[00:32:58] you may find more luck bumping in #general [00:35:59] me when I write an OOUI gadget in ES6 to realize that `requiresES6` conflicts with `default` and ES6-by-default only came out in a version that only came out on Thursday: [00:36:31] me when i spend several hours debugging why my script doesn't work under mediawiki just to realize that "let" isn't in ES5 [00:47:41] :sympathy: [00:47:59] that... was a great use of my time [00:48:47] good thing we have babel and cody now [00:55:33] es6 by default has been there since 1.41 [00:57:55] Unfortunately the likelyhood is that this wiki is gone. [00:58:26] the time spent waiting for CA to investigate — what is probably going to end up being gone anyway — could've been spent just rebuilding the wiki. [00:58:48] it sucks, yeah, but the outcome is 99% probably going to be that the wiki is gone. [01:01:02] @originalauthority do you have repo access currently? [01:01:08] to what [01:01:15] puppet and dns no [01:01:19] mw-config and extensions yeah [01:01:41] cc @brandon.wm ^ [01:01:57] (or are you asking generally if im at my pc lol) [01:02:05] T12272 [01:02:09] needs merging [01:02:13] if you're able to do so [01:02:31] (and there's a few i18n PRs outstanding) [01:02:37] just for the global groups reform [01:02:45] ah then yeah you should be able to do it [01:03:14] I did leave feedback on one of the tasks because Waki didn't provide any indication of why they were making the change [01:03:18] i'll look now [01:03:21] which one? [01:03:38] ah yeah, just because of the RfC [01:03:44] https://github.com/miraheze/mw-config/pull/5597 [01:03:55] ye, rfc [01:04:47] [1/2] yeah i don't know anything about an RfC I don't get involved in meta stuff and I don't have time to go hunting around for reasons so it would be nice if in future people can remember to either put the task number in the title or provide a description and things will get merged quicker [01:04:48] [2/2] (not necessarily aimed at anyone, just a general thing :P) [01:05:03] (that sounds passive aggressive but it didn't mean to) [01:05:12] [[Requests for Comments/Global groups reform]] [01:05:13] [01:05:19] [[Request for Comments/Global groups reform]] [01:05:20] [01:05:26] hang on por favor [01:05:37] [[Requests for Comment/Global groups reform]] [01:05:38] [01:05:41] @originalauthority ^ [01:05:48] Yeah no worries, makes sense [01:05:53] Will remind Waki for future [01:06:29] thank you [01:06:50] is this the only i18n one? [01:07:11] https://github.com/miraheze/MirahezeMagic/pull/495 [01:07:34] asking because we renamed global rollbackers to global patrollers (`global-rollbacker` to `global-patroller`), global sysops to global administratorss (`global-sysop` to `global-admin`), and created wiki mechanics (`wiki-mechanic`) [01:07:47] so I'm not sure how much needs messing with [01:08:43] if you know at all [01:09:20] on second thought, should the user group name be `global-admin` or `global-administrator`? [01:09:29] it's currently the former, but maybe could be switched to latter? [01:10:38] either works I guess [01:10:51] does it make a big difference? (i'm assuming no) [01:10:57] nope [01:11:09] stick w/ global admin then [01:11:13] I just merged them all anyway so [01:11:32] could you run the script in T12272 [01:12:09] I think that's the last thing for GP/GA, but there may be incoming stuff for WMs [01:12:14] but that's a later thing [01:14:00] oh, and very sorry to disturb you, but this quick fix too https://github.com/miraheze/MirahezeMagic/pull/497 [01:14:43] (thank you) [01:15:33] okidokie [01:15:42] just pushing it out to everywhere and then I'll run the script [01:16:07] thanks [01:16:12] do you see anything I missed? [01:16:20] (I don't think so? but not sure) [01:16:45] [1/4] > "grouppage-wiki-creator": "m:Special:MyLanguage/Meta:Wiki creators", [01:16:45] [2/4] > "grouppage-wiki-mechanic": "m:Special:MyLanguage/Wiki mechanics", [01:16:45] [3/4] > "grouppage-wiki-mechanic": "m:Special:MyLanguage/Wiki Mechanics", [01:16:45] [4/4] > "grouppage-wikimanager": "m:Special:MyLanguage/Wiki managers", [01:16:46] oopsie [01:16:54] I didn't really look around only at the changed lines [01:17:17] why is wikimanager not hypenated [01:17:22] yeah, Global Patrollers, Global Administrators, Wiki Mechanics [01:17:23] hyphenated* [01:17:32] Yeah managers and creators are lowercase [01:18:06] I feel like we should standardize it [01:18:27] second word in names of roles capitalized or not [01:25:01] You need to unprotect the pages please [01:25:11] [1/6] ``` [01:25:11] [2/6] Check if 'Global Sysops' can be moved to 'Global Administrators' (including subpages; including talkpages) [01:25:11] [3/6] The translatable page cannot be moved to a new name because of the following error: [01:25:12] [4/6] Global Sysops [01:25:12] [5/6] * This page has been protected to prevent editing or other actions. [01:25:12] [6/6] ``` [01:25:55] doing