[02:15:12] My request for a custom domain was approved but it just redirects to the miraheze url. I donโ€™t believe this is expected behavior [02:15:24] URL is https://islegoblin.wiki [02:15:57] it isnt [02:26:47] Might just be a cache issue, it's loading properly for me [02:27:48] sends me to https://islegoblin.miraheze.org/wiki/Main_Page [02:33:24] works for me when i do https://islegoblin.wiki/?lodsfl [02:33:37] yeah works for me [02:41:04] Try now? [02:41:31] works [02:42:37] I purged all varnish entries matching islegoblin.wiki, so I'm hoping that resolved it [02:51:46] Works for me now, thank you! [03:46:45] @orduin are you able to try varnish nuking smt for me [03:58:15] ye! linky? [03:58:31] lemme ask for on [03:58:37] its weird [03:58:50] it was on the custom domain but not may be on cf instead> [03:58:52] iwehpisf [03:58:57] i hate mediaiwki [03:59:44] Well what ever it is, I can poke it with a stick :) [04:01:34] https://phighting.miraheze.org/Sword, tabbers work on custom domain and logged in mh but not mh logged out [04:01:38] wanna see if this fixes [04:05:15] Purged in cloudflare, seems to work [04:06:02] thanks, ill ask them to try [04:09:00] seemed to work! [04:09:23] is there a way to mass purge the entire subdomain by change? :ThinkerMH: [04:14:03] Yeah, can do! [04:24:32] [1/2] btw @orduin [04:24:33] [2/2] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1006789349498699827/1263350673093693440/z1M4OgR.png?ex=6699ea80&is=66989900&hm=830f84ed037f21f91a687aea444f4419ca2dbd6fabd265b8bd20f16ebc4c9c97& [04:25:29] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1006789349498699827/1263350911036690532/ozyUtY3.png?ex=6699eab9&is=66989939&hm=a419fe3768cc8aff327903508bfebcd3f0a5338d0600e9c51bd92ae83a9fa7e9& [04:25:30] lmao [04:42:35] ๐Ÿ‘‹ [17:44:01] question [17:44:42] if a wrote a comedic extension for a wiki(idea is that it sends a funny message and gif to a discord channel on a block) would that be able to be added in assuming security review passes/ [18:09:53] ... I would prefer that not go to this server, I guess? Based on the app shenanigans in offtopic I could see this quickly turning into an arms race of memes/sh*tposting bot nonsense. [18:35:28] oh not this one of course [18:36:09] the server for the wiki its installed on, assuming it fits with the community and the crates wish for it to be enabled [18:36:22] I agree something like that wouldn't be appropriate here [18:36:27] sorry for the confusdion [18:41:38] This is not really a question for a tech member, rather the board I guess [18:41:44] It's also got to pass the not wrote by an idiot test [18:42:01] My extensions will never pass that test [18:42:13] I'd really like to see us move to a more risk based extension review system though [18:42:18] And a bit more continuous [18:42:39] (Not continuous code review obviously, but continuous review of whether we want them based on a criteria) [18:42:56] I think there's already an element of that to some degree. No two people will give the same security review. Ie you may deem something higher of a security risk than me or vice versa [18:42:58] Security really shouldn't be once and done [18:43:16] No there's not [18:43:17] So the concerns would be with the extension security [18:43:24] not with it being silly/comedic [18:43:29] Our reviews are someone looks at the code once and goes good on you [18:43:35] Well exactly [18:43:44] But you may view something "good" differently than i would [18:43:44] That's nothing near a continuous risk based assurance system [18:44:01] That's called subjective [18:44:04] Not risk based [18:44:15] It's not based on an analysis of the risks [18:44:21] Well