[00:36:04] gets absorbed in the html parser I suppose [00:36:08] only if I used
[00:37:43] 	  I know its possible to use   but its not friendly towards unexperienced writers
[00:38:21] 	  having to write    before each paragraph its not only easy to forget but also ugly
[00:39:43] 	  https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/CSS/text-indent
[00:41:24] 	  so there isn't a way to do this just with wikitext?
[03:09:19] 	  nope, you would have to use TemplateStyles or modify CSS
[03:09:59] 	  you could make a template
[03:10:18] 	  and make the template the ` `'s then just use the template instead
[09:56:27] 	  Just use 2 or 3 spaces??
[09:57:03] 	  `   `
[10:08:57] 	  a `{{_}}` template which is just that lol
[10:09:20] 	  I mean, i would do that
[14:45:27] 	  @originalauthority Oi. Do you have any updates on the loadout feature? Asking cause we were told to wait on that for updating the starting line main page message but wondering if we should just update it(I totally understand it’s a big feature so no rush just wanna move around a blocker)
[14:51:50] 	  you can update the current messages yeah feel free
[14:52:01] 	  i should really finish the loadout thing
[15:10:03] 	  What is in my "composer.local.json"? How can I view that file?
[15:10:59] 	  [1/3] Trying to help this guy:
[15:10:59] 	  [2/3] https://discord.com/channels/178359708581625856/1255799018387279937
[15:11:00] 	  [3/3] Installing the Maps extension, but doesn't work.
[15:11:20] 	  Not sure if that can help, but thought I ask
[15:13:36] 	  On the server.
[15:13:47] 	  Needs to be manually created.
[15:14:03] 	  Btw composer.local.json is a file from https://getcomposer.org/
[15:16:36] 	  But each wiki does have one right?
[15:16:49] 	  (I am so NOOB)
[15:21:12] 	  [1/2] No but it is used by some extensions 
[15:21:12] 	  [2/2] The link you gave is "#unknown" for me but asking where Composer files are sounds like an https://xyproblem.info
[15:23:05] 	  If it makes you feel any better I’m also confused
[15:23:34] 	  Yeah I don't know what's really being asked
[15:23:44] 	  I know what Composer is but the question is odd
[15:30:05] 	  [1/11] "Hello, as it seems Kartographer extension does not work properly on non wikimedia mediawiki, i chose extension maps. --- worked fine until u wanted to do a composer update. then all composer was broken.
[15:30:06] 	  [2/11] Is there anyone, who can help sorting, what needs to be done for extension:maps
[15:30:06] 	  [3/11] see https://github.com/ProfessionalWiki/Maps/issues/745
[15:30:06] 	  [4/11] i ran into
[15:30:07] 	  [5/11] `  Problem 1
[15:30:07] 	  [6/11]     - mediawiki/core is present at version 1.0.0+no-version-set and cannot be modified by Composer
[15:30:07] 	  [7/11]     - mediawiki/maps[10.0.0] cannot be installed as that would require removing mediawiki/core[1.0.0+no-version-set]. They both replace mediawiki/semantic-maps and thus cannot coexist.
[15:30:07] 	  [8/11]     - Root composer.json requires mediawiki/maps ^10.0 -> satisfiable by mediawiki/maps[10.0.0].`
[15:30:08] 	  [9/11] and later:
[15:30:08] 	  [10/11] Don't do this:  "extensions/*/composer.json",, it is causing stuff to be loaded multiple times ...
