[09:17:08] @bluemoon0332: hi [09:23:35] hi [09:23:44] doing some pywikibot work on bots171 rn [09:23:48] what's up [09:24:03] @bluemoon0332 you want to test a fix for the ssl issue? [09:24:12] sure [09:24:48] can you get a CSR for miraheze.org and *.miraheze.org [09:25:08] what's the plan first? [09:28:58] test the cloudflare origin certs [09:29:38] you could try just showing the main wildcard cert [09:29:47] see if that fixes it first [13:56:19] @bluemoon0332 https://github.com/miraheze/ManageWiki/blob/master/maintenance/toggleExtension.php#L53 is a logical weird [13:57:06] yeah [13:57:28] I think guarding it with !$disable will do though @bluemoon0332 [14:00:15] there's also the MirahezeMagic fun stuff [14:00:27] the like is including wikis that have kartographer enabled in the dblist [14:00:51] @bluemoon0332 https://github.com/miraheze/ManageWiki/pull/470 [14:02:38] It selects on %graph% [14:03:08] That's slightly harder to solve [14:08:01] apparently mariadb supports json, perhaps that could be used to filter the extension list (if you accept possibly being bound by one db engine) [14:08:20] I thought only Postgres did [14:08:25] Good to know actually [14:15:04] https://mariadb.com/kb/en/json_contains/; hopefully this works for arrays, i can't test [14:15:10] The most native way to use json in mariadb would be to serialize it with php first [14:15:17] then there is no messing abou [14:15:58] the deserialization (more specifically, trying to extract a list of wikis that have an extension enabled) is the problem here [14:16:21] https://github.com/miraheze/MirahezeMagic/blob/6f350919aa08c82a5279b49ab1a68a183c1e399a/maintenance/generateExtensionDatabaseList.php#L39 is basically something like "%(ext name here)%" [14:16:26] Its because ManageWiki is really fucked [14:16:52] also, isn't it already serialized in php first? [14:17:01] https://github.com/miraheze/ManageWiki/blob/18909f0a13ae6e2c6e1af06d08b777a8ea99da42/includes/Helpers/ManageWikiExtensions.php#L211 [14:17:34] instead of doing something like having a table for all the extensions that has something like the extension id and then a reference to the wiki its enabled on, it just puts them all into one row for the wiki which makes querying it harder [14:18:07] https://github.com/miraheze/ManageWiki/commit/5c3202a3eeb1b199e7815307ca519b8a7c80038a fixed that [14:18:09] serializing and json are not one in the same [14:18:36] +1 -1 dang [14:18:45] Serialising will give you json when its unserialized, but if you compare a serialized value in the database with json they won't be the same [14:19:25] ie ["test" => "this is a test"] would sit in the db as a:1:{s:4:"test";s:14:"this is a test";} [14:22:10] I don't really see the need for that change because $default is set to false anyway [14:22:24] guess its an extra check but it doesn't really do much [14:22:40] oh, does mariadb store json data on disk separately than something like javascript's JSON.stringify/python's json.dumps/php's json_encode? [14:22:48] it prevents the entire enabling even when you give disable [14:22:55] (i have very limited SQL knowledge, let alone mariadb) [14:23:21] what? [14:24:35] oh i see it niow [14:25:29] it stores json as text iirc [14:25:51] its just an alias, like bool is an alias for tinyint [14:27:02] The JSON is a lie 🍰 [14:28:10] which is why i prefere serialize because your always guranteed to get a json array back when unserializing even if its stored as a string representation of json and not actually json in the database [14:28:35] I’m glad maybe someone got the allusion [14:28:55] * BlankEclair eats JSON [14:31:37] You forgot the yaml cookie [14:31:41] Cookies* [14:33:55] that made me think of cookies where the values are yaml-serialized [14:34:29] They were? [14:34:56] no, but imagine making some cursed web server that uses yaml in cookies [14:35:11] bonus points if all the data is stored in an associative array in one yaml cookie [14:35:14] I’ll get to work [14:36:12] can you reproduce https://issue-tracker.miraheze.org/T12234 on mirabeta i wonder? [14:36:20] After breakfast [14:36:31] sure ^_^ [14:36:36] Possibly [14:36:40] if so, can you paste the full exceptions details there so i can get a headstart to debugging tomorrow? [14:36:50] You wanna try? I can make you account [14:37:02] i requested an account via the form but sure [14:37:03] I dont have greylog accesd [14:37:13] mirabeta gives full exception details [14:37:23] Awesome [14:37:27] or at least the stack trace, which is full enough for me [14:37:50] I’ll hope on IRC so you can send me an email to sent the password too assuming you don’t wanna send it publicly [14:38:30] what message are you replying to? [14:38:43] > i requested an account via the form but sure [14:39:06] I love how the IRC side message has 3 different [14:39:09] ah, i used https://meta.miraheze.org/wiki/Special:Contact/requestbetaaccount [14:39:28] When was that [14:40:01] 2024-06-21 09:11 PM UTC+10 [14:40:08] I don’t have access to the form but I have test beta crat if you want me to make one, if you wanna wait that’s also fine [14:40:17] sure, make one please [14:40:39] Same username? [14:40:43] yep [14:41:15] aight [14:41:25] feel free to send me an email to send the password to [14:41:29] ill open up testbeta [14:42:10] (example where i (ab)used mirabeta to get the full exception: https://issue-tracker.miraheze.org/T12208#244415) [14:47:41] :DoneMH: Done [15:04:31] why are we running femiwiki branch REL1_40 despite miraheze being on 1.41? https://github.com/miraheze/mediawiki-repos/blob/9ae7d7e701d54558d1c2cf0e1d65ebe0615c376f/mediawiki-repos.yaml#L352 [15:29:54] For the lolz [15:45:43] understandable, have a good day [15:49:57] can femiwiki be enabled for mw 1.42? it's disabled due to some class not found exception (https://github.com/miraheze/mw-config/commit/66a9c0fe472bed14ece107160d060b18e6ba1cee), but it works properly when testing with a local instance of mw adca526 and femiwiki 11ba94b [15:51:02] i'm going to sleep now, when someone answers, can you memo me the response? thanks [18:01:04] https://issue-tracker.miraheze.org/T12235