yes it is [18:44:30] No it's based on analysis of code [18:44:38] It's more of a no security issues exist here [18:44:49] Unrelated but: For future reference for me which part of tech manages custom domains [18:45:10] You arrive at conclusion A and believe an extension has some risks and shouldnt be allowed, i mighr arrivr at conclusion B with the fact that yes there are some security issues but they are marginal [18:45:36] SSL-Admins [18:45:43] Or whatever that has been renamed to nowadays [18:45:53] The list is on puppet right? [18:46:09] Yes but its me and Macfan [18:46:16] Or actually [[Tech:Volunteers]] [18:46:17] [18:46:20] Got it [18:46:42] Risk based assurance is a bit more complex than just looking at code and going yippee or nah I don't like that though [18:46:44] Iโ€™m assuming reception also has access and CA but heโ€™s busy [18:47:01] I really want to design something that cares a lot more on the why [18:47:08] and assuring the why stays the same [18:47:35] Anyway irrelevant of that, both your concerns about it being silly and being security tight are relevant, but id argue than tech only cares about the security side [18:47:46] The "is this too silly to be allowed" should be decided by someone else imo [18:48:06] ye tech only cares about the security bit [18:48:26] I don't think it would be too much of an issue since by its nature would only be enabled by crats who want it [18:49:15] Dont forget your tests! [18:49:24] Please add tests [18:49:35] Don't make me cry [19:35:49] @rhinosf1 A: no i am certifed test hater B: do you want to shoot down a stupid idea i have [19:36:23] Stupid ideas rule [19:36:36] Okay [19:37:00] how feasible would it be to set up https://github.com/cluebotng/core to supplement #cvt-feed [19:37:53] I think I've told you of my efforts with fandom's cynthia [19:37:59] so my plan is back to grandpa [19:38:26] Depends how insane you are [19:38:39] You've met me. [19:39:02] You remember what I said about how I saw your profile picture. [19:39:47] you've seen the insanity that rules my life [19:40:03] Should be fine then [19:40:24] how hard can it be? [19:40:48] it takes in edit data as XML and gives a result [19:40:57] theres even a docker??? [19:41:13] merry earlier christmas [19:41:49] since ideally wikis follow an encylopedic format we can use enwikis modles [19:42:03] fandom's may be a bit more accurate but they [19:42:20] since they use revscoring [19:42:29] this would be pretty helpful though [19:43:07] what even is the right thing from ML now [19:43:13] Cause ORES I think went [19:43:37] I've lost track of ML [19:43:51] Apart from the fact that calbon heads it up [19:44:17] LiftWing [19:44:36] Cool [19:54:29] @rhinosf1 the docker, didn't work.... [19:54:50] im about to get in the card and commit vehicular manslaughter [19:55:02] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1006789349498699827/1263584839588646973/6riB1fz.png?ex=669ac496&is=66997316&hm=e1979bfbce15c5a6194d8a377508f1582e923d0e2ac0f5eecfe6953c9874a222& [19:55:03] what [19:55:18] Oh [19:55:21] Ye that's fucked [19:55:40] It's a Jessie / strech image I think [19:55:42] how do i unfuck it [19:55:44] That needs rebuilding [19:55:45] que [19:55:56] Rebuilding it for a more recent operating system [19:56:48] Update lines 1-4 [19:57:21] of the dockerfile? [19:57:25] Ye [19:57:48] Try and get it to build on something that was made in the last 5 years [19:57:50] what to [19:57:51] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1006789349498699827/1263585542256201839/PwPIjLW.png?ex=669ac53d&is=669973bd&hm=233ff40c81183bf8a47c10696bd7be89cd1f5d70cbd911dacf9ee71a9dba0bfb& [19:58:37] That blue is fails to meet