now [01:26:36] done [01:27:47] In progress now [01:27:51] yay [01:36:23] finished @brandon.wm [01:36:29] and now i sleep gnight yall [01:36:38] thank you [01:36:47] [1/3] just fyi: [01:36:48] [2/3] Failed to move Global Sysops/List to Global Administrators/List [01:36:48] [3/3] Reason:A page already exists at [[:Global Administrators/List]], or the page name you have chosen is not valid. [01:36:48] [01:37:08] not sure what its on about [01:37:09] I think I tried to do it a bit ago? and for some reason it went through now [01:37:14] a bit ago = hours [01:37:19] looks like it [01:37:22] seems there anyway [01:37:23] i have no idea why it took this long to process [01:37:25] but ah well [01:37:37] all good, right? [01:37:38] no issues or anything [01:38:16] yup all 602 pages moved successfully [01:38:25] 1 failure which is as above but thats already been moved so 😛 [01:38:41] if it blows up in the next 5 minutes its not my fault! [01:39:00] lol thank you [01:39:03] get some rest for sure [01:39:10] WM stuff can be dealt with later [01:39:22] (or if @suzuneu wants to file the PRs so they can be merged at some point) [01:39:25] is there like a toggle or sth? cuz all of miraheze is on 1.41 and putting an ES6 gadget onto gadgetsdefinition results in complaints about arrow functions causing confusion [01:39:46] (if theres any other i18n changes you want to make or anything feel free to make them and I'll merge tomorrow if nobody beats me to it0 [01:40:09] will do, not sure where I'll need to look though [01:40:22] no since 1.41 resourceloader defaults to es6 and can't be toggled off [01:40:54] but then why don't ES6 gadgets work [01:41:07] ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ [01:41:15] like i had these error messages along with a note that only ES5 is accepted [01:41:41] maybe it only works in extensions et al [01:42:29] oh prior to 1.42 you had to set the `requiresES6` flag for gadgets [01:43:26] for clarity https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Extension:Gadgets#Options [01:43:42] any way 😴 [01:46:50] that conflicts with the `default` option [05:27:46] Can someone remind me what you're supposed to do when an extension suddenly can't find a class from its installed composer dependency? [06:47:58] Ah well, got it working eventually. Still weird that it did this, especially considering it had been working just fine until I modified a file. [09:33:15] is it allowed for me (someone with practically no privileges) to actuate image import requests for others, if i have the other party's permission? i want to get clearance before i start doing imports myself [09:43:54] BlankEclair: not sure anyone's asked before [09:44:20] you wouldn't be able to manage the import queue if it moves to on wiki rather than phab [09:44:29] image import requests only [09:44:47] i've seen at least two people who got frustrated with waiting and decided to import it themselves via a bot [09:44:56] via bot is fine if done sensibly [09:46:19] i don't see why not but I'd like another SREs opinion [09:46:32] what is "done sensibly"? (i could upload the script for you to vet if you want) [09:46:44] BlankEclair: depends on request rate really [09:46:48] and set a user agent [09:46:54] the script would be good [09:48:26] https://github.com/BlankEclair/BlankEclair/blob/main/misc/mw_bulk_upload.py [09:49:06] UA is good [09:49:49] BlankEclair: could it limit it's rate? [09:49:59] i could do that yeah [09:50:04] how much per second or minute? [09:50:36] BlankEclair: I said 15 a minute last night [09:50:45] 20 a minute is fine tbh [09:54:39] added (but untested for far): https://github.com/BlankEclair/BlankEclair/commit/e6c53f1681a31ae75a846429dd95d89d955673b5 [09:55:22] (i know it's not perfect, but i think it'd be good enough) [09:55:58] BlankEclair: :) [12:26:25] [1/2] it's not possible to make same file dump import request/form like we have xml one rn? [12:26:26] [2/2] except instead of uploading user would drop a google drive etc link [12:27:49] i don't think it's //impossible//, rather just that no one has gotten to it yet [12:28:36] What are you asking i cant understand this [12:28:55] https://issue-tracker.miraheze.org/T11698 [12:29:27] Crikey [12:29:46] The issue is people seem to have image dumps of like 6gb and nginx just times out [12:30:15] someone uploaded something like a 500 MB xml dump onto phorge lmao [12:30:25] you won't get that much past the edge anyway [12:30:34] to upload [12:30:43] https://issue-tracker.miraheze.org/T12275 [12:31:53] max upload with CF is 200MB [12:32:03] uploads are chunked [12:32:17] more details: https://issue-tracker.miraheze.org/T10537#244898 [12:33:17] yes [12:33:32] chunking should help if it chunks the upload [12:33:44] it... chunks the upload though [12:33:56] so the max request body size on cloudflare's end shouldn't matter too much [12:34:04] then that won't matter ye [19:11:11] Hey CosmicAlpha