[00:26:58] do we have something that re-encodes served images as WebP? if I try to download a PNG from a wiki and save it, Firefox says it's a WebP image [00:37:05] that would be cloudflare, there is a way to bypass it I think by directly visiting the file or something [01:26:31] [1/2] This is done for performance, it's possible in theory to disable it for a specific wiki if you have a good reason but it's very easy to convert WebP files to PNGs if needed so I don't really get it [01:26:32] [2/2] WebP gives significant improvements for page loading time and SEO [04:37:54] No, I mean, I set the alternative label for it, but somehow it now show the wiki site name only [04:42:46] ah [04:44:45] ah, so the WebP thing is CloudFlare [05:12:59] which if you don't know, it depend on what server your wiki are in [05:13:32] Mine unfortunately not proxied with it [05:14:38] oh, that is very weird [05:15:30] my main issue is that sometimes I upload duplicate files as a way of flagging certain images as placeholders to be updated, and you can't do that on MW unless they're binary-exact images, and downloading a WebP version of a PNG breaks that because it's been re-encoded [05:15:58] also it makes downloading and editing some images a pain because I need to convert them back to PNG first [05:17:15] of course. everyone usually hate WebP as I am [05:21:19] Can i ask who review the wikis [05:28:14] Tali is one of reviewers, in #offtopic [08:01:26] Not anymore. [08:01:46] I do review wiki's. [08:02:01] i probably cant ask u [08:02:05] or can i [08:02:14] Why not? [08:02:26] there's long convo in offtopic [08:02:26] Can u check my wiki [08:02:44] Link? [08:02:55] Or request number? [08:03:10] https://meta.miraheze.org/wiki/Special:RequestWikiQueue/45986 [08:03:41] https://tenor.com/tDu6DdIuQHO.gif [08:03:51] it is approved [08:04:48] i am crossing my fingers [08:05:14] Do I understand it is 1 page? You won't use it for more than your profile info? [08:06:29] No it doesn't [08:06:41] All *.miraheze.org wikis are using cloudflare [08:06:58] maybe more pages my plan was if it was approved i would make another wiki about my minecraft server but i may change that my character and my minecraft server is on 1 wiki @rodejong [08:10:52] Can we move this convo back to #support [08:11:00] Or #offtopic [08:11:08] It doesn't need to be in 3 channels at once [08:11:15] ok sorry [08:11:20] [1/2] Then indeed I suggest you request a Minecraft wiki, as we don't like to host wiki pages for the soul purpose of social media/ SEO as well as wiki's with only a hand full of pages. [08:11:20] [2/2] I suggest you edit your request and make it about your Minecraft. [08:11:39] Sorry. [08:12:01] So i can make a wiki but will be about my minecraft server [08:12:21] @giantesselsie what part of can we move this conversation anywhere else wasn't clear [08:12:28] Sorry [11:49:41] I see wgMetaNamespace stopped working [11:50:00] pywikibot has also been complaining about it [11:51:25] been that way for a few days now [11:51:43] https://issue-tracker.miraheze.org/T12237 [12:05:11] Can't say I love that the one of the most important pieces of code in our MW stack is basically undocumented [12:05:53] the only docs is a very old blog post on Phorge from back when ManageWiki was made, with a very high level overview [12:06:29] I only really know CreateWiki but I'll try to take a look at your PR BlankEclair [12:07:10] i still love how my falling-apart-as-soon-as-i-set-it-up install of managewiki helped me debug it [12:07:33] though it probably didn't help that i just bruteforced my way into getting it to not crash whenever i tried to open any page [12:36:10] so it loops over wgManageWikiNamespacesAdditional... [12:36:46] and given what I'm seeing in the database, everything seems to go fine when the loop goes over the project namespace [12:37:27] something seems to be going wrong when hitting the fallback for when there is no setting for that namespace in the database [12:37:40] and your PR is working