[09:51:42] Which, means that I can't do it? [09:57:15] @Infrastructure Specialists can i get a hand [09:58:24] curious as to what's happening here (on irc with no bounder so i have no context) [10:00:58] BlankEclair: nginx conftest has failed across the cluster [10:01:22] oh i thought your message was related to songngu.xyz [10:01:25] thanks anyway though [10:07:16] haiz, I will wait there until there is a solution [10:41:16] but for that you'd need someone willing to touch ManageWiki [10:41:52] I'd argue that for now we should treat it like that critical piece of software in your business that no-one really knows how it works and just leave it alone [10:42:01] at least until some mediawiki upgrade breaks it [10:44:33] @bluemoon0332 can you run nginx conftest please [10:44:39] on random mw [10:44:44] chill RhinosF1 [10:44:51] I've already dealt with that a while ago [10:47:55] Meh I think thats asking for trouvle [10:48:11] but changing it is also asking for trouble it seems... [10:48:37] I can go through and document all of the functions I have a pretty good idea of what's going on where [10:48:48] That will at least help somewhat. [10:49:01] that'd pretty cool [11:05:16] https://github.com/miraheze/ManageWiki/pull/473 started here [12:31:16] Yeah but not for long. This week and next week are quite busy for me [12:32:48] we had a fairly big DDoS [12:38:25] did CF manage? [12:38:35] most of it [19:05:37] Hello, nice to meet you all [19:05:42] Hello there [19:06:20] I’m having a question, i made a ssl request 3 weeks ago and wondering if anyone can help me on this? Thank you [19:07:23] Link [19:07:32] It’s the ssl request 111 [19:08:27] [[Special:RequestSSL/111]] [19:08:28] [19:08:39] forgot queue [19:08:48] https://meta.miraheze.org/wiki/Special:RequestSSLQueue/111 [19:09:02] i think its only viewable by tech so i cant help [19:09:12] leaving this here for someone to check [19:09:20] Thank you [19:10:16] Initially was the 105, it got declined and fixed everything on the DNS, commented the request and no news since the 9 june, so I made a new request exactly a week ago [19:10:28] Thank you [23:45:14] When was the `Meta:` project prefix changed to `Miraheze Meta:`? [23:45:37] Can't find the log action, can't see anything in the server admin log, am unsure as to where I should look. [23:45:59] cc @MediaWiki Support Volunteers for assistance [23:46:38] It’s a know issue [23:47:06] I think @bluemoon0332 was looking into it? Correct me if I’m wrong [23:47:23] oh? haven't seen it reported so maybe I missed it [23:48:38] I know Claire and OS were talking about ManageWiki that included namespaces [23:49:32] Hm, I can find traces of something [23:49:40] https://issue-tracker.miraheze.org/T12237 [23:49:49] But nothing that actually shows the log action to move it [23:49:59] I have to think there's a log of it somewhere, right?