[03:34:19] when does puppet //exactly// update? *:00 and *:30 UTC? [04:21:31] Pretty sure it's staggered out, but at 30 minute intervals. [07:05:01] {{done}} [07:05:02] [07:25:20] <.labster, replying to rhinosf1> Thanks [17:09:29] Is it possible to request the 'copying' of a wiki? I don't want to have to suffer through templatemaking, extension enabling, CSS fixing again (I made one, I want to make another, but this one will have a different theme however i don't want to set it up all over again) [17:11:23] you can import/copy things by yourself? [17:11:48] also it's possible to export/import ManageWiki settings [17:12:06] but you still will have to change individual things like logo image or WikiSEO key [23:38:26] anyone tech-side know if we need a local WM group? [23:38:36] we seem to have local and global versions of each role, except WM [23:39:11] I don't know if it would do anything but it would be complete if we did [23:39:21] and there's still GS in the list [23:42:18] yeah, noticed that too [23:42:27] we should try and delete that, and add WM/GR as local roles [23:48:17] @raidarr you should be able to create/delete whatever actually as a steward [23:48:40] I try not to press those buttons much out of an abundance of avoiding deleting something important with my fat fingers [23:48:59] though barring anyone else getting to it, I'd probably meander to it eventually [23:49:13] [1/2] looking....GS needs deletion, proxy bot too, global renamer, CNM, and what does consul even do [23:49:14] [2/2] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1006789349498699827/1260019897308549262/Screenshot_2024-07-08_at_4.48.35_PM.png?ex=668dcc79&is=668c7af9&hm=3fd125db5e7f161f8c054389d0ac03871335ac55596294b427978309e182e068& [23:49:33] they exist for reaons I think [23:49:58] consul I think exists if a steward needs to add the local role on another wiki on second thought [23:49:59] so keep that [23:50:20] CNM (I guess?) could be kept, though it'll never be applied since its rights are already on S/Tech [23:50:34] GS/GR do nothing iirc, proxy bot who knows [23:50:41] lol [23:51:43] there are other groups I would actually want to add for the purpose of ensuring groups can be centrally managed [23:51:57] moderator is one of them, there are other extension specific defaults too [23:52:11] got it [23:52:21] yeah, eventually it'd be nice to clean it up