[03:00:48] @agentisai think this can work? [04:20:22] that could work, yes [04:20:34] I thought we collected that stat but we collect nb_visits, not nb_unique [04:22:52] simple enough pr [04:23:09] may do tmr or be too busy planning minecraft with an irl friend [22:00:42] @agentisai do we have a way to query how much each extension is used [22:27:35] `{{NUMBEROFWIKISBYSETTING:}}` returns such info iirc [22:33:34] Sorry I phrased that poorly, I mean do we have a way to make a ranked list [22:35:20] there is no such way, no [22:35:39] Not even via SQL? [22:38:16] oh with SQL probably but I wouldn’t know the command off the top of my head because I think it’s stored in JSON [22:38:30] so it wouldn’t be an easy sort [22:40:09] Would need to be a script [23:43:36] _and this is why we don't shoehorn JSON into a relational database_