accessibility standards so bad [19:58:43] Linux what are you DOING [19:58:48] jessie is a thing of linux like bookworm i assume? [20:00:13] wow [20:00:25] jessie LTS ended 2020 [20:00:55] @rhinosf1 will bookworm suffice [20:01:10] Yes [20:01:24] will the librarys work [20:02:17] rebuilding [20:03:50] this may be diffcult [20:03:51] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1006789349498699827/1263587058178461737/ay0TRS5.png?ex=669ac6a6&is=66997526&hm=6289f6b90cb221653e77fd7558abddc4f611f973de3ae3f2cad96ada8f0ecffe& [20:04:14] maybe the `# Note: For libfann, Jessie: 2.1.0, Stretch: 2.2.0` line? [20:06:01] I think you can delete line 4 [20:06:12] Then work out a newer version of them packages that does exist [20:11:32] echo deb? [20:11:46] Ye [20:11:51] It's saying it's in there twice [20:11:57] So I think line 1 helps too [20:12:03] Line 1 is needed though [20:12:17] commented our [20:12:22] yea [20:12:40] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1006789349498699827/1263589277611331584/pKYndKo.png?ex=669ac8b8&is=66997738&hm=61a94f8d3b1c994ce7d615a3ceeead067baeab02eb8647ee17632b2d0b567c1e& [20:12:46] this is not gonna be fun is it [20:13:30] No [20:13:38] You need to find out what version of them exists now [20:13:44] It's going to be whack a mole [20:15:13] oh [20:15:19] its going [20:15:26] i updated those two [20:15:48] i think its either working or those two take a bit to install and its gonna combust anyways [20:16:04] yeah this is all libfann [20:17:14] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1006789349498699827/1263590427819507822/YtRfCVc.png?ex=669ac9ca&is=6699784a&hm=5aad8491afe66688585712fafab08a8a7fb81d385793e25bf1ef289134d74e2c& [20:17:16] done. [20:17:20] hm [20:17:24] uh [20:17:28] okay [20:17:40] gotta try and figure out how to talk to it ig [20:18:15] of course not [20:18:20] wait [20:18:23] hasnt crached [20:18:27] still going [20:18:46] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1006789349498699827/1263590811992457277/CixryIa.png?ex=669aca25&is=669978a5&hm=17c5db164d496b397585f437bcaaa4fb8c6af5e81b889a0bd2bdc597b0fb507e& [20:18:55] @rhinosf1 be right back i need the pig [20:19:54] _screams into plush_ [20:20:01] @pixldev change gcc to use an older version of the CXX standard [20:20:12] It's defaulting to the most recent [20:20:12] wheres that [20:20:23] the compiler? [20:21:00] https://github.com/cluebotng/core/blob/main/src/Makefile [20:21:11] CFLAGS [20:22:15] ive never touched c so lets try! [20:22:36] You will have to test that with older versions of the cxx standard [20:22:47] okay so this is written in latin got iy [20:22:55] Just google change c++ standard version g++ [20:23:39] [1/10] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1006789349498699827/1263592037345787944/lKQfe5f.png?ex=669acb4a&is=669979ca&hm=385f3e039f4c53f75314854be25c78c27e4abeee70386a15fe25f8a1f5a1a80d& [20:23:39] [2/10] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1006789349498699827/1263592037689589810/jHfvjR3.png?ex=669acb4a&is=669979ca&hm=e987abafc1c0b7db77ada972a29bf3011350a9113d32f5be10d541d80d18d042& [20:23:39] [3/10] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1006789349498699827/1263592037907959828/EaVqPib.png?ex=669acb4a&is=669979ca&hm=14ee90c5e6db6ad7fa3e624982ffa9e74a7886329021db280621dd75ac19f13a& [20:23:40] [4/10] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1006789349498699827/1263592038113476780/oaSPJaD.png?ex=669acb4a&is=669979ca&hm=c472d0e9e4a87fc57f0fc4cf6fbb2dfdbe6eb48f5b1543807402eb2284ee6bfb& [20:23:40] [5/10] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1006789349498699827/1263592038348095488/ptxVe1Z.png?ex=669acb4a&is=