[05:32:18] should i file a security task if i'm unsure if something is considered a sec vuln or not? [06:04:30] Yes [06:04:36] Or pm me [06:09:57] hey [06:10:20] gengbaikewiki`s SSL was failed [06:13:17] cc @MediaWiki Support Volunteers [06:14:43] eh? [06:22:02] You want @MediaWiki Specialists [06:22:44] this would probably go on phorge tbh [17:45:35] I would generally advise not sharing security issues over discord [17:47:12] It was over IRC and we're perfectly capable of determining where we accept the risk of communicating on. [17:47:23] You're also about 11 hours too late [17:49:55] relatively speaking, sharing via pm over discord for something that will be resolved soon is not bad [17:49:59] fair, although from my end that showed up as a message from discord, not IRC, which is why I mentioned [17:50:01] not much worse than doing it over email [17:50:14] and yes, just, I have no idea what the issue is and want to kinda just point it out [17:50:32] and irc you place trust in libera instead of discord staff even [17:52:12] Exactly, you have no idea what the issue is. [17:52:29] It wasn't an issue [18:23:32] is it just me or does the delete menu not appear in managewiki/permissions anymore? [18:25:20] I'm seeing it, personally [18:27:23] Heh, I did have to disable adblocker. 😄 [18:49:00] my trick for circumventing strange behavior is to disable scripts altogether which just drops the whole interface in without tabs, and even then I'm not getting it [18:50:29] Some adblockers have a good list [18:59:49] Can you work out which list we're on and exactly what is triggering it [18:59:56] And we can try and play nice with them [19:00:34] Currently wrapping up a board meeting, may give it a go this afternoon. Using uBlock Origin locally [19:00:58] Can you see if you work out which of its lists