[15:30:08] 	  [11/11] but exactly this is recommended in/for mediawiki"
[15:30:23] 	  [1/14] according to instructions i did:
[15:30:24] 	  [2/14] composr.local.json:
[15:30:24] 	  [3/14] ```{
[15:30:24] 	  [4/14]     "extra": {
[15:30:24] 	  [5/14]         "merge-plugin": {
[15:30:25] 	  [6/14]             "include": [
[15:30:25] 	  [7/14]                 "extensions/*/composer.json",
[15:30:25] 	  [8/14]                 "skins/*/composer.json"
[15:30:26] 	  [9/14]             ]
[15:30:26] 	  [10/14]         }
[15:30:26] 	  [11/14]     }
[15:30:27] 	  [12/14] }```
[15:30:27] 	  [13/14] as recommended in/by mediawiki
[15:30:28] 	  [14/14] composer update install (via plesk works fine)
[15:30:59] 	  i am using these instructions: https://maps.extension.wiki/wiki/Installation
[15:31:44] 	  [1/3] Did you do step 2/2
[15:31:45] 	  [2/3] ```Add the following line to the end of your "LocalSettings.php" file:
[15:31:45] 	  [3/3] wfLoadExtension( 'Maps' );```
[15:32:12] 	  yes, i did. then worked. i later did another composer update and install and composer was broken
[15:32:57] 	  https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1006789349498699827/1255908737491795968/image.png?ex=667ed7a8&is=667d8628&hm=86e78cafa66e191c8f40d98ac244d9cb7d07b7d0649eb9ba0184cdeea6d664ba&
[15:33:43] 	  So that's what I have so far
[15:33:55] 	  Not able to really help him.
[16:08:03] 	  Hmm. He seems to have solved it himself...
[16:37:01] 	  `{{Space}}Lorem ipsum sir dolor amet`?
[16:37:15] 	  I will just make it using css actually
[16:38:26] 	  over `p`?
[16:48:29] 	  wdym?
[18:54:54] 	  Please could I have my login wiki profile deleted, so that I can start it over. I ask here because I noticed a couple of other deletion request that are still pending.
[20:18:06] 	  Hi, i pointed all the stuff in the DNS on godaddy, anyone got issues on that?
[20:22:42] 	  Are you trying to setup a custom domain?
[20:24:07] 	  Yeah and did correctly on my normal host, i don’t get why it doesn’t work with godaddy?
[20:25:03] 	  Have you tried to submit a request for a a custom domain via RequestSSL
[20:25:15] 	  Or is this an existing one broken
[20:25:19] 	  A is pointing to which is the ns1 server ip
[20:25:44] 	  I got a comment on the SSL request, been waiting on this since the 9 june
[20:25:57] 	  Can you link your request
[20:26:14] 	  So the A is pointing to the ns1 server, and CNAME too
[20:26:21] 	  It’s the 111 ssl request
[20:27:12] 	  https://meta.miraheze.org/wiki/Special:RequestSSLQueue/111
[20:28:17] 	  That's not correct
[20:28:36] 	  On my DNS on godaddy it is tho
[20:29:06] 	  no that's not what you're supposed to do
[20:29:22] 	  https://meta.miraheze.org/wiki/Custom_domains
[20:29:31] 	  I’m changing the name server for the ns1 and ns2 (which I did on my 105 request and got rejected)
[20:29:42] 	  You can either set your nameserver to ns1/ns2
[20:29:48] 	  Or use a CNAME
[20:29:59] 	  I did
[20:30:27] 	  Can you try again? On godaddy the name servers are on ns1.miraheze.org and ns2.miraheze.org
[20:30:39] 	  That's not what I'm seeing
[20:30:48] 	  I changed again now
[20:30:51] 	  [1/2] Name Servers    NS29.DOMAINCONTROL.COM (has 59,599,316 domains)
[20:30:51] 	  [2/2] NS30.DOMAINCONTROL.COM (has 59,599,316 domains)
[20:31:17] 	  I confirm you I changed now again
[20:32:00] 	  Nameserver changes can take up to 24 hours to take effect
[20:32:02] 	  First time it didn’t worked (see request 105) , but hopefully it works now
[20:32:16] 	  🤔
[20:34:20] 	  Please come back tomorrow and I can check the setup again
[20:34:45] 	 @rhinosf1 I'm seeing the update NS
[20:35:02] 	  Did it work now Mac? 😮
[20:35:32] 	 it looks good, though I'll have to open a request to add it to our DNS configuration
[20:35:35] 	  MacFan4000: feel free to do a dns or
[20:35:37] 	  PR
[20:35:53] 	  I can poke reception to merge in the morning if they're around
[20:36:08] 	  is SSLRequest on the frittz?(frits?)
