[08:56:45] hi cp37 backend fetch failed [08:57:31] Cannot access the database: Cannot access the database: Too many connections (db171) [08:59:10] We're aware [09:00:02] alright [09:24:03] [1/4] MediaWiki internal error. [09:24:03] [2/4] Original exception: [061657a0459f76dc1ea394c0] 2024-12-22 09:22:47: Fatal exception of type "Wikimedia\Rdbms\DBConnectionError" [09:24:03] [3/4] Exception caught inside exception handler. [09:24:04] [4/4] Set $wgShowExceptionDetails = true; at the bottom of LocalSettings.php to show detailed debugging information. [09:24:24] * Is this the same error as `(Cannot access the database: Cannot access the database: Too many connections (db171))` [09:36:35] @raidarr ⬆️ [09:39:41] nothing I can do alas, just left a few prods in the right places [09:40:52] It's just strange as My wiki gives a different error than all the other wiki's [09:41:36] 'too many connections' is known to have come up and db171 is definitely the trouble as far as I've gathered [09:41:44] but there's a handful of symptoms that have happened [09:41:58] if there's a phorge task and that's accessible it may be worth noting if not already there [09:42:24] Not yet, that's why I am asking 😉 [09:46:32] My wiki is back up. Have no idea if jwmeeting is on the same db?