[00:10:01] Please send a link to your wiki [00:10:16] Fwiw importing from Wikipedia is usually an awful idea but if you insist I can try to fix it [00:13:33] [1/2] Here you go: https://witheredhope.miraheze.org/wiki/Template:Taxobox [00:13:33] [2/2] and thank you for being willing to help🙏 [00:35:32] I'll give it a try later today once I'm on my computer [15:29:02] @pixldev want to guess https://issue-tracker.miraheze.org/T12211 ? [18:28:10] Hm? [18:28:34] Guess the cause [18:28:50] Also anything cloudflare related is probably my fault. Feel free to blame me. [18:29:04] Something facepalm inducing [18:29:19] Why do the servers have 2 IPs? [19:48:52] that's because they're configured to use bastion.wikitide.net as a HTTP proxy [19:49:03] they can thus use either bast161 or bast181 as a proxy [19:49:17] Not true [19:49:20] that's not it [19:49:30] Good guess but only one bast server is currently active [19:49:41] It's the whole reason we have bastions though [19:51:14] @bluemoon0332 any idea? [21:08:16] It was me for getting both IPv4 and IPv6 existed