669979ca&hm=bda5649766d7e135f96ee00d6bc0f7897345bc43a99f322174505e4d8f973886& [20:23:40] [6/10] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1006789349498699827/1263592038570659941/xwcIpn7.png?ex=669acb4a&is=669979ca&hm=d841dea2e60790c27a9a766b92146d1f9a8147988521d796a6bf6452034369be& [20:23:40] [7/10] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1006789349498699827/1263592038872514632/UVyOwbe.png?ex=669acb4a&is=669979ca&hm=98f56ff9d6a8c78e85d79655c7af31f0e4949d7a50308fa1aca9e78105e839c9& [20:23:41] [8/10] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1006789349498699827/1263592039065321533/p46VI48.png?ex=669acb4a&is=669979ca&hm=ddd4d8ab5fb32d42109929e49eb2064aafacbdd5672b22768aa0830a2bb1accc& [20:23:41] [9/10] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1006789349498699827/1263592039321178213/k1Sk0EB.png?ex=669acb4a&is=669979ca&hm=39d2397acb2d771ef8b7de06da94901812e8c8969fe73335c630f2a442de159e& [20:23:41] [10/10] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1006789349498699827/1263592039518437547/SHHAx6C.png?ex=669acb4a&is=669979ca&hm=3a6492627fb52ee1041b34c66525e7f08c060bed1137b1d8529c44c4c0641703& [20:23:42] oh [20:23:43] dear [20:23:53] Ye [20:24:07] So add -std=c++11 [20:24:14] To the CFLAGS line [20:25:23] hm [20:25:31] oh [20:25:35] it chugged through [20:25:40] not happy but [20:25:53] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1006789349498699827/1263592605023997972/NQlj6dT.png?ex=669acbd1&is=66997a51&hm=f615fec10e47e8ec4b9290931aef8c09a856457a14fabc4a5d115447d92a7772& [20:26:02] @rhinosf1 we win these [20:26:22] Oooooooh [20:26:27] Exciting [20:26:50] What you mean [20:27:17] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1006789349498699827/1263592956288438323/CS3MXTi.png?ex=669acc25&is=66997aa5&hm=a952ab0dff3c4fcb53a4c4a08cdf1a2f6a992b79b771fe0319f1252b29a3217c& [20:27:35] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1006789349498699827/1263593029747347559/3ETEN1l.png?ex=669acc36&is=66997ab6&hm=79a342a026561be025bc93f33525235452b59fae9c5385aedd311d806977d93d& [20:27:44] gonna follow the CI to test [20:27:51] Warnings are fine [20:28:02] That was a lot easier than it's supposed to be [20:28:35] after trying to brawl cynthia [20:28:38] this was great [20:29:02] I normally spend about 2 days when I get an old C application at work to rebuild [20:29:37] We did that in half an hour [20:30:11] yea [20:30:16] and the other one was python so [20:30:34] okay [20:30:39] so nc isnt giving an error [20:30:43] but if its meant to respond [20:30:45] its not [20:30:52] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1006789349498699827/1263593858793472030/wLl8y4z.png?ex=669accfc&is=66997b7c&hm=d10029d3752f8a6b7882477e3bd1b486296dfb50d89376be6626c42ccee43652& [20:31:02] i dont know how nc works and this is from CI so [20:31:14] maybe it just wants to know it dont go [20:31:27] https://tenor.com/view/house-explosion-explode-boom-kaboom-gif-19506150 [20:31:59] You triggered the nuclear football @pixldev when you typed that [20:32:07] what [20:32:28] Nc not erroring is fine [20:33:19] hold up let me kill the bazillion mediawiki dev containers [20:33:31] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1006789349498699827/1263594525515841546/1avGFUc.png?ex=669acd9b&is=66997c1b&hm=46f38d4542ca9103caf09856d79b00fbd8c7abb119b122e63ad34f7a2eb78687& [20:34:35] wait [20:34:47] the core container isnt here? [20:35:10] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1006789349498699827/1263594939883978873/f6V1bwH.png?ex=669acdfe&is=66997c7e&hm=ab21e47c053e0c9a19748577540864f68cd873fa9e9a334f411150590cd91ba7& [20:35:13] crash on start maybe [20:35:16] lemme