[11:35:49] [1/2] Has anyone seen @cosmicalpha ? [11:35:49] [2/2] https://discord.com/channels/407504499280707585/1245827270472630272 [11:36:24] I'm around just very busy as of late [11:37:18] Understood. But could I get you to take a quick look nne the less? This user has been waiting for answers a long time [16:40:54] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1006789349498699827/1250127632843145298/4f955651e0bb09293304e2570ff4668f.mp4?ex=6669cf95&is=66687e15&hm=c0ba5fda24f46be18ef495a04af5987b488e061eaec5706b9d8bf57013c5977c& [16:40:56] Just yelped out loud at this [17:00:19] [1/2] I was looking for fractal images and ofc there are AI images [17:00:19] [2/2] it just tries to imitate fractal imagery, badly, which is funny since fractal is a math thing [22:12:31] ssl seems to have broke on fanon.polandballwiki.com, and now likely thanks to cloudflare shenanigans it sends me to wiki.themanaworld.org [22:18:58] huh- [22:21:13] if it goes back to the domain holder (agent) we may as well consider the domain dead, however the main still seems to work and I wonder if there's anything that can be done at the miraheze level in the case of the strange redirect [23:04:10] Just like betaheze:( [23:07:38] what? [23:08:25] Betaheze also fell to its demise because of agent [23:10:34] you mean Mirabeta?