[01:02:47] ugh i fucking hate managewiki [01:02:51] biggest pile of shit ever [01:37:15] erm why does [[Tech:Home]] say "0 backend technical infrastructure volunteers" [01:40:49] i think i fixed it [01:42:35] it used `{{NUMBERINGROUP:sre}}` and I think it should be `{{NUMBERINGROUP:techteam}}` [01:45:02] oooooooooh [01:45:05] make sense [01:45:11] muchas gracias [01:47:07] LMAO congrats on your first edit on Miraheze after 7 months [01:47:17] 3* [01:47:50] what can I say, I lurk hard [01:48:28] :salute: [04:50:42] https://blog.privacyguides.org/2024/07/14/mozilla-disappoints-us-yet-again-2/ [04:55:42] i think ever since mozilla did that deplatforming blog post, things have been crappy for mozilla [04:57:20] https://blog.mozilla.org/en/mozilla/we-need-more-than-deplatforming/ [04:58:17] the company hasnt had the same set morals as previously, if they're willing to dump their stances on a free and open internet, it was really a matter of time before they dumped their stances on advertisements [04:58:36] congratulations, you've frozen my browser! [05:05:04] tl;dr: you send data to mozilla therefore not private cuz mozilla can be evil!1 [05:07:07] i think that they had a stance against advertisers and then they changed it, so of course people are going to call it out [05:07:45] i mean i don't understand all that fervor about "telemetry bad!" [05:10:36] frankly i dont either, i believe that there should be some good amount of privacy, but at the point that some people get its just plain paranoia of "big tech" [05:24:41] People like to keep control over their data. But that is a utopia. Nothing is 100% private anymore. Especially in the developed world everyone is registered online. [09:13:34] undelete is a pita [09:14:27] mozilla has actively gone contrary to its mission of privacy in its disregard of the browser's development in favor of ai and related garbage, supporting ancillary services with clear complications to their privacy mission, and indeed expansion of telemetry [09:15:06] > in favor of ai and related garbage [09:15:06] privacy realistically is a small part of how they've come to fuck up but there is really no reason for them to do the stupid things they're doing until you look at their grossly overpaid CEO [09:15:10] precisely [09:15:14] gg you've described basically every company out there [09:15:30] it's still the only real direction but if you want unmolested firefox you use librewolf, that's my answer on the matter [09:15:48] or you do what I do with windows, gut & plug in your own stuff to achieve a similar effect [09:16:18] at least you can still do that with firefox without a big company actively working to strip you of even that capability (o hi chromium) [09:17:59] are you suggesting me to use palemoon again [09:32:07] I mean if you'd like [09:32:22] seems to be a reasonable option though I have a bit less confidence in that project [09:39:52] Not even just that, like why is there just absolutely no feedback when you enable an extension and it fails for some reason grrrr [09:40:06] Don't tell me its enabled when it isn't [09:40:23] Rant over 🤣 [09:43:53] these days it's the fact I need to do an undeletion in the evening and then come back in the morning to make sure it was actually done that bugs me [09:47:46] just fyi: https://transfem.social/notes/9ulf72zwbg5j0qoz [09:57:38] yeah, it's an opinionated one man show [09:58:07] it's usable but not something I'd go and recommend [09:58:50] if you're looking for old extension compatibility, pretty sure waterfox has your back [09:59:24] might still be a one person wonder but less partisan [10:00:18] I knew the guy was a bit of a dick but the accessibility thing, whew [10:14:13] oof [10:15:29] I started using palemoon in 2015? because firefox changed extensions format or whatever and a lot of stuff broke apart, but then stopped using in probably in 2016, cus they did same shit so yeah, what's the point I thought lol [10:36:18] Enough useful extensions are updated at this point that I don't see much point in that legacy support now [10:36:32] Though with manifest 3 who knows [11:31:51] [1/2] Does anyone had a domain registered with Google domains? [11:31:51] [2/2] https://krebsonsecurity.com/2024/07/researchers-weak-security-defaults-enabled-squarespace-domains-hijacks/ [17:45:21] bwap [17:48:39] @pixldev: ye? [17:48:52] idk im just bored [17:49:14] Cool [17:49:19] Carry on [17:50:07] https://tenor.com/view/seal-white-seal-cute-adorable-seal-adorable-gif-17879744 [17:51:14] Aww [17:51:55] i love seal gifs [17:52:01] https://tenor.com/view/seal-dance-seal-dance-animal-animal-dance-gif-27375218 [18:14:00] did we just upgraded Citizen skin recently? it seems to broke my existing styles [18:18:01] that feel like fever dream to me rn, let me look at it tomorrow... [18:18:52] sidenote, would any tech team member happen to have any idea of the status on forwarding cvt@miraheze.org to me and brandon? [18:47:42] I already did Brandon. Do send me your preferred email via DM (or here if it's not private) and I'll add you [18:48:23] sure [20:00:16] how much traffic does the list even get? [20:04:20] I added you but very little tb [20:04:42] a lot of people mistakenly contact "sre@" (yes we need to change that back to tech and leave an alias) [20:04:56] is tech currently an alais [20:05:34] is it forwarded back to us or handled there since some cvt are in tech [20:13:27] maybe making a support alias may be more clear? or vandalism/abuse [20:13:43] support may fall into VRT [20:15:32] ill mark this off on CVT wiki [20:16:40] but yea may be better for users [20:17:04] abuse could also be tech so maybe add both [21:18:02] technologeeeee [21:19:50] sir please forward your inquiry to technologeeeee@mirabeta.org [21:20:08] do you accept fax? [21:20:24] ive never used fax in my LIFE [21:20:35] me either [21:20:39] I used a type writer tho [23:14:29] how do we set main pages to refer to the domain root again (ie example.com instead of example.com/Main_Page), it occurs to me I haven't tried that [23:15:58] is it in managewiki core? [23:19:18] It is, yes. You can do this through Meta as steward. [23:19:47] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1006789349498699827/1262911591507300453/image.png?ex=66985193&is=66970013&hm=b1466bf860b3066af3349cb785978054e91b56a36db96f824ae9cdd5e80e23bd& [23:20:30] From the sr that is not what they wanted [23:20:50] Fun. Well, you can check the box, or uncheck the box. Those are the choices. [23:21:22] it has now been both [23:21:37] If you're referring to junxions wiki, they're asking for both [23:22:08] i might need to leave it be, dunno [23:22:56] domain root is a bit borked for the time being pending a revert nby tech i think [23:23:22] So, if you're wanting to remove the /wiki/ from articles, that's the drop-down, if you want the main page to go to the top root URL, then that's the checkbox. [23:24:07] The user asked for the drop-down initially, then requested the checkbox in their second reply, but per pix and other users' anecdotal reports, the homepage as root URL is a bit wonky atm.