[10:44:03] For those interested, wikibackups are being ran right now and will soon be followed by permanent deletion of eligible wikis [10:44:29] (the wikis concerned are mostly ones that have been marked as deleted for over a year I believe) [12:06:34] i wonder how feasible it is to image backup the to-be-deleted public wikis [12:07:36] it's just a swift download command on mwtask [12:07:54] i'm guessing size would be the limiting factor [12:08:11] yep, mwtask doesn't have unlimited space [12:08:45] how cursed would it be if you could basically generate a tar archive while sending it to the internet archive [12:09:14] not cursed [12:09:44] actually that's true [12:12:14] Backed up to where? [12:12:21] IA? [12:12:57] i guessed that would be the case since the dumps are uploaded by reception123 onto the IA [13:24:50] Has my bot xyzzy been blocked for overusing the API? [13:25:35] @rhinosf1 [13:25:37] [1/3] I'm getting [13:25:37] [2/3] Checking API... https://scruff.miraheze.org [13:25:38] [3/3] MediaWiki API URL not found or giving error: HTTP 404 [13:28:14] Hm [13:28:23] Rate limiting would be a 429 I think [13:29:00] there's no 404 for xyzzy in the web browser [13:30:10] i was testing my script okay for a while already but now there's the 404 [13:36:25] cancel that, i broke the script, fixed now [13:45:25] Only thing cloudflare blocks return is 403 [16:23:51] Yes indeed to IA [16:25:24] Oooh, interested to see how far down the number goes. [16:25:36] Last full-delete was... March?