? [08:14:05] they were. I found a backup on Internet Archive by others but I found nothing about the bot account mentioned above. I will create a new one. Thanks for help. [08:47:17] oops I just recovered the TOTP token from a backup of a backup of my password database two years ago, and recovered the password from the history in the database. Finally logged in (:P [08:53:49] go create a committed identity or PGP key [08:54:02] already created [08:55:21] either of them are considered proof beyond reasonable doubt for unlocking an account [12:09:24] I should probably publish my PGP key [12:09:57] yes [12:10:12] also morning @pixldev [12:10:16] Morning [12:10:25] I just woke up [12:19:13] I’m trying to find out how to remove a identity I accidentally made with email since I don’t see a need for an email on there [12:22:56] Revoke the key [12:29:03] Does that prevent it from being published? [12:29:44] @pixldev think about that. it's on the internet. [12:30:09] I mean the key is on my pc only [12:30:16] oh [12:30:19] I want to remove the email before publishing to the net [12:30:23] just delete the file [12:30:27] regenerate it [12:30:32] I am aware you can’t remove things from PGP servers [16:11:55] There aren't PGP servers [16:12:02] It's a mathematical algorithm [16:49:02] Yes they are [16:49:10] It's where you share and store keys [16:55:11] Oh