[20:36:19] 	  Do I have to change anything more? @rhinosf1
[20:37:16] 	  Hopefully not
[20:37:31] 	  Godaddy shows correct nameservers
[20:37:36] 	  So it should be fine
[20:39:30] 	 @rhinosf1 https://github.com/miraheze/dns/pull/531
[20:48:11] 	  [1/26] Announcement
[20:48:12] 	  [2/26] https://lists.wikimedia.org/hyperkitty/list/wikitech-l@lists.wikimedia.org/thread/PWE65Y3J4DLZNRTOLRKFMUKI5ZVNLWVI/
[20:48:12] 	  [3/26] Maintenance release: 1.39.8 / 1.40.4 / 1.41.2 / 1.42.1
[20:48:12] 	  [4/26] Sam Reed @ 27 Jun 2024 3:33 p.m.
[20:48:13] 	  [5/26] I would like to announce the release of MediaWiki 1.39.8, 1.40.4, 1.41.2 and 1.42.1!
[20:48:13] 	  [6/26] These releases serve as a maintenance release for these branches. There is no security release for MediaWiki core and the bundled extensions this quarter.
[20:48:13] 	  [7/26] A "MediaWiki Extensions Security Release Supplement" e-mail will however follow this one, covering security updates for non-bundled extensions.
[20:48:14] 	  [8/26] [...]
[20:48:14] 	  [9/26] Reports of bugs with PHP 8.0, 8.1, 8.2 and 8.3 support are particularly welcome, and fixes will be back-ported when possible. Please see https://phabricator.wikimedia.org/tag/php_8.0_support/, https://phabricator.wikimedia.org/tag/php_8.1_support/, https://phabricator.wikimedia.org/tag/php_8.2_support/ and https://phabricator.wikimedia.org/tag/php_8.3_support/ for the relevant work 
[20:48:14] 	  [10/26] boards.
[20:48:14] 	  [11/26] As a reminder, MediaWiki 1.35 became end of life (EOL) in December 2023.
[20:48:15] 	  [12/26] It is strongly recommended to upgrade to either 1.39 (the next LTS after 1.35), which will be supported until November 2025, 1.41, which will be supported until December 2024 or 1.42, which will be supported until June 2025.
[20:48:15] 	  [13/26] As a further reminder, MediaWiki 1.40 is due to become end of life (EOL) tomorrow, June 28, 2024. This will be announced separately.
[20:48:16] 	  [14/26] If you are using MediaWiki 1.40, it is strongly recommended to upgrade to either 1.41 [...].
[20:48:16] 	  [15/26] == Release notes ==
[20:48:17] 	  [16/26] [...]
[20:48:17] 	  [17/26] https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Release_notes/1.39
[20:48:18] 	  [18/26] [...]
[20:48:18] 	  [19/26] https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Release_notes/1.40
[20:48:19] 	  [20/26] [...]
[20:48:19] 	  [21/26] https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Release_notes/1.41
[20:48:20] 	  [22/26] [...]
[20:48:20] 	  [23/26] https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Release_notes/1.42
[20:48:21] 	  [24/26] For information about how to upgrade, see
[20:48:21] 	  [25/26] https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Manual:Upgrading
[20:48:22] 	  [26/26] [Truncated due to discord limits. hyperkitty link has full details]
[20:52:50] 	  Awesome MacFan4000
[20:54:10] 	  Thank you so much💗
[22:48:38] 	  [1/2] Release note is so powerful
[22:48:38] 	  [2/2] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1006789349498699827/1256018382973833297/U6yTP4zz.png?ex=667f3dc6&is=667dec46&hm=73a7b992b5a84a4ee6d490b110de2ea8af54058980079dd86b90b77c9c9ec4d7&
[22:53:59] 	  i like this guy https://stoneworksmc.fandom.com/wiki/John_Stoneworks?so=search
[22:54:21] 	  https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1006789349498699827/1256019818310537256/8136F510-ECFA-4DFE-BBAC-E9CBEEE2F3EE.jpeg?ex=667f3f1c&is=667ded9c&hm=9a12df593caa38bc90eda85565ec223325f3b516d7f9cb95a2aa7790315168dc&