[00:07:11] https://login.miraheze.org/wiki/User:Evalprime He's no longer a member of Tech 🤷🏻‍♂️ Should the User template be removed? [00:27:09] [1/4] `Fatal exception of type "DomainException" on Beta Features setting page` [00:27:09] [2/4] https://discord.com/channels/407504499280707585/1329726561447972938 [00:27:09] [3/4] I can reproduce the error, and the person has been waiting for quite a few days. [00:27:09] [4/4] Have asked for patience though. But I hope someone can have a look. [02:57:02] Never mind. It's blanked already. [12:17:03] @Infrastructure Specialists Ray ID: 904efab18fbaeb46 Error 502 [12:25:02] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1006789349498699827/1330875738257231913/image.png?ex=678f921e&is=678e409e&hm=e3999ae50ff63331658b2a865399453ae5823f8e759f518444b31ecfc5f38d07& [12:26:18] Somehow it's not so shocking to get this page. I've seen worse 502 pages on the internet 😄 [12:43:29] [1/2] We're back up to speed. [12:43:29] [2/2] Was that a DDos attack? Slow loading and 502 errors [15:19:51] https://github.com/Roblox-Indie-Wikis/mediawiki-extensions-RobloxAPI/releases/tag/v1.2.0 [15:20:00] Is this a big enough change to need a rerecire [15:39:25] Yes [15:40:57] K, I’ll make a task [15:41:15] Should I make it a parent of the first task [16:04:29] Whats the first task [16:04:51] https://issue-tracker.miraheze.org/T12951 [16:05:47] Yip seems sensible [16:12:10] I don't see a ddos alert [16:12:40] there was a hiccup but we still don't know why [16:13:17] [1/2] We saw the wiki's slow down, and could hardly load. Sometimes even without css [16:13:18] [2/2] And if not possible a 502 appeared [16:13:23] Felt like DDos [16:13:46] Otherwise I am not technical enough to know what it otherwise could be [16:14:35] oh god [16:14:49] its starting [16:15:02] It could be backups [16:15:23] Most of the recent slowness has been caused by backups [16:15:31] You can't feel a DDoS [16:16:01] There are many things that can affect performance [16:16:24] You could probably work out if it's a DoS attack from grafana data [16:16:37] But you can't even work out a DDOS from public data [16:30:01] Oh okay. Well ... There goes the little knowledge I thought I had 😂 [16:30:15] Bummer 😄 [20:59:23] Hey! I have a weird one honestly, user is complaining that images aren't loading, quick troubleshooting later we learn that it's because of Cross-Origin-Resource-Policy header. I cannot recreate the issue myself so I asked the user for .har file. I've went through that and indeed, the cross-origin-resource-policy is set to same-origin for multiple requests that contain images, which obviously won't work with images being served from static.wikitide.net, [20:59:23] I'm floored, this seemingly started happening only today. [20:59:56] which wiki? [21:00:06] https://animalroyale.miraheze.org/wiki/Super_Animal_Royale_Wiki [21:00:59] Frisk: can you email the har file to rhinosf1@wikitide.org [21:02:09] I'll ask the person who provided me the file [21:13:02] Permission obtained, e-mail sent :) [21:41:03] Received [21:41:10] I'll take a look tomorrow [21:41:14] Thanks!