[13:43:59] BlankEclair: am I missing something or why are all three svgs in https://issue-tracker.miraheze.org/T12980 showing up as just blank? [13:44:19] reception123: "custom white icons" [13:44:43] on firefox, you can use devtools to select the root element () and add "background-color: black" to see it [13:44:55] there are more elegant ways to see the svg of course, but i'm lazy [13:45:02] I thought about that but then I went to the wiki and its background isn't even fully black? [13:45:31] so would they even be visible? [13:45:43] a [13:45:46] that's... a good point [13:45:54] also, i did not realize that i had dark reader on for that wiki until now [13:45:59] If they're not then that won't work [13:46:04] mention that on the task i suppose? [13:46:36] will do, just wanted to see if I was perhaps missing something [20:04:12] looks like db181 isn't accessible [20:04:19] https://meta.miraheze.org/wiki/Special:UserLogin?returnto=Special:RequestWiki [20:16:27] We're aware and working on it. Looks like a power supply issue. [20:16:50] 🎉 not our fault? [20:17:04] Nope [20:24:00] Lmao fandom is having an issue at the same time we are [20:26:20] huh [22:52:24] Just gonna post a reminder about the permission error on special:analytics