around that... [12:38:30] yep! (though it doesn't feel like a workaround to me) [12:40:11] I'm off to eat, I'll be back in an hour or so [12:48:21] I am incredibly confused but commend you both for understanding this [12:49:03] do you want me to recreate the bug but in python or something [12:49:06] then you can tinker with it [12:51:28] it's kinda hard explaining it in words, so perhaps recreating it in a small PoC would help [12:54:16] also, how bold should i be when editing (others') task titles on phorge? [12:55:49] I’d say [[WP:BEBOLD]] [12:55:50] [12:56:01] If it helps and contributes [12:56:03] Sue [12:56:28] alright, sure. thanks ^_^ [12:57:51] I trust your judgment in it, hence granting you the group [13:00:49] sure, and thanks for giving me the group! [13:01:49] My pleasure! Glad your making use of it [13:01:59] And thanks again for helping our around here [13:25:55] well your changes make logical sense [13:27:05] ir probably was broken when fixing VisualEditor settings and just didn't happen until now because of the cache not regenerating until now [13:31:51] composer-test fail lol [13:33:04] it's just complaining just to complain [13:36:58] Orange_Star: why else does anyone complain [13:38:05] https://meta.miraheze.org/wiki/Miraheze%20Meta:RecentChanges; of course, this breaks [13:38:47] I think Brandon changed some links [13:38:57] that was me [13:39:06] but Miraheze Meta should be aliased to Meta [13:39:20] can't ask for perfection [13:39:31] touche [13:39:57] Oh you can ask for it [13:40:05] Getting it is a different matter [13:40:15] I reset manually the cache for metawiki, of course that was not the only wiki with this broken [13:40:40] i was planning to close the task by saying to change a random setting to invalidate the cache if still broken [13:40:44] ...but we have this second bug [13:45:26] "Miraheze Meta" => 4, [13:45:33] looks good to me [13:45:51] (that's one of the entries on wgNamespaceAliases) [13:46:12] um, is there supposed to be a space? [13:46:25] https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/manual:$wgNamespaceAliases#Do_not_use_spaces [13:46:43] this is from shell.php, var_dump($wgNamespaceAliases) [13:46:53] where do we blame this on, managewiki or mirahezefunctions [13:47:35] "Image_talk" => 7 seems to be fine tho [13:47:53] yeah but underscore [13:48:01] hmmm [13:48:18] and the link i posted above says not to use spaces in there [13:49:16] let's just str_replace on mirahezefunctions and be done with this [13:49:28] yeah probably [13:49:38] i kinda feel like it's managewiki's job to normalize these... but eh [13:50:03] (i got that impression from managewiki includes/Hooks.php line 261) [13:50:29] oh, you're right [14:02:10] uh who's gonna write the fix? [14:02:24] I'm working on it [14:02:29] oh okay, ty [14:29:09] "Miraheze_Meta" => 4 [14:29:11] fixed [14:46:15] It doesn't seem to work to choose skin on Meta? [14:48:33] I chose Citizen as my preferred skin on Meta , but for some reason, the skin I show on Meta is still the same as before, although the preferred skin in my personal settings is Citizen [15:05:27] Asking this again ^ [18:17:01] [1/3] [18:17:01] [2/3] Any idea on why my new mesages aren't being parsed? [18:17:01] [3/3] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1006789349498699827/1254862863525478461/T.png?ex=667b099c&is=6679b81c&hm=e1b31a73cbba75818eca82ffc6d789da7306d0b3edda530c41c553c176d62c76& [18:27:44] update: turns out that I have to do the hack from f*cking 2019: , which will require me to actually do another pull request [19:37:57] Hey, so just to consult and stuff, @MediaWiki Specialists is is possible (or safe) to do something like [this](https://www.mediawiki.org/w/index.php?title=Topic:V2at02b7oxy5pkwl&topic_showPostId=v2awm2uok7doyx2g#flow-post-v2awm2uok7doyx2g) in mw-config? [19:42:02] And... if we can't do that, can we consider MediaUploader? [21:22:47] Managewiki needs rewriting badly [21:23:22] ResourceLoader modules should be provided by the extension