[00:47:54] https://meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/Special:MyLanguage/Tech/News [00:49:40] [1/2] ```"Have you ever wondered how Wikimedia software works across over 300 languages? This is 253 languages more than the Google Chrome interface, and it's no accident. The Language and Product Localization Team at the Wikimedia Foundation supports your work by adapting all the tools and interfaces in the MediaWiki software so that contributors in our movement who translate pages and s [00:49:40] [2/2] trings can translate them and have the sites in all languages. Read more about the team and their upcoming work on Diff."``` [00:50:02] They do like to boast, don't they? 😄 [00:50:16] it is pretty good work by sheer will of the community [00:50:52] I know publications and websites translated in to many more than Wikimedia 😄 [00:51:06] Also unpayed people [01:43:20] cooking up https://github.com/StarCitizenTools/mediawiki-skins-Citizen/pull/914 [04:13:09] favorite skin has support for user profile?? 🔥 [04:24:18] I hate socialprofile, besides that it just a minor adjustment, and the extension hasn't been installed yet [11:34:01] [1/3] any idea what to do w/ [[mw:Extension:Header Tabs]]? [11:34:01] [2/3] there's only 2 tasks on its phab, should the bug be reported right there? [11:34:01] [3/3] https://discord.com/channels/407504499280707585/1265428385685966848 [11:34:02] [11:36:54] upstream extension bugs should be reported there yeah [11:37:27] if it only affects miraheze due to a mh-specific quirk, then it should go on miraheze phorge [11:38:23] and, well, how do we check that [11:38:38] determine steps to reproduce and/or root cause [11:38:53] if you can repro on a local instance, then upstream [11:38:54] anyone bothered to test on their self-host? [11:38:59] what's the bug? [11:39:10] [1/2] ah, right [11:39:11] [2/2] you can't see threads [11:39:40] you can also report on mh phorge and a sufficently bored person (read: me) might try to debug it [11:42:24] user says it simply doesn't work on their and someone's else wikis, asked for url [11:42:39] *I asked [14:28:51] I just checked and its up to date so idk [14:29:11] uh, what's the bug again ^^; [18:53:50] [1/19] https://lists.wikimedia.org/hyperkitty/list/wikitech-l@lists.wikimedia.org/thread/YECFEUXZ7H4FBCTVDAZNGULWHSHEAYNA/ [18:53:50] [2/19] MediaWiki Language Extension Bundle 2024.07 [18:53:50] [3/19] Kartik Mistry @ 25 Jul 2024 8:05 a.m. [18:53:51] [4/19] We would like to announce the release of MediaWiki Language Extension Bundle 2024.07. This bundle drops support for '''MediaWiki 1.40''', and is compatible with '''MediaWiki >= 1.41.0'''. It requires '''PHP >= 7.4.0'''. [18:53:51] [5/19] The next MLEB is expected to be released in 6 months after '''MediaWiki 1.43 release'''. If there are important bug fixes, we will do an intermediate release. Please give us your feedback at [[Talk:MLEB|https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Talk:MLEB]]. [18:53:51] [6/19] Download: https://translatewiki.net/mleb/MediaWikiLanguageExtensionBundle-2024.07.tar.bz2 [18:53:52] [7/19] sha256sum: 81d2232577f8309cf3335073464f7c5be3c38b3703a858eac17061cca20daf2e [18:53:52] [8/19] Signature: https://translatewiki.net/mleb/MediaWikiLanguageExtensionBundle-2024.07.tar.bz2.asc [18:53:52] [9/19] Quick links: [18:53:53] [10/19] Installation instructions are at: https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/MLEB [18:53:53] [11/19] Announcements of new releases will be posted to a mailing list: https://lists.wikimedia.org/postorius/lists/mediawiki-i18n.lists.wikimedia.org/ [18:53:54] [12/19] Report bugs to: https://phabricator.wikimedia.org/project/view/1464 [18:53:54] [13/19] Support Changes: [18:53:55] [14/19] Drops support for MediaWiki 1.40, now compatible with MediaWiki >= 1.41. Future releases will only support the latest MediaWiki version, released semi-annually. [18:53:55] [15/19] Key Updates: [18:53:56] [16/19] Includes localization and maintenance updates for various extensions, deprecations, and new features such as message group subscriptions, and a new API to mark a page for translation. [18:53:56] [17/19] -- [18:53:57] [18/19] Kartik Mistry | કાર્તિક મિસ્ત્રી [18:53:57] [19/19] kartikm.wordpress.com