[05:28:29] (crosspost) Meta namespace been changed again to Miraheze Meta? Seems like a lot of links are broken. [05:29:13] Thought that happened a while ago... [05:51:14] that would also mess up with stuff like [[Meta:CN]] [14:13:53] @rhinosf1 what Python linter do you use/recommend [14:14:17] Flake8 is the most simple [14:14:31] You could copy what we do for puppet or python-functions [14:15:11] The only one I’ve used is black [14:18:32] Is that what you typically use as well? [14:18:48] Also: since no one objected I’ll action https://discord.com/channels/407504499280707585/407537962553966603/1253905225945714769 in a sec [14:19:38] Yes [14:19:46] I wrote that CI [14:20:28] Is that recommended or any linter works really [14:24:00] Any linter works [14:24:18] Well any PEP8 compliant one [14:26:19] Just pick one no point wasting time picking basically [14:26:21] ? [14:27:02] Ye [20:54:02] why are pages for [[MediaWiki/1.41]] missing lol [20:54:03] [20:55:50] [1/2] why is there a #vector-main-menu inside a #vector-main-menu on special pages [20:55:50] [2/2] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1006789349498699827/1254178054797000777/image.png?ex=66788bd5&is=66773a55&hm=a52938a6d8b331080bc335e22aadf19d31941da713ba1e340913f10ffc5e2088& [21:07:50] [1/3] does someone know how to set theme-specific css rules on `MediaWiki:Common.css`? my main page has boxes similar to wikipedia's about the wiki, how to edit, newest pages and featured page, but it only fits well with Timeless and Vector, but I also have a Citizen theme option and I would like to change their css only if that theme is applied. [21:07:50] [2/3] https://parahyba.miraheze.org/wiki/P%C3%A1gina_principal?useskin=vector [21:07:51] [3/3] https://parahyba.miraheze.org/wiki/P%C3%A1gina_principal?useskin=citizen [21:08:06] MediaWiki:Citizen.css [21:08:13] MediaWiki:Vector.css [21:08:27] wait actually [21:08:42] yes [21:08:58] alternatively you can use skin-specific selectors like body.skin-citizen [21:09:05] Common is for MediaWiki elements which are same everywhere, skin specific is, well, for each skin separately [21:09:11] [1/2] fuck thats true I feel stupid [21:09:11] [2/2] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1006789349498699827/1254181416346849462/image.png?ex=66788ef7&is=66773d77&hm=5c7d3d679f3ae5b0b8a3a09067231b174fb059bbbb9137587b56a6a001c029f2& [21:09:19] tysm anyways [21:10:13] anyways anyone have any ideas abt this lol [21:14:15] maybe its a spacer [21:14:41] but there's like nothing beneath it most of the time [21:17:14] `.vector-main-menu #vector-main-menu { display:none !important }` or something to figure out idk [21:17:22] that syntax may be possibly wrong [21:17:40] just `#vector-main-menu #vector-main-menu { display:none }` was enough lol [21:17:53] ik how to remove it but it's really interesting why the heck it's there in the first place [21:18:09] and IDs are supposed to be unique [23:24:50] [1/3] citizen footer and tagline not working - they both have texts but it doesn't show up [23:24:50] [2/3] https://parahyba.miraheze.org/wiki/P%C3%A1gina_principal?useskin=citizen [23:24:51] [3/3] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1006789349498699827/1254215553665601606/image.png?ex=6678aec2&is=66775d42&hm=fce23acc006a8df5a0e7855402830d4536a0911225a16e2cab62416678b95767&