[00:05:34] So bad at python, personally one of my least favorite to do things in except when I have to. [04:54:36] Yeah I've never really liked Python because of the whole spacing thing with it [04:54:52] It's weird how code is only correct if it has enough whitespace [04:55:17] Sometimes I want to temporarily add messy code in to test a hypothesis then format it later [12:31:03] what I like about html (which I know isn't a proper language in the first place) is you can just middle finger the whitespace/formatting and just kinda do what you want there if you [12:31:10] aren't interested in the tabbing [22:30:12] could someone help me with the wikipedia-like article popup please [22:30:12] https://discord.com/channels/407504499280707585/1019689826762637382/threads/1253114233647005747 [22:30:23] https://discord.com/channels/407504499280707585/1253114233647005747/1253114233647005747