[10:49:42] <.labster> [1/2] Sometimes Gerrit is too opinionated [10:49:42] <.labster> [2/2] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1006789349498699827/1251126415097860186/image.png?ex=666d71c6&is=666c2046&hm=eb933e5eda2616fb41f7318309a9d91d19c92eef6351a19a35c329669c5351dc& [11:08:03] Well, that's Gerrit for you. I never got it to work reliably. Whatever I touch is 100% likely to implode on itself and/or Gerrit maintainers gotten lazy lately [11:11:22] That's not really Gerrits fault that your code isn't formatted properly [11:12:52] That's not Gerrit [11:13:14] It's Jenkins [11:13:18] And it's running phpcs [11:15:07] Blame whoever set the WMF's code standards @.labster [11:22:30] <.labster, replying to rhinosf1> No, it's a guy who works for the WMF named Gerrit. Dutch, I think. [11:30:08] <.labster> [1/2] FFS really? [11:30:08] <.labster> [2/2] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1006789349498699827/1251136590546206742/image.png?ex=666d7b40&is=666c29c0&hm=7ffc2455d617d0c0893fe9a6dcaa06eb9b144e05e599e1eb0563851b9b1b3242& [11:41:23] MikroTIk-1036 [11:41:32] wrong channel [12:39:57] I don't see the issue? You are obviously not following MW coding style and then complaining that its being picked up? [12:40:01] Just follow the conventions? [14:14:21] Can't find them [14:14:32] But I don't disagree with them as coding conventions [16:55:13] @Technology Team Anyone around to assist on enabling SMW on two wikis? [16:58:39] Sure, let me know which two 🙂 [17:16:30] Thanks, will do. [17:18:48] [1/3] * zhtardiswiki [17:18:48] [2/3] * gengbaikewiki [17:18:48] [3/3] Both need SMW setup completed. [17:47:05] doing now! [18:53:11] @Infrastructure Specialists can someone kick phorge [18:57:12] Kick how [18:57:37] restart php-fpm [18:57:55] Which has decided to finish for the weekend [19:13:17] It's back [19:13:25] I assume puppet rebooted it [20:01:45] you assume right it seems [20:01:45] ` Active: active (running) since Fri 2024-06-14 19:07:39 UTC; 53min ago` [20:02:18] Call it an educated guess [20:06:24] @reception123: any log on why it died in the first place? [20:10:49] Just had a quick look to make sure things were fine but don't have time to look in depth this evening unfortunately [20:19:14] Ack