[01:27:50] can someone like get to https://issue-tracker.miraheze.org/T12356? [03:08:07] I mean [03:08:14] at least it isn’t this godforsaken thing https://dev.fandom.com/wiki/MediaWiki:I18n-js/code.js [03:08:29] not JS [03:08:31] every script and extension on fandom and their dog needs it [03:08:38] lmao [03:08:44] unrelated [03:08:50] but ture [03:09:16] I know I’m just saying proprietary code/logic [03:09:21] can’t be as bad as that [03:09:45] worst case of proprietary MW stuff I’ve seen (then again I might be stupid) [03:10:27] this server needs a starboard [03:11:03] a:AU_twinklystars: starboard hype!1! [03:11:11] yes [03:11:11] nah [03:11:15] we brought this up [03:11:17] shot down [03:11:22] :( [03:11:26] i do want smt like https://bash.wmcloud.org [03:11:32] you’re just scared you’ll get on it [03:11:42] lemme see [03:12:15] https://bash.toolforge.org/top [03:12:16] this [03:12:53] is this a copy of bash.org or is it a wikimedia-oriented clone [03:13:24] [1/11] > found a bug in the english site 😐 [03:13:25] [2/11] > what's the problem? [03:13:25] [3/11] > can't tell :x [03:13:25] [4/11] > that makes it hard to fix [03:13:26] [5/11] > itai: could you explain where the bug is? [03:13:26] [6/11] > the site isn't secured [03:13:26] [7/11] > secured? [03:13:26] [8/11] > yes [03:13:27] [9/11] > un protected [03:13:27] [10/11] > anyone can edit it? [03:13:27] [11/11] > yes [03:13:40] bash.org dont load for me so [03:13:40] yes [03:14:43] it's irc quotes [03:14:54] from wikimedia [03:15:04] peeps [03:15:06] bash.org appears to be quotes in general [03:15:08] though it's down [03:15:17] i'm surprised i couldn't get more info about it from the archiveteam wiki: https://wiki.archiveteam.org/index.php/IRC_Quotes [03:15:39] > ɐᴉlɐɹʇsn∀ ɯoɹɟ ollǝɥ [03:17:51] lmao [03:18:14] i do want that for miraheze though [03:18:24] i proposed adding a quote bot here [03:18:26] shot down [03:18:30] aw :( [03:18:35] funny enough [03:18:44] i swear i did not know this before [03:18:53] waki is one of the main devs of the bot [03:18:59] huh til [03:19:10] its a kinda big one too [03:19:37] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1006789349498699827/1264059108806627401/F7mGsqu.png?ex=669c7e48&is=669b2cc8&hm=666bce5090dd037c4cd567b40ce0e5fc48caedf29425333d44171f78777c4be0& [03:21:21] > " Change version number from '1.6alpha' to '1.6devel' so know-it-alls who bitch about how we're running alpha software can shut the fuck up" [03:23:05] ooh so that's why version number's -wmf-{{{number}}} [03:41:45] Thoroughly enjoyed this quote [03:50:46] > Yes, what the world needs is another horribly confusingly named foundation. After we establish the MediaWiki Foundation, we can start work on the MikiWedia Foundation and the WediaMiki Foundation. ;-) -- MZMMcBride [03:50:52] this is an amazing site [03:52:23] might make a version for this server [03:53:39] I’d prob do it in static HTML though, anything web related involving dynamic content Fails More Than Usual™ [03:54:24] then again usual = every ten minutes so [03:54:58] though with dynamic content I’d have to do PHP probably [03:55:11] and shudder SQL [03:57:04] [1/2] though that may just be me being only versed in ancient\* technology [03:57:04] [2/2] \*before 2010, I’m using Wix developer standards [03:59:17] SQL isnt bad [03:59:57] [1/2] it’s not bad, it’s just [03:59:57] [2/2] problematic [04:00:11] eh [04:00:54] shoutout to http://www.eptoys.com/ btw [04:01:46] it’s running on a completely custom built framework that’s been in operation since 2003ish and has barely changed since [04:01:50] still on IIS 5 [04:02:02] honestly unsure how they haven’t been hacked yet [04:02:32] [1/2] this is the site in 2004 [04:02:32] [2/2] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1006789349498699827/1264069910129020928/IMG_2130.png?ex=669c8857&is=669b36d7&hm=50e24c1ab41e360b688390e6a76576e380e7e0e2ba158e7fc0d263b1b75694e8& [04:02:49] (free IRL CTF challenge) [04:02:50] [1/2] this is the site 20 years later [04:02:50] [2/2] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1006789349498699827/1264069985429491854/IMG_2131.png?ex=669c8869&is=669b36e9&hm=a69f135a510314557690b3123818be7bf9e74ffb2602d8c8557f1b998fed94c4& [04:03:12] maybe they patch stuff in the background? [04:03:38] I mean I’d imagine so, it goes down for maintenance every so often [04:03:44] still on IIS 5 though [04:04:16] wow that site is old [04:04:49] it’s something we have to use quite frequently to get photos off it for the wiki [04:05:59] a porn site i found with a copyright date of 2009 is the oldest thing (of that nature) i saw [04:06:00] [1/2] they actually rearranged some stuff a bit ago [04:06:00] [2/2] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1006789349498699827/1264070782456168468/IMG_2142.png?ex=669c8927&is=669b37a7&hm=2ca5baa5045140ec1bf745f4e525a23c2c536a9d24b3fe47faf81b96d5bcb914& [04:06:14] I’m