see logs [20:36:44] yup [20:36:51] @rhinosf1 celebrated too soon [20:36:55] [1/4] ```sh [20:36:56] [2/4] FANN Error 4: Error reading "cascade_min_out_epochs" from configuration file "data/main_ann.fann". [20:36:56] [3/4] terminate called after throwing an instance of 'std::runtime_error' [20:36:56] [4/4] what(): Error loading ANN``` [20:44:17] any ideas? [20:51:19] No idea [20:51:30] this is free software pxl [20:51:31] same ๐Ÿ˜” [20:51:38] read the source ๐Ÿ˜‰ [20:51:45] https://github.com/libfann/fann/blob/master/src/fann_error.c specifically [20:52:22] OS I have had single digit hours experince in my life with compiled langauges in my life let alone x [20:52:26] im stoopid [20:52:34] aight lemme see [20:53:11] also the issue the error tell me jack shit beyond failed to read this [20:58:18] think i found the issue [20:58:34] that it may be hard to read `cascade_min_out_epochs` [20:58:35] if its [20:58:36] ya know [20:58:40] not in the file [20:58:54] you know what to do then [20:59:06] most;y [20:59:13] im not sure whats a good value [20:59:14] i mean [20:59:40] how inaccurate can I make it with one variable [20:59:44] https://github.com/libfann/fann/blob/master/src/fann_io.c#L404C2-L437C100 here is what libfann expects in the config file [20:59:58] oh didnt know it looks for it [21:00:02] i thought it was core [21:00:04] nice [21:00:23] did you see a default value list anywhere? [21:01:14] https://github.com/libfann/fann/blob/master/src/fann_io.c#L428C1-L428C76 cascade_min_out_of_epochs is expected to be a unsigned integer specifically [21:01:39] hm [21:01:49] max is set to 150 [21:02:15] how bad an idea do you think `1` is [21:02:43] https://github.com/libfann/fann/blob/1783cbf6239a597c4d29f694e227e22b8d4f4bf6/src/fann.c#L1434 has a list of defaults [21:05:11] 50 [21:10:06] missing a lot of configs [21:10:17] I would've expected FANN to use those defaults [21:10:38] nah [21:10:41] gonna be a pain [21:10:53] wonder if the dumb ass ai can help with filling in the defaults [21:10:56] https://github.com/libfann/fann/blob/master/src/fann_io.c#L316C1-L323C4 but turns out fann_scanf will error out if one of https://github.com/libfann/fann/blob/master/src/fann_io.c#L404C1-L437C100 are missing [21:12:12] so i need to readd the defaults [21:13:55] who knew Special:JavaScriptTest was a thing wtf [21:14:11] wtf indeed [21:14:55] where is this wiki [21:15:03] i think it's an extension since my wiki doesn't have it [21:15:27] You have to set $wgEnableJavaScriptTest = true; or it won't be loaded [21:15:27] wa [21:16:11] https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Manual:JavaScript_unit_testing [21:16:23] so it [21:17:36] no it isn't [21:17:42] how is it? [23:53:10] there should be a delete button [23:53:54] there is not one for me [23:54:12] do you have an ad blocker [23:54:22] i think i may have heard that removes it sometimes [23:54:32] yes but I have it disabled on the domain [23:54:48] at least I think I do [23:55:19] [1/2] yeah disabled it and there is still not a button there [23:55:19] [2/2] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1006789349498699827/1263645309783769119/1721346915175.png?ex=669afce7&is=6699ab67&hm=825909c9fe9161033e726d945c99fc91148a999f4b641315cda701488b505572& [23:57:40] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1006789349498699827/1263645899913953281/wn5qSut.png?ex=669afd73&is=6699abf3&hm=e3a38d82d7967f2ff5eb323a2ca5258a33f1e2b0210534e39acf95db618bab63& [23:59:23] i think it would be cool if instead of wcs asking if they read policies it was just a checkbox on the rw form that can only be checked if the link was opened [23:59:52] like hell people would read it