[00:06:40] I seem to recall Agent making the change, will do a search to see if I can confirm. [00:07:15] [1/2] odd [00:07:15] [2/2] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1006789349498699827/1255313389450952875/image.png?ex=667cad32&is=667b5bb2&hm=35373a37056921803ac525fb389672f8c865f7686850fd1fe3d7e61e11a94e31& [00:07:46] was this a months-ago change? [00:08:00] iirc this was recent because it's just now started popping up on AN and on my RC feed [00:10:11] yeep [00:29:52] i’m putting together a project proposal for a client and theyre requesting CentralAuth. Tell me what I should anticipate with CentralAuth [01:16:12] https://tenor.com/view/controlmypc-cat-screaming-discord-gif-20582295 [01:16:25] This is the most encapsulating single file i can find in 3 seconds [01:18:33] In seriousness, as #notatecher I can say I've seen quite a few issues and bugs that could be completly debilitating(ie can't login at all) that require running scripts to fix that never had any proper explaination found. Granted considering the minor number of cases compared to the farm size it may be much less of an issue for your client, depending on scale [01:21:04] It's likely unfair to focus on those since after a year maybe and what hundreds of thousands of accounts we get maybe 15 max cases reported. But they can be a bitch to troubleshoot [01:21:34] A tech person would obvi be able to provide better input this is just what I've observed [01:54:33] what makes these accounts stick out? like why are they glitched and not the others [02:12:42] As i recall, some of them we on wiki's with some tech change to them. I'll have to check threads [02:12:45] Give me 5 [02:12:49] I'll try and get you some [02:15:14] some i see [02:15:36] https://discord.com/channels/407504499280707585/1224144579033432115 https://discord.com/channels/407504499280707585/1219707363347533905 https://issue-tracker.miraheze.org/T11928 https://issue-tracker.miraheze.org/T11988 [03:01:13] Oh, lockups on renames are a thing, but I don't know if that's uniquely MH problem [03:02:31] Yeah I'm speaking of Central Auth [03:02:57] Yeah, that's a tangential issue [03:03:00] <7s3s> Hello [03:03:10] <7s3s> where can i ask a question about importing a wiki? [03:03:16] As that'll prevent login through centralauth [03:04:21] #general probably [03:04:26] <7s3s> alright [05:21:47] I'm not convinced that is a CentralAuth bug. [05:21:54] I don't actually think anyone really knows [05:22:03] It's not exclusive to us [05:23:00] @serverlessharej: biggest thing with the CentralAuth is the WMF refuse to maintain it for anyone else's use and browsers are intent on adding new privacy controls that break the extension so at some point we're going to have to backport SUL3 without their help. [10:20:11] Is there anything else I can do? 😬 @pixldev [10:22:25] I’m only waiting the SSL request so I can launch the website 😔 [10:31:01] Eclair you here? [10:32:46] What do you mean? [10:33:30] it's another user residing in IRC @ Conceptuel [10:33:39] Thank you [10:34:08] Well can you give me your opinion ? @theoneandonlylegroom on https://terraforming.miraheze.org [10:34:18] what opinion? [10:34:24] I'm not in tech team [10:34:34] I styled the Citizen skin [10:35:37] I'm not a fan of Citizen tbh but it's ok [10:35:42] Just have some stuff to understand better, like in the citizen skin, the image preview doesn’t work, seems like I have to install an extension [10:36:20] the image preview like on Wikipedia? that's media viewer extension, you can enable it [10:37:05] I did! But when I look the word on the search bar, it doesn’t show the image, i thought it was the format but haven’t fixed it [10:38:02] [1/2] your custom domain seems to be working? [10:38:02] [2/2] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1006789349498699827/1255472133488775268/IMG_20240626_133752.jpg?ex=667d410a&is=667bef8a&hm=8cfdf63a227d1b725995c865e33c8ab8ea5254d5eb9bc38ba2982ea5ab4ca962& [10:38:25] It is not the good custom domain [10:39:00] I bought the .wiki a few days after and want to point on the .wiki [10:39:06] Made the request since the 9 june [10:39:20] I see, my bad [10:39:29] Makes a ton more sense [10:39:37] And also for the visual for the project and so [10:40:17] This wiki is an non profit initiative and really waiting on that to launch and send to the schools that partner and joins [10:41:21] [1/2] viewer works [10:41:22] [2/2] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1006789349498699827/1255472969115893902/IMG_20240626_134054.jpg?ex=667d41d1&is=667bf051&hm=ea60491ceb40952db306ac96a59ee7381cedd088bca91d58a3dbfeddc95fc9b2& [10:41:32] Not talking about this [10:41:38] then what [10:41:49] I’m talking that when you search for this word, in the search bar image preview, check on desktop [10:42:00] oof [10:42:50] 😁😁 learning learning [10:43:21] that's I don't have experience w/ [10:44:08] Never saw anything on the discord? Will digg more and fix it then 🙂 [10:44:08] pageimages / popups are captious features [10:44:43] It’s an extension? [10:45:32] Then that’s the pageimages/popups stuff, thank you, will digg that [10:46:15] I'm not sure, might be another thing that works w/ them [10:46:24] I'll leave that to others [10:46:28] Idk, all the SSL request after mine got completed, also wondering if I did something wrong [11:04:54] During a ManageWiki upgrade 1 week ago [11:06:53] a bug made it so that wgMetaNamespace was ignored and it instead used https://github.com/miraheze/mw-config/blob/master/ManageWikiNamespaces.php#L71 to derive the value for that var [11:08:10] `Miraheze Meta` is the value for wgSitename in Meta, after going through that function it becomes `Miraheze_Meta` [12:16:01] You should protect the Main page. I can still edit it. Looks good though [13:04:25] Main page in construction🫡 thank’s 😁😁 [14:42:02] You need Extension:PageImages [15:40:16] It’s activated tho, I’m checking a wiki that works and I activating the same extensions, but PageImages doesn’t seems to work alone [15:50:42] Is it because Cirrus Search is not enabled? [15:56:50] Click the three dot menu on the page, then click page information. Check to see if the page has page image set [15:58:09] [1/2] No, [15:58:10] [2/2] There is no lines with this [15:59:04] Then PageImages is not working correctly on the page [15:59:19] Any ways I can fix this? :0 [16:00:01] It is quite picky, it only picks images within a certain aspect ratio and has high enough resolution [16:00:21] Ok but like [16:00:32] My image uploaded have different format to download [16:00:48] I should upload the same image in smaller format? [16:01:27] https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Extension:PageImages [16:01:45] The image has to be on the page [16:01:50] It is [16:02:07] https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Extension:PageImages#How_are_images_scored? [16:02:54] Yep, none of the 3 images tested appears [16:03:23] I don’t see any line on the pages that mention the image [16:07:26] Should I add it manually on the Basic Information page of each page? [16:10:25] I should upload the same image in smaller format? [16:11:43] images in infoboxes? [16:11:47] on pages [16:12:47] For example I have a page here, I inserted an image [16:12:54] It doesn’t show in basic information [16:18:19] Ok got it [16:18:38] When inserting the image, you specify the size and it works, got it [16:55:15] [1/2] What would you guys think about the footer link pointing to https://miraheze.org instead of metawiki? [16:55:15] [2/2] https://issue-tracker.miraheze.org/T12228 [16:56:48] Also, I think it'd be good for UX to let someone who is logged out start filling out the wiki request form, then make them login or make an account to submit it, because it makes the process simpler for the user in my opinion [16:57:22] (idea comes from how TrustPilot lets you start your review logged out, I think the login forms tend to be somewhat demotivating) [17:20:13] probably better at first glance but I've always found a glossy landing page comparatively useless to pointing at meta [19:11:41] as much as I hate to admit it, a glossy landing page will probably be less confusing to people looking at it, since meta is aimed at existing wiki users whereas the homepage is aimed at non-users who just want to learn more [19:11:50] also SEO, wanting to attract donors, etc. [19:12:51] like already, the big text that says "Ad-free wiki hosting, powered by expert MediaWiki volunteers" explains to the average person much better what miraheze is than the comparatively tiny text "Miraheze Meta is the central collaboration hub for the Miraheze wiki farm which hosts 8,023 wikis" [19:13:34] and I personally don't think that miraheze meta's main page should be changed to be more newcomer-friendly, since its purpose is firstly to be a reference for existing mira users, and padding it with information that people already know diminishes that use [19:13:42] idk, meta main page also has the same stuff [19:14:04] bin big bolt letters [19:14:12] and it's like, a wiki [19:14:28] it already shows you that you won't be getting fandom layout nightmare [19:14:33] idk, "What is Miraheze Meta?" is not the same as "What is Miraheze?" [19:14:55] and yes, I agree with that, but I'm mostly showing my support in favour of a common landing page :p [19:15:15] especially given that the original suggestion was changing the footer link to the main page, I'm in favour, since folks navigating there from a miraheze wiki already know that there's no fandom layout nightmare [19:15:37] true [19:15:55] unless someone intentionally tried to recreate the fandom layout on their wiki as a form of satire [20:46:43] Yeah, the metawiki home page used to be an introduction to Miraheze, but it's not anymore [20:47:40] if you have a particular time frame you're thinking and can share an old version link, I'd love to see what you mean [21:05:37] I'll do it later today