guessing they’re going to replace the banner with a new logo thing at some point [04:06:54] also this is all maintained by one developer [04:07:49] I would give you creds to log in but both of the wiki’s accounts are deactivated rn [04:08:34] the site auto deactivates accounts if they don’t make orders within a specific period of time and since we’re not ordering anything we gotta email them every so often to get our accounts reactivated [04:09:36] the closest I can get to a product page that doesn’t need you to log in is http://www.eptoys.com/english/stock.htm [04:09:59] this is like discounted stuff [04:11:03] though I don’t think they use that page too often anymore, all the items in there are from like 2005 [04:11:49] oh [04:12:06] it even includes a background image of bubbles [04:12:13] it’s not uncommon in the chinafake world for company sites to be run on really old frameworks [04:12:26] http://www.labotoys.com/ for instance [04:13:04] first recorded capture on the wayback machine is 05 and it hasn’t changed since (aside from product selection) [04:13:50] http://www.huixingtoys.com/EN/ [04:13:55] so many sites [04:13:58] so many [04:14:10] are still running on 15+ year old software [04:14:42] they also often do maintenance while the sites are up [04:14:51] [1/2] which results in stuff like this [04:14:51] [2/2] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1006789349498699827/1264073011133288510/IMG_4334.png?ex=669c8b3b&is=669b39bb&hm=eaec9966f66fdc8266095f86256d4d192ca3eb73d408be048e9eb72555a0b98d& [04:17:17] was gonna discuss http://www.mktoys.com/ (they still have old products but they have updated the site itself) [04:17:23] [1/2] but uh [04:17:23] [2/2] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1006789349498699827/1264073648533274654/IMG_4335.png?ex=669c8bd3&is=669b3a53&hm=b85534dd0ecc5a468bdb170b4cc688a0922bcf12c6ee3dcf3ca091d18936f184& [04:17:29] everyone’s doing maintenance today [04:18:13] [1/2] tried to manually go to the home page and [04:18:13] [2/2] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1006789349498699827/1264073858525433907/IMG_4336.png?ex=669c8c05&is=669b3a85&hm=9c8f959ec434ae8ef0f5eb6703083efde5de64f477c9416dcaabc84d92410148& [04:18:59] their alternate domain that reads from the same database seems to work http://www.mktoys.cc:8088 [04:20:18] the cool(?) bit about MKToys is [04:20:23] they have an api https://chinafake.miraheze.org/wiki/MKToys_API_Documentation [04:22:29] anyways [04:22:53] i think I’ve bored everyone here to death by talking about this so I’d beat best be off [04:25:14] this is #tech man [04:25:20] did you see my yaps [04:26:17] ah true [04:26:20] WELL IN THAT CASE [04:27:01] speak my brother in ya [04:27:06] this one's another good one just because of how strange it is http://2btoy.com/en_index.asp [04:28:01] might look relatively normal at first [04:28:02] but [04:28:22] the site it was originally built off of is still hiding in the server at http://2btoy.com/inc/ecpindex.asp [04:30:13] there's also an attempted redesign of the site at http://2btoy.com/cindex.asp [04:32:17] the chinese version of the original site is at http://2btoy.com/inc/cpindex.asp [04:32:37] and going to the english site from THERE takes you to THIS http://2btoy.com/eindex.asp [04:51:47] @originalauthority https://discord.com/channels/178359708581625856/935223464229470259/1264080449706262531 [12:09:56] [1/2] Strange things are happening. I just got GIPBE and it doesn't seem to be able to automatically create a local account. [12:09:57] [2/2] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1006789349498699827/1264192571375095890/image.png?ex=669cfa94&is=669ba914&hm=7078f8cfe29ac3082fb1146560e26369fdae9c4bf25277859fca0b4f6dc67f90& [12:15:16] https://phabricator.wikimedia.org/T316303 ? [12:17:36] sounds plausible [12:17:45] Hm [12:17:52] Want me to make a local account for you [12:19:29] wait you can do that? [12:19:44] Global admins now have the permission yeah [12:20:15] @suzuneu what’s the account and wiki [12:20:43] [[mh:backroom]] [12:20:44] [12:21:02] Your main? [12:21:38] yes [12:23:28] Already a local account [12:27:14] wait what [12:27:56] ty [12:34:32] is certificate auto renew failing across the board? [12:37:07] https://issue-tracker.miraheze.org/T12227, hmm [19:17:07] https://github.com/redbluegreenhat/HitCounters2 is finally working [19:17:58] it has a special page for resetting the counter (if you have the required user right), usage of which is logged on-wiki, and a magic word for displaying the hit counter of the current page [19:18:28] I still want to do some more stuff to it, but it's good enoughTM to have a mediawiki.org page for docs [19:20:47] nice? [19:20:54] I guess [19:21:17] maybe someone has a use for that, that's something the original doesn't have